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Vijnanaloka Vijnanam : the Truth-plane, the supramental world; the Mahar(loka).

18 result/s found for Vijnanaloka Vijnanam

... self-conscious principle. In the animals reason is awake, but elementary and has to be largely replaced by vijnanam, intuitive faculty manifesting not in intellect but in sensational & vital consciousness. Then in man discriminative reason takes the lead, for discriminative reason is the shadow of the vijnanam, the link between the animal and the god and it is not till a fit body is formed for the works of... adore." Why Agni before all the other gods? Because it is he that stands before Yajna, the Master of things; because he is the god whose burning eyes can gaze straight at Truth, at the satyam, the vijnanam, that which is the Seer's aim and desire and the thing on which all Veda is based; because he is the warrior who wars down and removes all the crooked attractions of ignorance and desire, juhuranam... and develop beyond manomaya being, transcending & subordinating even its crown and glory which he considers his peculiar privilege, the discriminative and imaginative reason. For he has to develop vijnanam or ideal thought on which all Veda is based, he has to develop Ananda, Chit and Sat, the higher hemisphere of cosmic consciousness. In the present stage of his evolution he can only develop consciously ...

... of the annamaya mentality in the environment to the movements of the vijnanam. The annam of the body resists the working of the sahitya, the only karma that as yet seeks to proceed regularly, though bhasha, study and nirukta are pressing forward. A strong siege of tamas besets the physical brain. Knowledge floods it from the vijnanam, knowledge of type & possibility, but not yet of actuality; but the... of two kinds of spirits,—those who are merely of the buddha plane, manasic, and given over to error, and those who stand on the borders of the sukshma and the mahat, receiving knowledge from the vijnanam, expressing it in the sukshma. Some of the latter are farther, some nearer to the borderline, some stand upon it,—and according to the proximity is the soundness of the expression of the knowledge... only touches from time to time as rajas did in its last stage. Tamas has been eliminated, except the asraddha, but still attacks though feebly & with a much diminished heaviness.            False vijnanam persists, but is losing its insistence & activity. Tamas, after a strong attack in the evening, was finally expelled, except in the body, and now survives only in ineffective touches; but the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... that in which these creatures are awake, is night to the eye of the awakened seer. The Vedantists call this principle by the name, vijnanam, an entire & pervading principle of knowledge which puts everything in its true light & its right relations. It is from vijnanam that Veda descends to us; the movement of this higher principle is the source of all internal revelation. It is the drishti of which... go, fulfilling the lower first in itself and then in the higher. We have to dissociate our sense of being from body & vitality and become mind, to dissociate it from mind and become vijnanam, to dissociate it from vijnanam and become divine bliss, awareness & being, Sachchidanandam manifest in phenomenal existence, to dissociate it from Sachchidanandam and become That which is in the world Sachchidanandam ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... intelligent mind; vijnanam, ideal mind; ananda, pure or essential bliss; chit, pure or essential awareness; sat, pure or essential being. In the present stage of our evolution ordinary humanity has developed annam, prana and manas for habitual use; and well-developed men are able to use with power the vijnanam acting not in its own habitation, स्वे दमे, nor in its own rupa, vijnanam, but in the mind... of manas and buddhi proper by the vijnanam acting in the intelligent mind indeed and so out of its proper sphere, but in its own form as ideal consciousness—the combination of manasic and vijnani action making what is called genius, pratibhanam, a reflection or luminous response in the mind to higher ideation; the Yogin Page 469 goes beyond to the vijnanam itself or, if he is one of the greatest... because only the first five sheaths or panchakosha are yet sufficiently developed to be visible except to the men of the Satya Yuga and even by them the two others are not perfectly seen. From the vijnanam to the annam is the aparardha or lower part of existence where Vidya is dominated by Avidya; from the ananda to the sat is the parardha or higher half in which Avidya is dominated by Vidya and there ...

