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Venus : Roman goddess of vegetation later identified with Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty & fertility.
... sinistre ciel ait les regards hais De Venus qui, le soir, brule dans le feuillage: J'y partirais... (...close all the shutters, the seraphic Azure is smiling through the panes profound, I hate the beautiful Azure! Lo beyond Where in its cradle of billows the sea sways, A land whose sullen skies bear the loathed gaze Of Venus who, eve-long, in the foliage burns; ... oblivion of the colourful storm that is Nature. Even though the track may seem to lie through a shadowy bleakness under "sullen skies" we must enter into their loathing of the Azure-lapped foliage-burning Venus and resolutely say: "There will I go." Occasionally, just as the white jet sighs to the blue, the blue sends forth to Mallarme a glimmer of the Nirvanic peace and then we have a line like: ...
... what showed itself to you, it was not mere curious phenomena, not even merely symbolic colour, but things that have a considerable importance. The green circular disc you saw round Venus must indeed have been the aura of Venus which is of that colour; but this was only an introduction, a first application of the suddenly developed power of vision. Afterwards, what came, the blue and the violet were another... it. But at this rate your "Appendix" will become as long as Sheshn ā ga [the king of snakes]. February 19, 1932 Last evening I just wanted to dojapa concentrating on the star Venus. I just tried trataka f= fixing the gaze on a point steadfastly) and took your name along with Mother's and Sri Krishna's. I did this just because the spirit moved me thus. I have tried this before... with no tangible result or effect, so I didn't expect any this time either. But somehow last evening there was a most curious effect—and beautiful at that! I had a sense of deep peace and round the Venus a green disc developed which gave place to blue and then to violet which deepened to a self-luminous brightness and suffused the whole western sky—almost. I wondered if it was an optical illusion ...
... the Ocean; Ucchaisravus arose, neighing & tossing his mighty mane, he who can gallop over all space in one moment while hooves make music in the empyrean; Varunie arose, Venus Anadyomene from the waters, the daughter of Varuna, Venus Ourania, standing on a lotus & bringing beauty, delight and harmony & all opulence into the universe; Dhunwuntari arose, cup in hand, the physician of the Gods, who can ...
... sphere round the central, fixed, but revolving earth. But a better term is the Indian word graha, those that have a hold on the earth. There are seven old planets, the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and two others in process of creation, Rahou & Ketou. In addition there are two dead planets corresponding to Uranus & Herschel and two others not yet discovered. These are called aprakashita... malignancy; Mercury is Budha, the clever, intellectual god, son of the Moon and Tara wife of Brihaspati; Jupiter is Brihaspati, Prime Minister of Indra, spiritual and political adviser of the Gods; Venus is Sukra, who occupies the same position to the Titans; Saturn is the malevolent Shani, child of the Sun. Rahou & Ketou are Titans of our mythology. Each of these gods has his own character. Surya ...
... Ananda. Krishna with Radha is the symbol of the Divine Love. The flute is the call of the Divine Love; the peacock is victory. The green circular disc you saw round Venus must indeed have been the aura of Venus which is of that colour; but this was only an introduction, a first application of the suddenly developed power of vision. Afterwards what came, the blue and the violet, were another ...
... Jews were allowed to settle in Aelia...." Albright adds: "On the site of the [long-destroyed Jewish] Temple was a temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, patron of the city; north-west of it was a temple of Venus, later replaced by the Basilica of the Anastasis (Holy Sepulchre). No trace of these two temples have been discovered; they must have been thoroughly destroyed by the Christians." Mention... transmitted nothing. Suddenly, when Constantine became Christian Page 215 as well as emperor, Christians came to believe that the "Holy Sepulchre" lay beneath Hadrian's temple of Venus. They razed the temple and with Constantine's patronage erected a church. Before this church was conceived nobody knew how to substantiate the burial-story in the four Gospels. No doubt, ...
