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Vidyaranya : (14th century) the name by which Mādhavāchārya (q.v.) was known after he became a Shankarite sannyasi. As chief counsellor to the kings of Vijayanagara, he had combined statesmanship, erudition, spiritual knowledge & sagacity in his works on the history & administration of the kingdom. As great a commentator on the Vedas as his more famous brother Sayāna, he wrote various subjects, the most famous being Panchadashi on Vedanta. Later he became the Shankarāchārya of Shringeri Math. He went a step beyond his guru who had devalued the central doctrine of the Isha Upanishad occurring in its very first Shloka, viz., “Doing verily works here one should wish to live a hundred years; thus it is with thee & it is not otherwise than this – action cleaveth not to a man.” [SABCL 27:322] Vidyāranya went the whole hog & excluded that Upanishad itself from his list of authoritative Upanishads.
... approaches the character of Videhamukti even while the Siddha is still in his body. So the divine transformation of the bodily existence has here no relevance at all. As a matter of fact, the famous Vidyaranya Muni, one of the reputed authors of the Monistic Work Panchadashi, wrote a full treatise on Jivanmukti, called Jivanmukti-Viveka, only to prove at the end that after all Videhamukti is the ... .52.59. 2 Ibid., III .118.19, III.9.7, III.16.22, III.88.13, VII.1.8. 3 "sacakṣuracakṣuriva sakarṇo' karṇa iva savāgavāgiva saprāṇo'prāṇa iva" (cited in Jivanmukti-Viveka by Vidyaranya Muni). 4 Dattatreya, Jivanmukti Gītā, 8. 6 Ibid., III .88. 11-13. Page 100 ...
... hold that India's creative capacity in religion and in philosophy came to Page 75 an end with Shankara, Ramanuja, Madhwa and Chaitanya and in social construction with Raghunandan and Vidyaranya. It is to rest in art and poetry either in a blank and uncreative void or in a vain and lifeless repetition of beautiful but spent forms and motives. It is to cling to social forms that are crumbling ...
... inner life and our outer existence, in society not less than in the individual. Esha dharmah sanatanah . God is not Page 53 antiquity nor novelty: He is not the Manava Dharmashastra, nor Vidyaranya, nor Raghunandan; neither is He an European. God who is essentially Sacchidananda, is in manifestation Satyam, Prema, Shakti ,—Truth, Strength and Love. Whatever is consistent with the truth and ...
... verse,—but every incongruity & impossibility is to be accepted rather than suffer such an assertion to stand as the teaching of the Sruti. Nor is it surprising that Shankara's greatest follower, Vidyaranya, feeling perhaps that his master's dealings Page 382 with the text in this commentary were of the most arbitrary & violent, should have preferred to exclude the Isha from his list of ...
... beatitude of Brahma-loka, 4 beyond all manifestations in some ineffable Nirvana 5 or 1 The Life Divine, p. 233. 2 Cf. Ekadanḍaṁ samgṛhya...sarvaṁ tyaktvā parivrajet (Vidyaranya Muni, Jīvanmukti Viveka) : "Collecting a staff and renouncing everything, one should take the path of a wandering monk." 3 "Goloka, the Vaishnava heaven of eternal Beauty and Bliss." ...
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