... there is a means of confirmation,—the evidence of the observation & deduction has to be confirmed by observation & deduction; the evidence of the senses by the senses, the evidence of the vijnanam by the vijnanam. One cannot exceed one's instrument. There is also the evidence of common experience—there is this eternal witness to the truth of the vijnana, that men who have used it, in whatever clime... recognised by a movement resembling memory—a perception that this was always true and already known to the higher consciousness. It is smriti that is nearest to intellect action and forms the link between vijnanam & prajnanam, ideal thought & intellectual thought, by leading to the higher forms of intellectual activity, such as intuitive reason, inspiration, insight & prophetic revelation, the equipment of... authority on the subject. If the Indian Teacher similarly demands faith in himself as an expert, faith in the Sruti as the evidence of ancient experts, drishti as revealed truth coming direct to them by vijnanam from the divine Knowledge, he is following the common, the necessary rule. He has the right to say, Trust these, follow these, afterwards you will yourself look on the unveiled face of Truth & see ...

... Agni before all the other gods? Because it is he that stands before Yajna, the Divine Master of things; because he is the god whose burning eyes can gaze straight at Truth, at the satyam, the vijnanam, which is the Seer's own aim and desire and on which all Veda is based; because he is the warrior who wars down and removes all the crooked attractions of ignorance and limitation (asmajjuhuranam... adityavat tamasah parastat, and by these seven rays in their subjectivity the subjective world and by these seven rays in their objectivity the phenomenal world is manifested. Sat, chit, ananda, vijnanam, manas, prana, annam are the sevenfold subjectivity of the Jyotirmaya Brahman. Prakasha, agni, vidyut, jyoti, tejas, dosha and chhaya are His sevenfold objectivity. Agni is theMaster of the vehicle ...

... policy in India. न समानजातियेनैवोपकारदर्षनात् ।    Brih. Up. 552. D[itt]o—of present state of siddhi with regard to mental & ideal thought & action, error & truth & the replacement of manas by vijnanam or satyam. 1) अथ तेनेत्येवोपक्षीणः स्मार्तः प्रत्यय इदमिति चान्य एव वार्तमानिकः प्रत्ययः क्षीयते ततः सादृश्यप्रत्ययानुपपत्तिस्तेनेदं सदृशमिति । अनेकदर्शिन एकस्याभावात् ।। (सदृश to be taken for ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... about things & happenings, a choice hampered by a siege of false suggestions from the physical gods in the material environment, the suggestions themselves are coming to be automatically true. The vijnanam which is satyam ritam is conquering the last fields of mentality & imposing its satyadharma or law of self-existent truth which is necessary for perfect vision of things, satyadharmaya drishtaye.... urdhwagati. (In these two respects it remains to be seen whether the apparent improvement is real & permanent.) 5) Beauty prepared.    (Fulfilled with the slightness proper to this stage) 6) Vijnanam strengthened in all its parts—beginnings of rupadrishti in dense & developed forms. (The latter is still doubtful) 7) Karmakama strengthened.        (Not apparent.) 8) Kalikrishna strengthened... faery element in the beauty of things, the sense of their beauty of ananda, the pleasure taken in them as visions of his weaving of God. This transcends or contains the beauty of guna proper to the vijnanam; it depends not on knowledge-perception of the separate guna & yatharthya of things, but on being-perception in chit of the universal ananda of things. Page 90 The written prediction today:— ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... existence (Purusha) which is the basis of the objective mahat or mahati prakriti and which develops the vijnanam or ideal knowledge as its subjective instrument, then we shall have farther light on the nature of Mahas in the ancient conceptions. We shall see that it is ideal knowledge, vijnanam, or is connected with ideal knowledge. But we have first one more step in our evidence to notice,—the... logic. To live on these dry & insufficient husks is the last fate of impure vijnanam or buddhi confined in the data of the mind & senses—until man wronged in his nature, cabined in his possibilities revolts & either prefers a luminous error or resumes his broadening & upward march. It was this aspect of impure mahas, vijnanam working not in its own home, swe dame but in the house of a stranger, as... Prana & Manas of the Vedanta. OM is Brahman or Sacchidananda of whom these three are the expressions in the phenomenal world. OM & the vyahritis are connected by an intermediate principle, Mahas, Vijnanam of the Vedanta, ideal Truth which has arranged the lower worlds & on which amidst all their confusions they rest. (2) Corresponding roughly to the vyahritis are three worlds, Bhurloka (Prana-Annam ...