... .. in two minutes. But the Russians have sent spacecraft to Venus, they took four months to reach, and in those spacecraft were radio-like communication systems that send news, and a device to collect the soil and analyze it—all of it just machines. It reached Venus, and now they give the news every day: "Here is how it is on Venus." ( Mother laughs ) They are rather amazing! The Americans were... were content with the moon—you get to the moon quite soon, in two months, I think, maybe less than that. But the Russians took four months to get to Venus and it arrived there, they got the news, it works with electrical devices. Yes, but on the earth it doesn't work! On the earth!... A humorist wrote an article in which the Americans had reached the moon, and while they were looking around, they ...
... to it intangible, A shadow far away, quite bodiless, Lost in conjecture's wide impalpable. On its unceasing errand through the void The earth rolls on, a blind and moaning sphere; It knows not Venus' sorrows, but it looks With envy crying, "These have light and beauty, I only am all dark and comfortless." The land yearning for life, endeavours seaward, The sea, weary of motion, pines to turn... as sweet to me as honey. BRIGIDA Well, Señor, your taste is as undeniable as your wit. Flour is the staff of life and oranges are good for a season. What does this paragon play? BASIL Venus; and in the after-scene, Helen. BRIGIDA So? May I know the others? You may find one of them to be a poor cousin of mine. BASIL Catriona, the bailly's daughter to Count Conrad, and Sofronia... a speaking memory hard by in a box will do much at an emergency. BRIGIDA True, for such long parts must be a heavy tax on the quickest. Page 839 BASIL There are but two such, Venus-Helen and Paris. The rest are only a Zephyr's dance in, a speech and a song to help the situation and out again with a scurry. BRIGIDA God be with you. You have a learned conversation and a sober ...
... watched an artist copy a painting of a woman in one of the halls. He imitated it amazingly well. The paintings of Velazquez—"The Toilet of Venus (Rokeby Venus)" and "The Immaculate Conception"—were charming. Then there was an attractive painting by Botticelli—"Venus and Mars". Matteo di Giovanni expressed in painting "The Assumption of the Virgin", which was ethereal. I viewed minutely the various portraits ...
... Cytherea" (land of Venus), and disembarcation in mid-sea? What a phenomenon of a fellow! July 15, 1938 [ Mother :] What about the workman who had his eye wounded? July 16, 1938 I don't understand how I compare myself to a star, and then the sun. Well, the Sun is a star, isn't it? and the stars are suns? What's the name of that place in the "land of Venus"—Lytheria? ... Cytherea, Venus is called Cytherea = the C.ytherean in Latin poetry. July 17, 1938 "... Until an omnipotence Crowned with a white Immaculate destiny." Don't white and immaculate have the same meaning? No, one can be immaculate without being white; but it reminds of Gandhi's "spotless white khaddar". Your emendation is quite the right thing. July 19, 1938 I am most ...
... effusions like Jane, Jane! tall as a crane, The light comes creating down the lane, one would get the magnificent lines: That old rag-picker blown along the street Was once great Venus. But now Age unkind Has shrunken her so feeble and so small - Weak as a babe. And she who gave the Lion's kiss Has now all Time's gap for her piteous mouth. Aeschylus might have had... could answer back, it would say: "No, I do not exaggerate one aspect of life at the expense of another. I do not shut my eyes to beauty and richness, for I actually speak of them, I refer to great Venus and the Lion's kiss. I know that beauty and richness are present in life - yet is it not true that they are being constantly assaulted and that life ends not with beauty and richness but with ugliness ...
... Magha. मघं a kind of flower; gift, present; wealth, riches (Vd.) मघवः, मघवन्, मघवत् Indra; Vyasa; liberal, munificent; an owl. मघा the tenth asterism (5). मघाभवः, -भूः Venus. मंक् to go, move; decorate, adorn. मंकिलः a forest conflagration मंकुरः a mirror. मंक्षणम् greaves. मंक्षु immediately, quickly; exceedingly, very much; truly;... spear, shaft. μελɩαδής melodious. μελίϒλωσσoς etc μελίζω sing. Page 709 μελɩxóς harmonious, sweet. μελɩxτής a singer, musician μελɩναία honied, sweet (Venus). μελίνƞ a coarse grain μέλɩνoς made of ash. μέλɩσμσ song, tune. μέλɩσσα, bee, priestess μέλɩττα μελɩσσεύς a keeper of bees. μελίσσɩoς belonging to ...
