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Vena : in Vedas, Vena is mental delight of existence, creator of the sense-mind (s/a Sōma).
... is Soma, and Soma gets directly implied to be Vena when the Rigveda (V.58.4) speaks of three kinds of clarity (ghritam): "one Indra produced, one Sūrya, one the gods fashioned by natural development out of Vena." Sri Aurobindo, 2 after giving this translation, comments: "Indra is the Master of the thought-mind, Sūrya of the supramental light, Vena is Soma, the master of mental delight of existence... preparation of a wondrous drink from earth-products. And this drink assumes directly the aspect of Soma when we observe the circumstances under which the Vayu mentions the deposition of Prithu's father Vena. Vena was deposed because he "held ideas against the performance of sacrifices and in his reign the gods did not partake of Soma at all". 2 And Prithu is declared, on his consecration as king, to have... Dionysian characteristics - the production of wine, the drink of rapture - can be connected with Prithu. When we look at the Rigvedic Vena we see in a still more Dionysian light the pertinence of the Purānic story of his depriving the gods of Soma. Vena in the Rigveda is not only called (X.93.14) a "generous patron", the original bounty which in the Purānas is 1. Ibid. 2. Ibid ...
... goes so far as to advise that "an unjust and oppressive king should be killed by his own subjects like a mad dog." That fate overtook Manu's own descendant Vena, who turned out to be such a wicked king that a cry arose, "Kill this wicked man." Vena was killed. Sri Aurobindo deduces that "this justification by the highest authority of the right or even the duty of insurrection and regicide in extreme ...
... vision. This is clear from the second half of the verse in which it is said, "One Indra produced, one Surya, one the gods fashioned by natural development out of Vena"; for Indra is the Master of the thought-mind, Surya of the supramental light, Vena is Soma, the master of mental delight of existence, creator of the sense-mind. Page 104 We may observe also in passing that the Panis here must ...
... 114, 115, 116, 155, 212, 244 Prasna Upanishad, 544 Prasthalas, 162 Pratisthāna, 476, 479, 517, 520 Pravira, 12, 13, 189, 191 Prithu, 70, 71, 90-97 Prithu, son of Vena/Prithu Vainya, 78, 83-7, 223.230 Prithudaka (town), 85 'Prithusena', 97 Prithviśvara, 89 Prithvi-vigraha, 491-2 Przyluski, J., 460 Pseudostomos, 278 Ptolemy (The Geographer)... KāmaSūtra, 566-72 Vāyu Purāna, 7, 10, 11, 71, 86, 92, 182, 479, 530 Vayurakshita, 499 Vayulur pillar inscriptions of Rājasirhha, 274 Vedic Index, 85 VediŚri, 583, 584 Vena, 87 Vendidad (see also Videvdai) 333 Vengika-Hastivarman, 203 Venkataraman, R., 31 Venkateswaran, C. S., 128 Venya Prithi, 85 Verma, T. P., 587 Verethragna, 445 Vigakha (Skanda) ...
... the whole enjoyment of the Pani, its herds of the cows and the horses. Atharvan first formed the Path, thereafter Surya was born as the protector of the Law and the Blissful One, tataḥ sūryo vratapā vena ājani . Ushanas Kavya drove upward the Cows. With them may we win by the sacrifice the immortality that is born as a child to the Lord of the Law," yamasya jātam amṛtaṁ yajāmahe (I.83.4-5). Angira ...
... that dwells within and build up in his outer life also the kingdom of God which is first discovered within us. It will show man the way to seek for the Divine in every way of his being, sarvabh ā vena, 9 and so find it and live in it, that however — even in all kinds of ways — he lives and acts, he shall live and act in that, 10 in the Divine, in the Spirit, in the eternal Reality of his ...
... whole enjoyment of the Pani, its herds of the cows and the horses. Atharvan first formed the Path, thereafter, Surya was born as the protector of the Law and the Blissful One, tatah sūryo vratapā vena ājani. Ushanas Kavya drove upward the Cows. With them may we win by the sacrifice the immortality that is born as a child to the Lord of the Law." Attainment of Knowledge is seen in the Veda, ...
... analysis, enumeration and discriminitive setting forth of the principles of our being. Sanskara —association, impression, fixed notion, habitual reaction formed by one's past. sarvabh ā vena — in every way of his being. (Gita). Sat — Being, Existence; Pure Existence. sattva, Sattwa — the quality that illumines and clarifies; the quality of light, harmony, purity and ...
... ī tya tr ī n deh ī , one who is in the body but who transcends all the three gunas, 120 śāś vatasya dharmasya, of the imperishable immortal law,¹²¹ sarvavid bhajati m ā m sarvabh ā vena, one who has integral knowledge, and worships Me in all manner of being,¹²² svabh ā vah prabhavaih gunaih, gunas that are generated from one's own original becoming,¹²³ svakarma action proceeding ...
... Sayana gives a number of stories invented to explain this hymn: (1) That it was chanted by Indra when engaged in Tapasya and attacked by Dhuni and Chumuri; (2) that it was chanted by Gritsamada at Vena’s sacrifice, Indra having very meanly Page 406 escaped in Gritsamada’ s form & left the latter to be attacked when he came out of the grove of sacrifice; (3) that it was chanted by Gritsamada ...
... therefore transferred to the obstruction of the vijnana by insistence on the defects of the siddhi. Darshana. Self-manifestation of the Apsaras, & the Cherubim of the various spheres (Gundharvas, Venas) & the Seraphim (Angirasas & Bhrigus) Vijnana Telepathy is now becoming continually active & useful. Rupa first of fish, then of cat, crude, in the Akasha; this is the triumph of the ...
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