... latent, expressed or half-apparent in itself its six sisters or companions. Nature is composed of Being, Will or Force, Creative Bliss, Pure Idea, Mind, Life and Matter,—Sat, Chit or Tapas, Ananda, Vijnanam, Manas, Prana and Annam. The Soul, Purusha, can seat itself in any of these principles and, according to its situation, its outlook changes and it sees a different world; all world is merely arranged ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... manas proper & taking up all the others into the manas itself; the Asura is mind concentrated on the buddhi & in the Asura Rakshasa making it serve the manas & chitta; the Deva is mind concentrated in vijnanam, exceeding itself, but in the Asura Deva or Devasura it makes the vijnana serve the buddhi. The others raise mind successively to the Ananda, Tapas & Sat & are, respectively, the supreme Rakshasa ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Prana, Manas, matter, life & mind of the Upanishads. But the Upanishads speak of a fourth state of being immediately aboveManas, preceding it therefore & containing it, Vijnanam, ideal knowledge, and a fifth immediately above Vijnanam, Ananda or Bliss. Physically, these five are the pancha kshitayah, five earths or dwelling-places, of the Rig Veda and they are the pancha koshas, five sheaths or bodies... Page 131 likewise signifying vast or great,—into which says the Gita, the Self or Lord casts his seed as into a womb in order to engender all these objects & creatures. The Self, standing in vijnanam or mahat, is called the Mahan Atma, the great Self; so that, if we apply the significance [of] these terms to the Vedic words mah, mahas, mahi, mahán, then, even accepting mahas as an adjective and ...

... ... Jnanam increases in force & exactness. The style of the vak rises to the inspired illuminative and is effective at its lowest level. The thought perception is now almost rid of false vijnanam in its material, but not in the arrangement of its material. Nevertheless accuracy of time is growing, accuracy of place has begun, accuracy of circumstance, chiefly, is defective—all this in t ...

... rest in the formula of the mental Brahma. Sent back to the austerity of his self-contemplation he had to arrive at the perception no longer of the mind but of the pure Idea as the Sole Existence, Vijnanam Brahma. We arrive, now, at states of being, consciousness & living experience which are far remote from ordinary human life & thinking, for the expression of which human language has neither been... and bound in its movement and origin; therefore it admits of asatyam and anritam, error & falsehood or misplacement,—for all falsehood & error is misplacement of truth, all manas diverted action of vijnanam—in the essence & arrangement. Vijnana is, because ritam, therefore riju, right or rectum, the straight—because it is in its nature right arrangement in right being, therefore it proceeds straight ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... (cf श्रद्धा). चित्रश्रवस् means "analysed and grouped knowledge of great variety" or one who possesses such knowledge. Agni is he among the gods who possesses most such knowledge, proper to the vijnanam, ideal or purely ideative consciousness. He is जातवेदाः, the one who has the revealed knowledge, in whom and by whom it is born. आगमत् । Root गम् to go, move, properly with a sense of direction ...

... on Matter & Life, all else being felt to be a sea of consciousness out of which Life & Matter proceed; Sarvam Anantam Jnanam when the Tapas is fixed on Life, Matter & Mind with Page 397 Vijnanam felt behind vaguely as the source of Mind; but when the Jnanam increases & is sun-illumined, then the Anandam also appears & the Saguna Brahman becomes the Lilamaya Para Purusha. The Anantam has also ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... confidently asserted. 5 December 1912 Lipi. Today is the last day of the imperfect tejas. It has been predicted that the scholastic work will be done in future not by the intellect but by the Vijnanam. This has begun to be fulfilled, and the remaining difficulties in the Veda are beginning to vanish. It has also been asserted that no work will in future be allowed which is confused in its impulse ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... probability. The Yogin knows God's way of working and is aware that the improbable often happens, that facts mislead. He rises above reason to that direct and illuminated Knowledge which we call Vijnanam...” The Karmayogin dated 19th February, 1910 After his release from the Alipore jail, Sri Aurobindo ad- dressed a few meetings in Calcutta. At a meeting at the Beadon Square held on ...