... the matter not only of the solar system but also of the others. It is all the same. And then, how is it that we are told that human beings could not live on other planets, not even on Jupiter or Venus? (Pavitra) The elements are the same, the chemical elements, for instance, are the same. But those which have been formed, at present—for example in Jupiter there would be an atmosphere of ammonia... can't say with certainty, "It is like this or like that." One can say, "I saw this," that's all. But one can't recount stories like those in the papers about what is happening on the moon or Jupiter or Venus. One can have an experience and know certain things but usually they are things of a more psychological nature. However, if it is in order to know whether there are some Page 163 beings ...
... a means. Page 254 Our object will be served better if we compare Oriental painting and sculpture with the Occidental. Let us compare the image of Venus with that of the Buddha. Wherein lies the difference? The goddess Venus is in no way superior to a human being. A finely modelled face, well-formed limbs, beautifully chiselled nose, eyes, ears, forehead – in one word, she is the paragon ...
... suffocating in there. I pulled Mohini by the arm and rushed down from the terrace towards the sea. The brambles tore our clothes; a marble Venus was undressing herself energetically under the hibiscus bushes. I felt like playing havoc with all that—kicking Venus' bottom or doing something incongruous in order to exorcise that whole island and myself with it. Mohini cried out; in three leaps I had crossed ...
... culmination of the great evolutionary wave? We see it clearly in ourselves: We seem to invent ever more marvelous machines, ceaselessly expand the limits of the human, even progress towards Jupiter and Venus. But that is only a seeming, increasingly deceptive and oppressive, and we do not expand anything: we merely send to the other end of the cosmos a pitiful little being who does not even know how to... as the apprentice human looked erroneously at his tools, unable to see how his tying that stone to that club was already tying the invisible train of our thought to the movement of Jupiter and Venus, and how the mental heaven actually teems everywhere here, in all our gestures and superfluous acts, just as our next “heaven” teems under our eyes, concealed only by our false spiritual look, imprisoned ...
... types in which the harmony is perfect, your ignorance will vanish like a mist. You will see at once that every planet develops indeed his planetary qualities, but varies from every other planet, and if Venus be the name and the star be feminine, is a dovelike white in complexion and yields an effulgence more tender than a girl's blush, but if he is Mars, burns with the sanguine fire of battle and rolls ...
... to this action. Then they are to accept the words of the mantra, vanatam girah. In fact, vanatam means more than acceptance, it is a pleased, joyous almost loving acceptance; for vanas is the Latin venus, which means charm, beauty, gratification, and the Sanscrit vanitá means woman or wife, she who charms, in whom one takes delight or for whom one has desire. Therefore vanatam takes up the idea of ...
... The Valley of the Fleece A windless eve in a quiet coomb; Rock-rose yellow and golden broom. Sandmartins wheel aloft Watching day's goblet quaffed By the priestess, Venus-adorned, rising from eastern tomb. A dream-laden wind from the sky escorts The starry ships of the Argonauts. Sandmartin stirs in the hole; Peeps out one guardian troll— "Will ...
... becoming attainable? Physically at least, the heart of the poetry-lover is now not cut off from its goal. But the spheres that have called it are, of course, symbolic, and when the poetry-lover rockets to Venus or Jupiter, he will not outgrow The desire of the moth for the star, Of the night for the morrow, The devotion to something afar From the sphere of our sorrow. That "something ...
... but to demand from God a balance of profit and loss for each individual sacrifice and only after mature deliberation decide whether to obey the voice of God in their conscience or offer flowers to Venus and divine homage to Nero. Loss of Courage But the question of self-sacrifice needs separate handling and we have not the space to deal with it in this issue as its importance deserves. The Bengalee ...
... of the closing passages in the first poem in Songs to Myrtilla would help little the beauty of the lines. Even the information that Myrtilla is derived from Myrtle, the name of the tree sacred to Venus, does not augment the loveliness of the girl's name or go towards justifying the perfections attributed to her. Again, in the poem Night by the Sea, neither the poetic quality nor the passion-poignancy ...
