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Vandal : singular of Vandalii, the Germanic race from South Baltic between the rivers Vistula & Oder that, in 4th-5th centuries, ravaged Gaul, Spain, North Africa, & destroyed Rome. The term is used for one who damages, destroys, or defaces.
... although still all too scanty. The book before us, Mr. O. C. Gangoly's South Indian Bronzes , must rank as one of the best of them all. Southern India, less ravaged than the North by the invader and the vandal and profiting by the historic displacement of the centre of Indian culture southward, teems with artistic treasures. Mr. Gangoly's book gives us, in an opulent collection of nearly a hundred fine plates ...
... cultures where now the savage or the semi-savage swarm uncreative and unreflecting,—such as may be argued from the ruins of Mashonaland or the state of mediaeval Barbary after the ravages of Moor and Vandal or even the fate which overtook for almost a millennium the magnificent structure of Graeco-Roman culture and threatened even to blot out its remnants and ruins,—the question then arises, what was ...
... shop." (ii)"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers." (iii)In French: "A qui sont ces saucis-sons-ci et a qui sont ces saucissons-ld?" 24 American newspaper headings: (i) "Vandal Vamps" (instead of "Criminal escapes") (ii) "Dangerous Desperado Disappears" Here, in such alliterative combinations, there is evidently some incongruity of language, a piece of 'fun with ...
... something like the memory of a fabulous transmutation in us; our fairy tales remember better than we do! And I have sought. I have sought through emptiness, negation, destruction; I have demolished like a vandal, hammered the idols like the invaders of Thebes, and now I was caught into this crowd of sculptured gods in a sort of devastation by fullness and flood—a breaking out into the great cosmic revelry ...
... review in the Arya.) The book before us, Mr. O. C. Gangoly's South Indian Bronzes, must rank as one of the best of them all. Southern India, less ravaged than the North by the invader and the Vandal and profiting by the historic displacement of the centre of Indian culture southward, teems with artistic treasures____ But there are [in this book] some startlingly confident statements against ...
... civilised and even highly civilised. This conception will bring in all the civilisations historic and prehistoric and put aside all the barbarism, whether of Africa or Europe or Asia, Hun or Goth or Vandal or Turcoman. It is obvious that in a state of barbarism the rude beginnings of civilisation may exist; it is obvious too that in a civilised society a great mass of barbarism or numerous relics of ...
... way familiar with modern cosmology. × Pronounced as: ohm naMOH bhagaVAtay (all a’s short like in ‘vandal’). ...
... civilised and even highly civilised. This conception will bring in all the civilisations historic and prehistoric and put aside all the barbarism, whether of Africa or Europe or Asia, Hun or Goth or Vandal or Turcoman. It is obvious that in a state of barbarism the rude beginnings of civilisation may exist; it is obvious too that in a civilised society a great mass of barbarism or numerous relics ...
... their contorted features—they were self-exposed in all their unrelieved hideousness but today human intellect and ingenuity have woven such deceptive masks over them that they play the butcher and the vandal in the name of civilisation and culture, in the best interests of world peace and security. They maul and mutilate, ravage ¹ Man the Unknown by Alexis Carrel, Page 217 and destroy ...
... the Lord to pardon all those who did not know what they were doing. In the early centuries of the Christian era when Rome sought to spread her gospel of Christendom and extend its frontiers, the vandals rose up against it and from their barbarian soil of Germania swept through the countries like a hurricane, laying waste everything before them till they reached the Holy City itself, pillaging and ...
... outset there was the original classical Greece, then the first and milder although sufficiently serious break came with the Roman conquest; the second catastrophic change was wrought by the Goths and Vandals which was stabilised in the Byzantine Empire and the third avatar appeared with the Turkish regime. At the present time, she is acquiring another life and body. Indeed, viewed from this angle ...
... absent at school. The younger children, left to their own devices, played up and down the stairs and corridors, defacing the walls and staircases and generally creating disorder — "like ignorant little vandals." After some consideration it was decided by the authorities that it would be more economical in the long run to collect this rabble of children together in one room and pay someone to look after... regulation that all children at the age of six should attend the state schools; and it had been difficult for her to interfere in this department. Having accepted the responsibility for these "little vandals" the next thing was to fit up the room which had been set apart for them. It was not in her power to furnish it with desks like an ordinary schoolroom, because her expenses, being borne by a building ...
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