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Videha : ‘bodiless’, epithet of King Nimi, who had shed the body-ego. His successors also carried the same epithet – thus king Janaka was Videhi & his daughter Sītā Vaidehie. (2) Their kingdom Mithila & its people were also known as Videha(s).

23 result/s found for Videha

... will, I believe, surely take us back home. (22) Again, my father, the glorious Daśaratha (a scion of Raghu), will return (to the capital) taking (with him) from the forest this Sītā (a princess of the Videha kingdom) too, who has (always) enjoyed the utmost amenities (of life). (23) Here are to be clearly seen the two spirited and excellent fleet horses of noble breed, pleasing to the mind and vying with... (14) Accompanied by Śatrughna and together with all Brahmānas return, 0 gallant Bharata, to Ayodhyā and protect the people. (15) I too, for my part, accompanied by these two, Sītā (a princess of the Videha kingdom) and Laksmana, shall enter the Dandaka forest without tarrying (here) any longer. (16) Be you, 0 Bharata, the ruler of the people themselves. I too shall be the emperor of wild beasts. Return ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... Brahmā Page 243 (the creator), the god of Fire presently emerged from the burn ing pyre taking Sīta (a princess of the Videha territory) in his arms. (1) Scattering that funeral pile, and taking the daughter of Janaka, a princess of the Videha territory in his arms, the god of Fire forthwith rose at once (from the pyre) in a visible form. (2) Bearing in his arms the youthful Sīta... Drawing a deep audible breath, and casting his eyes on the ground, he spoke (as follows) to Vibhīsana, who closely resembled a cloud (in hue), standing near: — (6) "Bring here Sīta, a princess of the Videha territory, after she has bathed her head, has been anointed with heavenly fragrances and adorned with divine ornaments. Let there be no delay." (7) Hurriedly penetrating deep into the gynaeceum, when... over his head: — (9) "Anointed with heavenly fragrances and adorned with divine ornaments, (pray) mount the palanquin. May prosperity attend you! Your husband desires to see you, 0 princess of the Videha territory!" (10) Requested in these words, Sīta for her part replied to Vibhīsana as follows: — "Without having bathed, 0 king of rākshasas, I wish to see my husband (immediately)." (11) Hearing her ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... speedily bring for Sītā (a princess of the Videha kingdom) costly robes and valuable ornaments." (15) Proceeding to the treasury when commanded thus by the king, and bringing everything (that he was instructed to fetch), the officer for his part immediately delivered the (whole) lot to Sītā. (16) Bound as she was for the forest, Sītā (a princess of the Videha kingdom), of noble (uncommon) birth (in... richness in excellences (of various kinds), illumining (at the same time by his very proximity) the king's highway crowded with men (anxious to have a look at the prince). (1-2) Sītā (a princess of the Videha territory), in her turn, who had been observing austere vows, had not so far heard all that had happened in the meantime so that the installation of Śrī Rāma in the office of Prince Regent alone, stood... 71 you as your (own) brothers or sons. (33) No offence should be given to Bharata at any time; for he is (now) as it were the ruler of our country as well as of our family, 0 princess of the Videha territory! (34) Kings, really speaking, get highly pleased when propitiated through good conduct and served with continued endeavour and feel enraged otherwise. (35) Rulers of men forsake even sons ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... will also see Rāvana killed by Śrī Rāma by force of (superior) might." (46) Having comforted Sītā (a princess of the Videha territory) as above, and making up his mind to depart, Hanūmān , sprung from the loins of the wind god, spoke to Sītā (a princess of the Videha territory) once more (as follows): — (47) "You shall soon behold the celebrated Śrī Rāma (a scion of Raghu), the destroyer... H aving indulged in speculation of various kinds, Hanūmān (who was endowed with extraordinary intelligence), they say, made the following sweet speech within the hearing of Sītā (a princess of the Videha territory): — (1) "In the line of the Ikswākus there was a highly illustrious and greatly renowned king named Daśaratha, who was given to meritorious deeds and owned excellent chariots, elephants... the foremost of monkeys, uttered the following reassuring reply: — (1) "I have sought your presence, 0 auspicious one, as an envoy carrying a message sent by Śrī Rāma. Śrī Rāma, 0 princess of the Videha territory, is doing well. He has communicated his (own) welfare to you. (2) Śrī Rāma, the celebrated son of Daśaratha, and the foremost of the knowers of Veda, who knows the use of the mystic missile ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... Gangā. Therefore, you will be taken to the forest inhabited by the austere teachers." Thus addressed by the noble Laksmana, Sītā (the daughter of the king of Videha) was exceedingly happy and agreed to depart. Sītā (the daughter of the king of Videha) taking with her those costly garments and gems said, "I shall distribute these garments and costly gems of various types to the wives of the austere teachers... keep well, nor is the king (Rama) happy. You are indeed sworn by the king as you seem to be in agony, so speak out before me, this is my command." (7-9) Urged by Sītā (the daughter of the Lord of Videha), Laksmana in a helpless state of mind, and with face downward, with tears (choking) his throat spoke out. (10) "0 daughter of Janaka (Sītā), hearing the most painful ill-report circulating among the... purity. All is known to me, which exist in the three worlds. (13) Yes indeed through my inner eye acquired through penance, I have perceived that you are sinless. Be composed, 0 daughter of the lord of Videha, you are now in my charge. (14) Not very far from the hermitage are the female ascetics engaged in penances. They, 0 child, shall always look after you as a child. (15) Accept this ablution and be ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... and who was also radical and even militant in the sharpness of behaviour. In the third chapter of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad and in the first Brahmana, it is narrated that when Janaka, the king of Videha, in an assembly of seekers and mystics had gathered at a sacrifice, a question was asked by him as to who among those assembled had attained the highest knowledge. Janaka enclosed a thousand cows ...