... embracing them both Śrī Rāma too began dropping tears. (40) The two princes ( Śrī Rāma and Laksmana) then embraced Sumantra as well as Guha in the forest, (even) as the Sun and the Moon conjoin with Venus and Jupiter in the heavens. (41) Perceiving the princes, who deserved to ride on lordly elephants (lit., the leaders of herds of elephants), come together in that forest, all those dwellers in forests ...
... after the "embarkment", "partial failure"! Sri Aurobindo: What the deuce does he mean by "partial sex failure"? - beginning of the operation but no conclusion? "Embarkment for Cytherea" (land of Venus), and disembarkation in mid-sea? What a phenomenon of a fellow! NB: Chand writes there is no letter from you. So, one word, Guru! Sri Aurobindo: Well, well! - That's one word twice repeated ...
... little prince came from was scarcely any larger than a house! But that did not really surprise me much. I knew very well that in addition to the great planets — such as the Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Venus — to which we have given names, there are also hundreds of others, some of which are so small that one has a hard time seeing them through the telescope. When an astronomer discovers one of these he ...
... Each star finds itself again in the depths of the golden lake of our eyes. HE When we sing, even in daylight, the Moon and Venus hear us and the Great Bear and Arcturus and Capella. The Adventure is our secret Bride. She awaits us, masked, at the turn of the road, THE SHEPHERD ...
... down from above - now down into the psycho-vital or physico-vital or even the subtle physical plane. This New Creation is the creation of the Divine Love - the Mother's Love. Morning Star - Venus, Goddess of Love - embodying New Creation. Amber colour representing a particular plane of consciousness. Yellow+red+a touch of brown - physico-vital or even subtle physical plane - the New ...
... Vashishtha, 56 Vasus, the, 144 Vedas, the, 149, 190,272, 276 –Rigveda, 1O3n, 105, 129, 132, 139, 141, 143-6, 152 –Samaveda, 152 –Tajurveda, 152 Venus, 297 Vidyapati, 156-7 Virgil, 73n. –Aeneid, 73n. WORDSWORTH, 51 –Poems if the Imagination, "To a Skylark", 51n. World War II ...
... because Mars and Saturn are coming very close together on that day. Already they are pretty close. Astrologers fear some catastrophic destruction on that occasion, a great upheaval. But Jupiter and Venus are coming together on the 21st counteract Mars and Saturn. NIRODBARAN: How can they counteract after the upheaval has taken place. SRI AUROBINDO: After the upheaval, there will be a deheaval ...
... 21 FEBRUARY 1940 SATYENDRA: Today is another great day according to astrology. Nothing happened on the 13th. DR. MANILAL: Why is today a great day? PURANI: You don't know? Jupiter and Venus have come very close together and that portends great events. DR. MANILAL: They are always close. SATYENDRA: No, this is the first time they are so near each other. SRI AUROBINDO: They are ...
... Lagna [ascendant] in karkata [cancer]; lagnapati [lord of the ascendant], the Moon, is in the sixth ( = enemy) [Mangal = Mars; Brihaspati = Jupiter; Ravi = Sun; Sukra = Venus; Budh = Mercury; Sani = Saturn; Chandra = Moon] Page 100 Many of us have heard of world-renowned astrologers and their striking prophecies. Cheiro prophesied that Crown Prince ...
... Puja worship during the Dusserah. Sri Aurobindo's house was also searched towards the evening by two European officers from the Magistrate's court who on entering his house told him' Nous sommes venus flour en montrer l'inanite' (we have come to show its futility) and the search there was over within an Page 144 hour. The police report was that nothing incriminating was found ...
... is as yet in a half-developed state, crude consistence not yet fashioned with the masterly touch he soon manifested, but Kalidasa is there quite as evidently as Shakespeare in his earlier work, the Venus and Adonis or Lucrece. Defects which the riper Kalidasa avoids, are not uncommon in this poem,—repetition of ideas, use of more words than are absolutely required, haphazard recurrence of words and ...
... Short Poems from Manuscripts (Circa 1900-1901) Collected Poems Song O lady Venus, shine on me, O rose-crowned goddess from thy seas Radiant among the Cyclades! Rose-crowned, puissant like the sea. And bring thy Graces three, The swift companions of thy mirthful mind. Bring thy sweet rogue with thee, Thy careless archer, beautiful and blind ...
... peered thee out, Thro' shadow-sundered slopes of racing light, In ferny pales with blots of colour pricked And by the rushy marge of spuming streams Page 760 Till lucky hazard made the Venus throw. Why art thou here? On leafy-sheltered sward Where daubs of sunlight intersperse the shade, The rubious posies thrill to mazy feet Like stars danced over by an angel's tread And strive with ...
... O grey wild sea 207 O heart, my heart, a heavy pain is thine 32 O immense Light and thou . . . 637 O joy of gaining all the soul's desire 509 O lady Venus, shine on me 188 O letter dull and cold, how can she read 178 O Life, thy breath is but a cry to the Light 651 O love, what more shall I, shall Radha speak 32 ...
... उष् and उश् are almost identical in meaning, उष् means to reach after, seek to embrace; उश् to cling to, embrace fondly, seek, desire, be attached to. From उश्, we have उशनम् the name of Shukra or Venus, the planet of love & desire in the ancient astrology; उशना, Page 351 with desire, attachment, joy; उशाना, wish, desire; उशिज्, desiring, devoted; उशी, wish, desire; उशेन्य, desirable. उच् ...
... symbols of the sacrifice were still familiar to us and the names of the Vedic gods still carried their old psychological significance,—as the Greek or Latin names of classical deities, Aphrodite or Ares, Venus or Minerva, still bear their sense for a cultured European,—the device of an interpretative translation could have been avoided. But India followed another curve of literary and religious development ...
... break forth on occasion into chants about living forces more than human, one divine Spirit or many divine or at least supernatural presences. Thus Lucretius at his most inspired hails as all-fostering Venus, "delight of Gods and men," the procreative energy that is abroad in Nature; he invokes it as a Goddess to aid his exploration of "the secret ways of things". Hardy brings in a whole troop' of presiding ...
... There never can be a true bond Between earth's shallow wakeful joys And high Perfection's stellar poise Of measureless secrecy above. The extremes are drawn close only by This Venus-lit homonry, This dream-dusk of unfettered love! 12.6.48 Page 299 ...
... How does a man fall in love with a 18 Ibid, p. 476 19 Ibid., p. 484. 20 Ibid, pp. 486-87. Page 350 lady? He who gets a hurt from the weapons of Venus, whatever be the object that hits him, inclines to the quarter whence he is wounded, and yearns to unite with it and join body with body. It is wise not to fall in love because the sore gathers strength ...
... intensity and sublimity. He sees the world both in and out and feels the bliss of conscious creation; Lucretius sees only the out, and that too without its bliss, except only when sometimes he sees Venus (Empedocles's Love; Nature's creative enlivening activity) prevailing over Mars (Empedocles's Strife, Nature's disintegrating disheartening movement). From Lucretius to Dante the transition ...
... Keats is poetic and Homer and Virgil are not. The rich style has this danger that it may drown the narration so that its outlines are no longer clear. This is what has happened with Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis and Lucrece ; so that Shakespeare cannot be called a great narrative poet. 13 July 1937 As narrative poetry and epic are not the same, why should the former give me a training in ...
... श्रवः = the call of the birds (cf हृषीवंतो), their joyous cries, and the voices of the truth; the divine hearing वनर्षदः “sitting on the trees” and “taking up their abode in the delight”. वन = Lat. venus—cf वनिता etc. 2 वाजयुं—“seeking plenty” of the wealth—cf 3. वाजसातये पाणिभिः feet, hooves of the horses, lit. organ of action—पण् to act, deal—cf Tamil—पण् , Gr. ponos, Lat. penis. ‘पद्या’ = “path” ...
