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Vasavadutta : heroine of Bhāśa’s play Swapna-Vāsavadutta, in which Darśaka, son & successor of Ajātaśatru (king of Magadha) is a brother-in-law of Udayana (see Avanti). However, some claim Sri Aurobindo’s play Vāsavadutta is based on a fable from Sōmadeva’s Kathāsaritsāgara.
... VASAVADUTTA Ah, Vuthsa, no. VUTHSA Does not thy heart cry, yes? Are we not wedded? Shall we dally, love, Upon heaven's outskirts, nor all Paradise This hour compel? VASAVADUTTA ( faintly ) Munjoolica! VUTHSA Beloved, thy eyes Beseech me to overcome thee with my will. Munjoolica entering, Vuthsa releases Vasavadutta. MUNJOOLICA Princess! VASAVADUTTA ... lure my victim here. You! princess! Vasavadutta! VASAVADUTTA ( appearing at the doorway ) Didst thou call? MUNJOOLICA Yes, to come in from moonlight to the moon. Thou hast never seen him yet asleep. VASAVADUTTA He sleeps! MUNJOOLICA His curls are pillowed on one golden arm Like clouds upon the moon. Wilt thou not see? VASAVADUTTA I dare not. I will stand here and... Scene I A room in Vasavadutta's apartments. Vasavadutta, Munjoolica. VASAVADUTTA So thou hast dared to come. MUNJOOLICA I have. Thou, dare To look me in the eyes. Thou canst not. Then? VASAVADUTTA Hast thou no fear of punishment at all? MUNJOOLICA For shutting thee in with heaven? none, none at all. VASAVADUTTA How didst thou dare? MUNJOOLICA How didst ...
... kidnap Vuthsa, make him lose his heart to Princess Vasavadutta, and by this means to make him a mere vassal of Avunthie. At Cowsambie, too, there are plans. Yougundharayan suggests to Vuthsa: One day perhaps thou shall join war with wedlock And pluck out from her guarded nest by force The wonder of Avunthie, Vasavadutta. 73 In the meantime Gopalaca arrives, ingratiates... alone, tells him that she too have been seized by Gopalaca - but in battle - and brought as "a disdainful gift to Vasavadutta"; and Vuthsa sharply adds: "Since our fates are one,/Should we not be allies?" 86 Well, he will help her to regain her freedom, she must help him to gain Vasavadutta! And Munjoolica is able to assure him at once: Vuthsa, she loves thee as the half-closed bud Thrills... Thrown together again and again by ? he pretence of music lessons, Vasavadutta and Vuthsa enact the categorical imperatives of romantic love, - in this, of course, abetted by Munjoolica who as good as locks them up together one night. Having thus advanced Vuthsa's interests and achieved her own revenge, Munjoolica is ready to help Vasavadutta in her predicament. There are other helpers too - one of u Vuthsa's ...
... her dim soul awakes into the Light. 106 Less loaded with 'purpose', Vasavadutta is more disarmingly romantic, and harks back to the legend in Somadeva's Katha-sarit-sagara ("The Ocean of Story') and the famous play by Bhasa. King Udayan is held prisoner by his rival, King Mahasegn, and Princess Vasavadutta is the jailor. The inevitable happens, the jailor becomes Udayan's slave fulfilling... It is natural to pass on from The Hero and the Nymph to Sri Aurobindo's own plays. Of these latter, only one— Perseus the Deliverer —appeared in his own life-time. Four other five act plays— Vasavadutta, Rodogune, The Viziers of Bassora and Eric —and an unfinished play entitled Prince of Edur have been published posthumously. It is not surprising therefore that Perseus is the maturest, but... and body O my child, Thou wilt house fire, thou wilt see living gods; And all thou hadst thought and known will melt away Into a flame and be reborn. Like Vasavadutta, Rodogune too is good romance and go-od drama, but unlike it, a tragedy. Rodogune is the darling of romance, in whom beauty and fatality meet; she can dream of happiness, but not attain it. She ...
... of names and events from the history of Norway in the late tenth and early eleventh centuries, a period that was the subject of much mediaeval Scandinavian literature. Page 1003 Vasavadutta. This play was written in Pondicherry in 1915. The earliest extant draft is dated thus at the end: "Copied Nov. 2, 1915. Written between 18th & 30th October 1915. Completed 30th October. Pondicherry... rewrite the play, stopping at an earlier point each time. The editors have used the last version of a given passage as far as it goes and then reverted to the previous version. A typed copy of Vasavadutta was prepared for Sri Aurobindo sometime in the late 1930s or early 1940s, and he made a few scattered revisions to it. When its publication was proposed, he demurred, saying it was "too romantic"... did not appear in print until 1957, when it was published in the Sri Aurobindo Mandir Annual and as a separate book. As stated by Sri Aurobindo in his author's note, he took the plot of Vasavadutta from the Kathasaritsagara , an eleventh-century Sanskrit story-cycle written by Somadeva Bhatta. INCOMPLETE AND FRAGMENTARY PLAYS (1891 - 1915) The Witch of Ilni. Sri Aurobindo ...
... 94ff; on Vikramorvasie, 98fn; Urvasie, 99-107; Love and Death, 108; Baji Prabhou, 1148; Perseus the Deliverer, 120-9; The Viziers of Bassora, 128-34; Rodogune, 13441; Eric, 141-7; Vasavadutta, 147-52; The Witch of Ilni, 152; The Maid in the Mill, 153; The House of Brut, 153; Prince of Edur, 154-5; early philosophical poems, 157ff; A Vision of Science, 159-61; A Dream... comparison with the Chitrangada story, 106; as epyllion, 106 Uttarapara Speech, 315,317,333ff, 338,385, 572 Vaidyanathaswami, R., 736 Valmiki, 10,20, 84, 605,615 Vasavadutta, 120, 147ff; sources, 147; moves and counter-moves, 148ff; "controlled experiment", 150; psychological subtlety and dramatic intensity, 152 Venkatanatha (Vedanta Desika), 97 Vidula ...
... Speech delivered at Uttarpara on May 30, 1909. Published in the Karmayogin, June 19 and 26, 1909. Included in Speeches (See 82). SABCL: Karmayogin, Vol. 2 95 . VASAVADUTTA Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1957 A dramatic romance. Written between October 18 and 30, 1915; revised in April 1916. SABCL: Collected Plays, Vol. 6 ... On Quantitative Metre; Ilion; Poems in New Metres; Metrical Experiments Volume 6 Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part One: Perseus the Deliverer; Vasavadutta; Rodogune; Eric. Volume 7 Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part Two: The Viziers of Bassora; Prince of Edur; The Maid in the Mill; The House of Brut; The ...
... sounds that move at will When Ocean with the midnight is alone, Thou wouldst not doubt. 1 The other works, in rough chronological order, are: The Viziers of Bassora, Rodogune, Vasavadutta 3 Eric as complete works and a few in fragmentary form. Page 78 The quieter and more idea-limpid style meets us in The people's love Is a glimmer on quicksands in ...
... little humour apart from some sarcasm in the words of Phayllus, the Chancellor of Syria. Eric is very intense and compact as a play and there is almost no humour in it. In the play Vasavadutta, Vasunthah, the friend and companion of Vutsa Udayan, the King of Cowsambie, is depicted as a poet, thinker and satirist; his words often have a twist of wit and humour, but they are not solely ...
... 1903-1904 1911 Songs of Vidyapati, 1893-1905 1956 Rodogune (a tragedy in 5 acts), 1893-1905 1958 Illion: An Epic in Quantitative Hexameters, 1893- 1905 1957 Vasavadutta (a dramatic romance), 1915 1957 Urvasie, 1893 1896 Ahana and other Poems, 1893-1910 1915 Love and Death, 1900 1921 The Viziers of Bassora (a dramatic romance) ...
... 383 Page 408 – Rodogune 384 – Savitri, 238-46n., 248, 249-52n., 266, 274, 276n., 286n., 287, 300, 318n., 323, 383, 390n – The Mother, 293n –Vasavadutta, 385 –Viziers of Bassora 385 Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, 32n Srotas, 330 St. Augustine, 290, 338 Stone Age, 155 SunahsheIta, 318 Surra, 221, 327 ...
... 1957 Vikramorvasie, 1903-1904 (Baroda).- 1st ed. 1911 Songs of Vidyapati, 1893-1905 (Baroda).- 1st ed. 1956 Rodogune, 1893-1905 (Baroda).- 1st ed. 1958 Ilion .- 1st ed. 1957 Vasavadutta 1915-1916.- 1st ed. 1957 Urvasie, 1893-1896.- 1st ed. 1896 Ahana and Other Poems, 1895-1915 .- 1st ed. 1915 Love and Death, 1899.- 1st ed. 1921 The Viziers of Bassora, 1893-1905 ...
... admitted early two European ladies - Mirra Richard and Miss Dorothy Hodgson - as sadhaks, but installed the former in charge of the Ashram as the Mother and gave the latter the spiritual name of 'Vasavadutta' ('one who has given herself) or simply 'Datta'! Other ladies came presently, and sometimes the wife stayed in the Ashram while the husband followed his profession elsewhere, and sometimes the husband ...
... Poems; Sonnets; Longer Poems; On Quantitative Metre; Ilion; Poems in New Metres; Metrical Experiments. Volume 6 — Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part One; Perseus the Deliverer; Vasavadutta; Rodogune; Eric. Volume 7 — Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part Two: The Viziers of Bassora; Prince of Edur; The Maid in the Mill; The House of Brut; The Prince of Mathura; The Birth ...
... verse a splendid medium for self-expression; the vaunts and demonic imaginings of Polydaon or Humber, the rages and curses of Cassiopea or Timocles, the sweet-sad virgin ecstasies of Urvasie or Vasavadutta, the exultations and jealousies and distractions of lovers, all, all are conveyed by Sri Aurobindo through his blank verse rhythms, possessing almost always the qualities of flexibility, charm and ...
... these wide eyes Which you have stolen from the antelope To gaze men's hearts out of their bodies with, You lovely sorceress; or we'll have Udaian To ravish you into his rushing car, Edur's Vasavadutta. We'll bring crowding The heroes of romance out of the past For you to choose from, sweet, and not a Scythian In all their splendid ranks. COMOL But my poor Coomood, Your hero of romance ...
... Mandala Nine reproduced in Part Two were written in this notebook. [25] Circa 1915. Notes on RV I X.1 – 3 written on thirty-five pages of a notebook also used for a version of the play Vasavadutta . Apart from the lists of words and references under the general headings “Epithets”, “Phrases”, “Doubtful words” and “Fixed words”, most of the entries consist only of one or two lines at the top ...
... December 1, you can be sure that I shall be present in the theatre during Savitri presentation.” Now and then I do see her. What plays of Sri Aurobindo did you take part in? Well, there was Vasavadutta , Rodogune , Perseus the Deliverer , Vikramorvasie ( The Hero and The Nymph ) to name a few and of course Savitri . What other guidance did Mother give to you for your sadhana? I remember ...
... showers, The cuckoo sings. Intoxicated is the night, Drunk with moonlight. "Who are you that come to me, O compassionate one?" Asks the woman. The mendicant replies: "O Vasavadutta, the time is ripe To-night; so to you I come." Or The stars drop in the lap of the sky From the chain hanging down to your breast. The heart is overwhelmed with ecstasy In ...
... maintained its purity, its very spontaneity and simplicity has, as it were, miraculously by its very naturalness purified it of its dross and made it akin to something aerial and heavenly. In Vasavadutta, Love is depicted as something royal and noble and aristocratic, it is something refined and beautiful, an adornment of a consciousness cultured and luminous; it is a special gift bestowed by the ...
... (Ashram, 1946). Last Poems (Ashram, 1952). More Poems (Ashram, 1958). Poems from Bengali (Ashram, 1956). Songs of Vidyapati (Ashram, 1956). Vasavadutta (Ashram, 1957). Rodogune (Ashram, 1958). The Viziers of Bassora (Ashram, 1959). Eric (Ashram, 1960). Prince of Edur (Ashram, 1961). Savitri: ...
... of the Mother's birthday at Pondicherry. February 22 The Mother departs for France. September 15 First instalment of The Ideal of Human Unity in the Arya. October Vasavadutta, a dramatic romance, written. 1916 The Mother leaves France for Japan. August 15 First instalments of Essays on the Gita and The Psychology of Social Development ...
... and the results have been astonishing. He no doubt attained an early mastery of the blank verse, as may be seen in his Urvasie and Love and Death, as also his plays— Perseus the Deliverer, Vasavadutta, Rodogune and The Viziers of Bassora. Presendy he was attracted to the classical quantitative metres, notably the hexameter, and he was led in due course to develop his own theory of true quantity ...
... birthday at Pondicherry. February 22 The Mother departs for France. Page 816 September 15 First instalment of The Ideal of Human Unity in the Arya. October Vasavadutta, a dramatic romance, written. 1916 — The Mother leaves France for Japan. August 15 First instalments of Essays on the Gita and The Psychology of Social Development (later called ...
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