... Yajnavalkya's guru, Uddalaka Aruni, could not hold his own in a disputation with him in a vast assembly of scholars from the entire Kuru Panchala country which had been summoned by King Janaka of Videha. The Upanishads contain other great names of teachers and pupils, such as Ashvala, Jarat Karava Artabhiga, Bhujyu Lahyayani, Ushasti Chakrayana, Kahoda Kaushitakeya, and Gargi Vachaknavi. We should ...


... nnyasins — Lit. Those who struggle after realisation. 2. serene — Refers to the control of the mind. 3. restrained. — Refers to the control of the senses. 4. end etc. — They attain videha mukti or disembodied, absolute Freedom after the fall of their body. 5. what... shunned etc. — There is nothing besides the One Atman, and the aspirant is identified with That. 6. see etc ...


... questions to Yajnavalkya, and this would be his final test. She then called out to Yajnavalkya, "Yajnavalkya, I am going to put two more questions to you. They are like a couple of arrows. When the king of Videha goes to war, he pulls the bowstrings and shoots his arrows. In like manner, I am aiming these arrow-like questions at you. Let us see how you will ward them off with the appropriate answers." Yajnavalkya ...

... the beautiful complexioned one (Sītā) within the sight of everybody. (1) "0 holy one, this is as you say, 0 knower of law, 0 Brahmana, by your guiltless words, I am assured. (2) Sītā (the daughter of Videha) had already assured (us of her pure conduct) in front of the gods and had Page 278 taken oath and then was she allowed to enter the inner apartments. (3) "Public opinion has a supervening... earth-goddess) may grant space to me to enter. (15) As I have spoken the truth that I do not know anyone except Śrī Rāma, so the earth-goddess may grant space to me." (16) Then as Sītā the daughter of Videha was taking oath, a supremely divine throne, sprang up and arose from the interior of the earth, borne on the heads of immeasurably powerful Page 279 Nāgas (serpents) who were adorned with ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... the world devoid of Rāvana or Rāma (myself). (48) I suffered the loss of my sovereignty, exile in the forest, peregrination in the forest of Dandaka and the insult offered to Sītā (a princess of the Videha territory) by the rākshasa (Rāvana). (49) (In this way) great and terrible agony has been suffered by me as also (bodily) torment approaching the tortures in hell. Making short work of Rāvana in combat... from Janasthana, helpless as she was, through ignorance (about my real strength), 0 vile rākshasa, therefore you are not heroic. (11) Having carried away by force the helpless Sītā (a princess of the Videha territory) while she was in the great forest away from me, you think: 'I am a hero'. (12) Having perpetrated the cowardly act of laying your hands on another's wife, 0 rākshasa, posing as a champion ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... is called "Jivan-Mukti”;one realizes the liberation even while remaining in the body. Disciple : But I believe there is a distinction between "Videha Mukti" and "Jivan Mukti". Sri Aurobindo : No. "Jivan Mukti'' is the same as "Videha Mukti". The example of Janaka is usually quoted and the current idea is that "Jivan Mukti" is more difficult to attain than the liberation that is attained ...

