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... Monsieur Vincent, who came to be called Saint Vincent de Paul after his death, stood, so to say, at the two poles of human consciousness, and their methods of assistance were diametrically opposite. Yet both believed in salvation through the spirit, through the Absolute, unknowable to thought, which one called God and the other Nirvana. Vincent de Paul had an ardent faith and preached to his flock... life would not have been perceptibly improved. For to help is not the same as to cure, nor is escaping the same as conquering. Indeed, to alleviate physical hardships, the solution proposed by Vincent de Paul can in no way be enough to cure humanity of its misery and suffering, for not all human sufferings come from physical destitution and can be cured by material means─far from it. Bodily well-being ...
... human misery philanthropy would have no more reason to exist!... And you know the great philanthropist, what was his name?―during Mazarin's time; he founded the Little Sisters of Charity.... Vincent de Paul? Page 271 That's it. Mazarin once told him: There have never been so many poor people as since you started taking care of them! ( Mother laughs. ) Later. I have been rethinking ...
... without human misery it would lose its raison d'être!" And you know, that great philanthropist... what was his name? In the time of Mazarin, the one who founded the "Little Sisters of Charity"? Vincent de Paul. That's it. Mazarin once told him, "There have never been so many poor as since you started looking after them!" 3 ( Mother laughs ) A little later: I am thinking of my money ...
... tried to help a few people here and there. But what does it amount to compared to what needs to be done? The proverbial drop in the ocean or less than that even. You remember the story of St. Vincent de Paul? He began giving alms to the poor. On the first day there were ten, on the second some twenty, on the third more than fifty and the number went on swelling in more than geometrical progression ...
... is capable of embracing, it is still incapable of implementation. Ultimately, if collective evolution had nothing better to offer than a pleasant mixture of human and social "greatness," Saint Vincent de Paul and Mahatma Gandhi with a dash of Marxism-Leninism and paid vacations thrown in, then we could not help concluding that such a goal would be even more insipid than the millions of "golden birds" ...
... misery philanthropy would have no more reason to exist!... And you know the great philanthropist, what was his name?—during Mazarin's time; he founded the "Little Sisters of Charity"... Vincent de Paul? That's it. Mazarin once told him: There have never been so many poor people as since you started taking care of them! (Mother laughs). 10.4.1968 * (A donor to Auroville ...
... misery, it wouldn't have any reason to exist!" And you know that great philanthropist - what was his name?... during Mazarin's time, the one who founded the Little Sisters of Charity? Vincent de Paul. That's it. Mazarin once told him, "There have never been so many poor as since you started taking care of them !"(Mother laughs ) (A little later) I've been rethinking ...
... tried to help a few people here and there. But what does it amount to compared to what needs to be done? The proverbial drop in the ocean or less than that even. You remember the story of St. Vincent de Paul? He began giving alms to the poor. On the first day there were ten, on the second some twenty, on the third more than fifty and the number went on swelling in more than geometrical progression ...
... 208 Russell, Bertrand, 56 Russo-Japanese War, 213 SAHARA,324 St. Augustine, 73 St. Francis of Assisi, 243 St. (}enevieve, 199 St. Matthew, 186 St. Paul, 73 St. Vincent de Paul, 411 Sankhya,45,85 Satan, 46 Savitri, 163, 165 Second Empire, the, 418 Shakespeare, 79, 116n., 406 -Julius Caesar, 116n. -Hamlet, 72n. Shankara, 17, 21, 68, 71 ...
... misery, and reacted in two different ways. One was Prince Siddhartha, for whom suffering was the result of life itself, and hence the way out was a release into Nirvana. The other was Saint Vincent de Paul, the result of whose apostleship was the creation of "an appreciable sense of charity in the mentality of a certain section of the well-to-do", but by and large the wretched and the poor of ...
... Sahasram 257-8 Underhill, Evelyn 61, 96 U.N.O. 446 Vasudha Shah 255, 265ff, 287, 674, 691, 699, 817 Vaun McPheeters 255, 296-7 Venkataraman, K.S. 258, 351, 377 Vijayatunga, J. 461, 535 Vincent de Paul, Saint 551-2 Virgil 485, 633 Visvamitra, Rishi 92 Vivekananda, Swami 15 Werner Haubrich (Saumitra) 674 ,. The Wherefore of the Worlds 110, 120, 127 Wilson, Margaret see Nishtha Wilson ...
... the entire human species. They were preparing the next evolutionary step. "He was friends with Jules Romains, and Jules Romains told him that he had a great longing to * A film on Saint Vincent de Paul (1580-1660), a French Catholic priest who founded several orders devoted to helping the poor. Page 47 come here [to Pondicherry to meet Sri Aurobindo and Mother], but that he ...
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