... There never can be a true bond Between earth's shallow wakeful joys And high Perfection's stellar poise Of measureless secrecy above. The extremes are drawn close only by This Venus-lit horizonry, This dream-dusk of unfettered love! 12-6-48 Page 72 ...
... it is necessary for her to know, she can know by concentration. The physical brain is an instrument of the true individuality. Even the Yogis are not concerned with what is happening on Jupiter or Venus. BECHARLAL: Does an Avatar know everything? SRI AUROBINDO: What everything? It is the same question. Did Rama know it was not a real deer? BECHARLAL: They say that he knew it was a false deer ...
... essential form-movements, fundamental modes of consciousness in its universal and transcendent status. It is this that the Indian artist endeavours to envisage and express. A Greek Apollo or Venus or a Madonna of Raphael is a human form idealized to perfection, – moulded to meet the criterion of beauty which the physical eye demands. The purely æsthetic appeal of such forms consists in the balance ...
... Vansittart, Lord, 88 Varona, 9, 270 Varus, 88 Vedas, the, 5, 54, 63,70, 162,217-18, 221 2, 242, 247, 249, 272, 276, 281, 296 Vedic Age, 241 . Venizelos,239 Venus, 177 Versailles Treaty, 106 Vibhisana, 298 Vibhutis, 390 Virgil, 197,211,375 -Ae1Ulid, 375n Virochana, 288, 376 Vishnu, 133, 277 Vwekananda ...
... that Keats is poetic and Homer and Virgil are not. The rich style has this danger that it may drown the narration so that its outlines are no longer clear. This is what has happened with Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis and Lucrece; so that Shakespeare cannot be called a great narrative poet. How did you find Monomohan Ghosh's poems on Love and Death? I don't remember anything about them and am not ...
... the forehead. I do not know. I have never heard of that. Maybe he had some visions and he could see the vital or the subtle physical.... Mother, this bump over here (the Mount of Venus at the base of the thumb) — what does it represent? Ah! this is a very good thing. A real help for the yoga. But, Mother, people tell me that it is bad, that it is the sexual ...
... coming down from above – now down into the psycho-vital or physico-vital or even the subtle physical plane. This New Creation is the creation of the Divine Love – the Mother's Love. Morning Star – Venus, Goddess of Love – embodying New Creation. Amber colour representing a particular plane of consciousness. Yellow + red + a touch of brown – physico-vital or even subtle physical plane – the New ...
... because of everything. So... what can our newborn Science do on this frail ridge of a little century at the end of millennia? It can count the atoms of our grave and propel us to the cauldrons of Venus to count more atoms and galaxies scattered like our dreams. It can destroy everything, and quite ably, that is its greatest creation. Each of its marvels is a brand-new little death, of which it cures ...
... the north of the village, on a piece of island sailing at some ninety thousand kilometres an hour round a sun, in the Bay of Bengal, on a great blue sea strewn with stars, somewhere between Mars and Venus, destruction and love, its two sisters... And then what?... We die and others come—who will remember? what does it matter? We last less than a stone, less than a crow. Oh! I saw that so clearly one ...
... And with elusive farness wakens deep On sudden deep in the mute dazzled mind. Hermaphrodite hour, disclose my nature's truth, So I may learn to catch ere evening's end White Venus's wonder-word or plumb through night A superhuman space of secrecies. 21.1.53 2 "O give me chastity, but not too soon!" Saint would I be and live a lone y star, But ...
... models, too expensive to be hired in private – probably on the usual basis as at the Académie Suisse: for three weeks (older) men would pose as mythological and biblical figures, for one week women as Venuses and Virgins. How did Mirra come to meet Henri Morisset, who was eight years older than she? It was grandmother Mira, who had known Henri’s father, Edouard Morisset, for many years, who introduced ...
... flame trees. And there was an Page 43 old house on it that was supposed to have been occupied by an Austrian, I think. It was truly a stunning place. The gardens were dotted with Greek Venuses; the rooms were full of antique furniture.... Oh, really an extraordinary place, and in the middle of nowhere. And I was with that Brazilian girl. But one evening, I looked at it all.... You know ...
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