... body' of St. Paul and Christian tradition. Mr. Vanmikanathan seems to diminish the significance of this state of deathlessness by reducing it to the state of the delivered soul freed from the body in videha mukti." No doubt, Vanmikanathan's terms are too general. But the shade of the Vedantic liberation cannot be washed away from a cry like Ramalingam's Oh men of the delusive world! It is ...


... body' of St. Paul and Christian tradition. Mr. Vanmikanathan seems to diminish the significance of this state of deathlessness by reducing it to the state of the delivered soul freed from the body in videha mukti." No doubt, Vanmikanathan's terms are too general. But the shade of the Vedantic liberation cannot be washed away Page 6 from a cry like Ramalingam's Oh men of ...

... into the superconscient trance-state in order to experience the Absoute Existence or Non-Existence, nor to content oneself with the Jivanmukti-status waiting all the while for the final release in Videha-Mukti. Because, then 1 The Life Divine, p. 968. 2 The Synthesis of Yoga, pp. 480-82. Page 149 Nature shall live to manifest secret God, The Spirit ...

... through Vālmīki who is made to express the following: By holy intuition I know that thou art abandoned by thy husband who was agitated by a false scandal: grieve not then, 0 Princess of Videha; thou hast come to thy father's Page 86 home in a different country. I acknowledge Rāmā's greatness in view of the fact that he has uprooted Rāvana who was a thorn to the three ...

... Yajnavalkya's guru, Uddalaka Amni, could not hold his own in a disputation with him in a vast assembly of scholars from the entire Kuru Panchala country which had been summoned by King Janaka of Videha. The Upanishads contain other great names of teachers and pupils, such as Ashvala, Jarat Karava Artabhiga, Bhujyu Lahyayani, Ushasti Chakrayana, Kahoda Kaushitakeya, and Gargi Vachaknavi. We should ...

... or made infructuous?" The traditional Karmavadi's answer is direct and simple: The body of the Jivanmukta drops off in time like a withered leaf of a tree and he attains to what is called "videha-mukti", the status of "disembodied liberation", which then endures for eternity. The Videhamukta will never again assume a new physical body and come upon earth to lead another round of worldly existence ...

... ques­tions to Yajnavalkya, and this would be his final test. She then called out to Yajnavalkya, "Yajnavalkya, I am going to put two more questions to you. They are like couple of arrows. When the king of Videha goes to war, he pulls the bowstrings and shoots his arrows. In like manner, I am aiming these arrow-like questions at you. Let us see how you will ward them off with the appropriate answers." Yajnavalkya ...

... of Kuru preeminence and the Kurus were a great practical, warlike, ritualistic, juristic race of the Roman type, with little of the speculative temper or moral enthusiasm of the eastern Coshalas, Videhas, Kashis, Chedis. The West of India has always been noted for its practical, soldierly, commercial bent of mind in comparison with the imaginative and idealistic Eastern races and the scholastic, logical ...

... Their mighty policies, and raise, of birth Though vile, the strong and serviceable man. Here then obedient dwell unto the King, Sita; but I into the woods depart." He ended, but Videha's daughter, she Whose words were ever soft like one whose life Is lapped in sweets, now other answer made In that exceeding anger born of love, Fierce reprimand and high. "What words... woman's pride of love all wounded, shook From her the solace of his touch and weeping Assailed indignantly her mighty lord. "Surely my father erred, great Mithila Who rules and the Videhas, that he chose Thee with his line to mate, Rama unworthy, No man but woman in a male disguise. What casts thee down, wherefore art thou then sad, That thou art bent thus basely ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... without Rama would be hell; aranya with Rama would be heaven. And in a raging climactic moment she hurls the terrible words at Rama: Surely my father erred, great Mithila Who rules and the Videhas, that he chose Thee with his line to mate, Rama unworthy, No man but woman in a male disguise. 44 So, after all, Rama has to capitulate, and hasn't he really expected this, really wanted ...

... forces were much stronger in their action than they have usually been in Europe. The Aryan nations may be divided into three distinct groups, the Eastern of whom the Coshalas, Magadhas, Chedies, Videhas & Haihayas were the chief; the Central among whom the Kurus, Panchalas & Bhojas were the most considerable; and the Western & Southern of whom there were many, small, & rude but yet warlike & famous ...