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Varaha : third of the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu. To recover the earth which had been dragged down to the bottom of the ocean by a demon named Hiranyāksha, Vishnu assumed the form of a boar &, after a contest lasting a thousand years, slew the demon & brought the earth up, lifting it on his tusks.
... unilateral progress from below. There has to be the descent of the higher force too. It is the combination of both that brings in a higher rung in evolution. All the previous Avatars, like Matsya or Varaha or Buddha or Sri Krishna came at a point of time when the evolution was ready for assimilating their Truth. So, in a way we can also say that there is an evolution of Avatar from the earth itself ...
... Pagoda bore a cross or a star on one face. Centuries before the Europeans, the Cholas and Eastern Chalukyas of South India minted gold coins mainly of two denominations: varaha or pagoda and fanam, a tenth of varaha in weight and value. The Fanon, worth half a rupee, was the most used currency. I think up until the end of French rule in 1954, it was in use. 'Pagode' too I have heard ...
... numberless Sanhitas of Veda. The whole of it we cannot reconstitute, since a great mass of Vedic material has been lost to us, possibly beyond hope of recovery until Vishnu descends once more as the Varaha into the sea of oblivion and lifts up the lost Veda on his mighty tusks into the light of our waking consciousness and on to the firm soil of our externalised knowledge. Not therefore the conception ...
... "Śaka nāma mlechchha-jātayo-rājānaste yasmin-kāle Vikramāditya-devena vyāpaditāh sa kalo loke Śaka iti prasiddhah." Page 514 The impression gains strength from our argument that Varaha-mihira's Śaka-kāla was of 551 B.C. and that his own date was in the first century B.C., contemporaneous with the legendary Vikramāditya himself: so the era of 78 A.D. would be beyond his ken. We have ...
... humanity ? Those that come to do that work practise sddhana. Disciple : It seems Krishna had done Sadhana. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, he seems to have done Sadhana with Ghora Rishi. But the Varaha incarnation does not seem to have done any Sadhana. [Laughter) Disciple : Nor the Matsya – the Fish-Avatar ! Sri Aurobindo : And what do you mean by the Purna Avatar ? Disciple ...
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