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Varuṇa Varouṇa : (1) In Vedas, he represents the Ethereal Purity & Oceanic Wideness of the Infinite Truth; later he is one of the Ᾱdityas; in Puranas he is the lord of Water, i.e., all rivers & oceans. (2) Rig-Vedic Rishi, father of Bhrigu.
... no combination corresponding to the "Mitra-Varuṇa" of the Rigveda and of the Mitanni document, nor even a god Varuṇa. So we cannot reconstruct a similar Indo-Irānian or what Thieme terms Proto-Aryan form. The Avesta has "Mithra-Ahura". As the Rigveda also has "Asura" as counterpart of the Avestan "Ahura" and uses it at times together with "Mitra" (and "Varuṇa"), the Proto-Aryan combination would logically... have in this formula the Rigvedic deities Mitra, Varuṇa, Indra and the Nāsatyas, an alternative name for the heavenly twins, the Aświnas. Particularly with the extant variant a-ru-na for u-ru-wa-na the Rigvedism hits the eye at once. We may also note that the determinative "god" in the plural (ilani) precedes each of the two names Mitra and Varuṇa. The purpose of this plural determinative could... only occasionally. Their connection with speech or verbal expression can be shown once as occurring even in the same order: Mitrā-Varuṇa, Indra-Agni, Aśvinā (= Nāsatya) (X. 125, 1bc): "I (Speech) carry ('support, nourish' or 'bear [in my womb]'?) both Mitra and Varuṇa, I [carry] Indra-Agni, I [carry] both the two Aśvinas." The combination of Agni with Indra is, of course, due to the wish to create ...
... the Rigveda. Here the pertinent query is: "How much later than the Rigveda's fourfold god-group -Mitra, Varuṇa, Indra, Nāsatyā - of Mattiwaza's treaty which is more or less of the same time as Kikkuli's handbook, continue in India?" As the story of Śunaśepa testifies, the vogue of Varuṇa certainly persisted down to the Aitāreya Brāhmaṇa (VII.3). R.K. Mookerji informs us that among the deities... Indra. On the coins of the Kushāņas (early centuries A.D.) we get representations of "Mithro" (Avestan Mithra, Rigvedic Mitra) as well as of "Horon" (Sanskrit Varuṇa). 4 In Gupta times we have evidence of worship of both Indra and Varuṇa. 5 On the face of it, it is perfectly possible for the Maryanni to have derived from a stock of Rigvedic Aryanism in a very much post-Rigvedic age - especially... one supreme Creator the local deities - "dewalog" - were several, and one of them was " Varin,... the Indian deity Varuṇa, not only in name but also in the function as the guardian of truth and right, and the punisher of evil". 7 We may remind ourselves that in Mattiwaza's treaty Varuṇa and the other gods are called as witnesses just because he and they had a similar function. Perhaps the Maryanni ...
... by a strange expression in hymn 4,42 in which Parpola surmises rivalry between Varuṇa and Indra. Verse 5 begins: "I Varuṇa am Indra...." 482 Varuṇa stands with Indra in himself and at the same time Indra stands outside Varuṇa, with Varuṇa acknowledging Indra's individual role as super-warrior. Indra's identity with Varuṇa emerges even in what the poet tells Indra after the colloquy between the two:... floods that were obstructed" (7). In verse 4 Varuṇa declares: "I made to flow the moisture-shedding waters...." An insight into the Indra-within-Varuṇa as well as the Varuṇa-within-Indra can come by a look at the linguistic roots of Varuṇa and Vritra and at the way they bring the two into relation. Sri Aurobindo writes: 483 We have the word Varuṇa from a root [vr] which means to surround, cover... Indra can even think of Varuṇa loving him and being fit to take charge of his kingdom. The kingdom is next described: "Here is the light of heaven, here all is lovely; here there is radiance, here is air's wide region." 419 The description is not only to tempt Varuṇa: it is as if it reflected Varuṇa's own true being and were a domain which would be natural to it. To present Varuṇa as an Asura who is a ...
... Valakhilya, 295, 397-8 Vamadeva, 414 Vangrda, 332-3 Varcin, 207-8, 330, 332, 333, 370 Varin, 282 Varkana, 294 varna, 339-40 Varuṇa (see also Indra-Varuṇa, Mitra-Varuṇa), 282, 301, 329, 353, 356, 357-8, 387-8, 395-404, 409, 416, 417, 419 as Asura, 366-73, 381, 386, 390-91 hymns to, in the Rigveda, 398-400 Vasistha, 356, 397 Vasus, 404... 297, 301, 305, 309-10, 320, 326-40, 344-5, 350, 353-8, 359-60, 362-4, 369-73, 383-4, 393, 400-401, 404-5, 407-10, 416 and Varuṇa, 354, 356, 395-8, 409 as asura, 380-82, 391, 410 hymns to, in the Rigveda, 377-8, 379-80, 388, 399 Indra- Agni, 213 Indra-Varuṇa, 354, 356, 409 Indus Civilization/Indus Valley Civilization, 153-4, 156, 160, 162, 174, 191, 194, 197, 205-6, 216... dasyu, 207 Haumavarga, 209, 318-19 maya, 384-5, 388 pant, 207, 291-3, 346-9 Rasā/Ranhā, 284, 286 Saka, 320 Sambara, 296 Varuṇa, 395-6, 400-401 Vritra, 396 ewe (in the Rigveda), 345 Excavation at Mitathal and other explorations..., by S. Bhan, 224 Fairservis, W., 180 fn., 249 Falcon ...
... Mesopotamia, 32, 35, 54, 68, 73, 74 Mirza, Hormazdyer K., 83 Mitanni, 2, 31, 32, 84, 85, 88 Mithra, Mithro, 86 "Mithra-Ahura", 34 "Mitra-Asura", 34 "Mitra-Varuṇa", 34 Mitra, 34, 86 Moghul Ghundai, 4 Mohenjo-dāro, 6, 49, 61, 63, 70, 71, 95-7 Mongoloid races, 118 Mookerji, R.K., 14, 15, 86, 111, 127 Müller, Max, 92 ... Valahan ("Vala-slayer")* 133 Vailasthāna, Vailasthānaka. 131, 133 Vaishya, 114 Vamadeva, 42, 108 Varasikhas, 128 Varchin, 110, 125, 127 Varin, 87 Varuṇa, 31, 86, 87 Vasishtha, 127 Vats, M.S., 49fn. Vaufrey, 71 Veda, ii Vedantic philosophy, i Veddas, 21 Page 150 ...
... or action, and equivalent to the Greek agros, Lat. ager, a field. 18) Ád it pa sh chá bubudháná vyakhyann, ád id ratnam dhárayanta dyubhaktam; Vi sh ve vi sh vásu duryásu devá Mitra dhiye Varuṇa satyam astu. Then indeed they were awakened in mind to the beyond and saw perfectly, then indeed they held the bliss that is enjoyed in Heaven. May all the gods be in all the gated homes, may ...
... that is enjoyed in heaven, ratnaṁ dhārayanta dyubhaktam . Let all the gods be in all our homes, let there be the truth for our thought, O Mitra, O Varuna"; viśve viśvāsu duryāsu devā, mitra dhiye varuṇa satyam astu . This is evidently the same idea as has been expressed in different language by Parashara Shaktya, the pervasion of the whole existence by the thought and impulse of the Truth and the ...
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