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Vijayanagar : “When the country falling from its old pure moral ideality & heroic intellectualism, weakened in fibre & sank towards hedonism & materialism, the centre of its culture & national life began to drift westward…it finally found its true equilibrium in the beautiful & aesthetic city of Ujjayini…a fit & noble capital of Hindu art, poetry & greatness throughout its most versatile & luxurious age…. [When] the nation began to crumble under the shock of new ideas & new forces [read Jihadi] the centre of gravity shifted southwards to Devagiri…& finally to Dravidian Vijayanagara, the last considerable seat of independent Hindu culture & national greatness.” [SABCL 3:215] The capital of Vijayanagara, founded in c.1336 was originally called Vidyānagara. S.L. Karandikar: “More than two thousand years before Aurangzeb’s death (1707), a small event of far-reaching importance had happened in South India. It was the arrival at Calicut in May 1498 of a few Portuguese ships under Vasco de Gama. Sardar K.M. Pannikar (Asia under Western Dominance, pp.36-37) has explained the event thus: ‘The Vijayanagar Emperors had, in common with the Portuguese, the crusading spirit against the Mussalmans. Just as the presence of the Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula & their Empire across the narrow straits of Gibraltar constituted a standing menace to the Portuguese, the presence of the Bahmini Sultanates on the borders of Vijayanagar provided that state with the powerful motive of safeguarding Hindu religion & culture in south India & of upholding national independence against Muslim powers.’ ” [Lōkamānya Bāl Gangādhar Tilak…:.5] Buckland: The kingdom practically became extinct with the destruction of the city by Muslim forces in 1565. The site of the city on the Tungabhadra River is now partly occupied by the village of Hampi in Bellary district of Karnataka. In the 2nd half of 19th century, the state [=district] of Vizianagram (
) was ruled (sic) by Maharaja Sir Mirza (
... but that collective, communal force and organisation is lacking in us. Otherwise, just imagine, how immensely developed the Vijayanagar empire was. It was more powerful than even the Roman empire in valour and wealth. It was unequalled in its wealth and prosperity. The Vijayanagar kingdom had so much wealth that along the roads as they sell mounds of peanuts today they used to sell mounds of precious ...
... memories, a place in the succession of empires and imperial dynasties which reigned over a large part of the country; it looks back on the more recent memory of the glories of the last Hindu Empire of Vijayanagar,—a magnificent record for any people. Your University can take its high position as a centre of light and learning, knowledge and culture which can train the youth of Andhra to be worthy of their ...
... memories, a place in the succession of empires and imperial dynasties which reigned over a large part of the country; it looks back on the more recent memory of the glories of the last Hindu Empire of Vijayanagar,-a magnificent record for any people. Your University can take its high position as a centre of light and learning, knowledge and culture which can train the youth of Andhra to be worthy of their ...
... Ismalun. Remember? Recently I read a charming story about Napoleon III and how he came to build in Pondicherry a monument to Aayi, a lady of the night. 1 To escape the wrath of Emperor of Vijayanagar, Krishna Deva Raya (reign: 1509-1529), who mistook her house for a temple and prostrated himself in front of it—imagine his rage when he realized his mistake—Aayi demolished her own house and at ...
... to deliver India from Muslim rule. It was the Rajputs who first led this struggle in North India followed by the Jats, Marathas and Sikhs. In the South, this struggle was embodied in the Vijayanagar Empire. This struggle for independence came to its peak when the Marathas under Shivaji almost brought to an end the Muslim domination of India. The Muslim conquest was effected rapidly ...
... memories, a place in the succession of empires and imperial dynasties which reigned over a large part of the country; it looks back on the more recent memory of the glories of the last Hindu Empire of Vijayanagar, — a magnificent record for any people. Your University can take its high position as a centre of light and learning, knowledge and culture which can train the youth of Andhra to be worthy of their ...
... author, through the mouths of Bhishma and Vidura, explained in detail the intricacies of Statecraft. Our later kings were no less experts in administration. For example, at the time of the Vijayanagar empire "the police system," says Nilakanta Sastri, "was fairly efficient, the rule being that when a theft occurred the property was recovered or made good by the police officers." Police regularly ...
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