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Vibhishan : second brother of Rāvaṇa. When Rāvaṇa threw him out of Lanka for requesting him to return Sītā to Rāma who was an Avatāra, he surrendered himself to Rāma. After defeating Rāvaṇa, Rāma installed him on the throne of Lanka.

5 result/s found for Vibhishan

... has been victorious over all the enemies he has fought." And as he shouted he kicked his brave brother Vibhishan. So, with a heavy heart, his brother rose and left the king's house. Knowing no fear, he had spoken frankly to Ravana; and since the ten-headed one would not listen, Vibhishan had no choice but to leave. Vibhishan's act was one of physical courage, for he did not Page 182 ... country confront the enemy and undergo hunger, thirst, wounds or death. So we have seen what is courage to help oneself and what is courage to help others. I shall tell you the story of Vibhishan the hero. He braved a danger that was greater than the danger of death: he braved the fury of a king and gave him the wise advice that others dared not voice. The demon-king of Lanka was Ravana... demons you have conquered: you will have no difficulty in conquering Rama and his companions, the monkeys of Hanuman." Page 181 When these noisy counsellors had left the king, his brother Vibhishan entered, knelt and kissed his feet. Then he rose and sat at the right hand of the throne. "O my brother," he said, "if you wish to live happily and keep the throne of this beautiful island of Lanka ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... Rama whose manner remained simple and calm after the victory, looked kindly upon his faithful friends. Then Vibhishan, who was to succeed Ravana on the throne, had a chariot-load of jewels and rich robes brought for the warriors who had fought so valiantly. "Listen, friend Vibhishan," said Rama, "rise high in the air and scatter your gifts before the army." The king did as he was told, and ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... friend—he is friend of all kinds of people, friend of the outcaste Guhaka, friend of the Animal Page 491 leaders, Sugriva, Hanuman, friend of the vulture Jatayu, friend even of the Rakshasa Vibhishan. All that he was in a brilliant, striking but above all spontaneous and inevitable way, not with a forcing of this note or that like Harishchandra or Shivi, but with a certain harmonious completeness ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... not think we need waste much space on the arguments of the recent speech in which Mr. Gokhale has attempted to reconcile the contradictory utterances in which his speeches have lately abounded. Vibhishan's utterances are of little importance nowadays to anyone except the Government and Anglo-India, who are naturally disposed to make the most of his defection from the cause of the people. Justice C ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... unfounded against others and scatters mud on the most spotless reputations in the land. If there were any other source besides this, we know too what that must have been. There are a sprinkling of Vibhishans among us, Page 36 —men who for their own ends are willing to tell any lie that they think will please the authorities or injure their personal enemies. But if the Government in this country ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin