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Virât Virât Virat Purusha Virat Vaisvanara : the Universal or Cosmic Soul; “God practical”; Lord of Waking-Life, who governs, preserves & maintains the sensible creation which Hiraṇyagarbha (q.v.) has shaped.
... sense In the inexhaustible meaning of a word. In him the architect of the visible world, At once the art and artist of his works, Spirit and seer and thinker of things seen, Virât, who lights his camp-fires in the suns And the star-entangled ether is his hold, Expressed himself with Matter for his speech Objects are his letters, forces are his words, Events... that without sense or motive acts, An intelligence needing not to think or plan, The world creates itself invincibly; For its body is the body of the Lord And in its heart stands Virât, King of kings." (680-81) We now propose to enter the "forbidden land", for we are daring to speak about the vision of the Supreme Form of the supreme Divine. But does the Divine have any ...
... unique, unutterably sole — "the One by whom all live, who lives by none." (p. 309). Sri Aurobindo has described elsewhere the five stages of Brahman in his philosophy of the Upanishads: 1.Virât 2.Hiranyagarbha 3.Prajnā or Avyakta 4.Parabrahma — the Highest 5.Higher than the Highest — the Unknowable. The fourth and the fifth stages can hardly be described by words and... here collected in a single form... He bore all godheads in his grandiose limbs. 20 In him the fourfold Being bore its crown. And he was identified with the four aspects of the Brahman — Virât, Hiranyagarbha, Avyakta, and Parabrahman. Then like an anthem from the heart's lucent cave A voice soared up... 21 and addressed Savitri: Ascend, O soul, into thy blissful ...
... usly effusing peace and coolness. Wherever this Virat Purusha cast his gaze, he dispersed rays of the golden light. The scene then changed. This Virat Purusha was holding many suns. He contained countless suns in his single body. In fact one can say that he was composed of suns only! What an ecstatic sight! It is indescribable. The Virat Purusha's splendourous glance was vibrating love, grace, ... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Golden Virat Purusha 1987-01-01 It is not a dream nor even a vision. The question is: by what name shall I call it? It is extremely difficult to put it in words. Yet I shall make an attempt. It gives me great delight. That is why I have made an effort to write. I would rather say that I cannot refrain from ...
... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Golden Virat Purusha 1987-01-01 Champaklal finds himself in an altogether strange place and he loses even his own individual identity. This new place or the “hall” is not the common type with doors, windows, etc., seen in the physical world. It is a place in the new world, filled with the golden light of the... universal Purusha, the physical embodiment of the Supramental Truth. His “body was composed only of suns, implying that each cell of His body was Supramentalised. The very glance and touch of this “Virat Purusha” of the material universe lifted Champaklal into a higher consciousness where “Life from beyond grew a conqueror of death” as symbolised by the chant of “OM! Lead me from mortality to immortality” ...
... behind all we do, because we do not always do the right thing. Is there any truth in what X says? There is this much truth that the cosmic Force works out everything and the Cosmic Spirit (Virat Purusha) supports her action. But this cosmic Force is a Power that works under the conditions Page 62 of the Ignorance,—it appears as the lower nature and the lower nature makes you do wrong ...
... sense In the inexhaustible meaning of a word. In him the architect of the visible world, At once the art and artist of his works, Spirit and seer and thinker of things seen, Virât, who lights his camp-fires in the suns And the star-entangled ether is his hold, 111 Savitri, p. 662. 112 Essays on the Gita, SABCL, Vol. 13, p. 364. Page 170 ... that without sense or motive acts, An Intelligence needing not to think or plan, The world creates itself invincibly; For its body is the body of the Lord And in its heart stands Virât, King of kings." 3 We now propose to enter the forbidden land, for we are daring to speak about the vision of the Supreme Form of the supreme Divine. But does the Divine have any form? Is ...
... manifests Himself in various forms of beauty and holiness to the purified vision of the devotee. In the second aspect, as a soul, man can be looked upon as a part of the Cosmic Being or Universal Soul (Virat Purusha). In the third, the transcendental aspect, everything culminates in “Sachchidananda”, or Absolute Existence, Consciousness and Bliss. Knowing Champaklal, it can be concluded that the vision of ...
... world, there will be an essential equality between man and man, between caste and caste, between class and class, all being as Mr. Tilak has pointed out different but equal and united parts of the Virat Purusha as realised in the nation. The insistent preaching of our religion and the work of the Indian Nationalist is to bring home to every one of his countrymen this ideal of their country's religion and ...
... function of the Sudra at the base, but this inequality was accidental, external, vyavaharika . Essentially there was, between the devout Brahmin and the devout Sudra, no inequality in the single Virat Purusha of which each was a necessary part. Chokha Mela, the Maratha Pariah, became the guru of Brahmins proud of their caste purity; the Chandala taught Shankaracharya: for the Brahman was revealed in ...
... existence & the horse (the image usually conveyed by this name) is taken as the symbol of universal existence in annam. The horse is symbolic & the sacrifice is symbolic. We have in it an image of the Virat Purusha, of Yajniya Purusha, God expressing himself in the material universe. × Because the sun is the ...
... self in all that seems to us at present to be outside us. It is possible indeed to begin with the latter movement, to realise all things in this visible and sensible existence as God or Brahman or Virat Purusha and then to go beyond to all that is behind the Virat. But this has its inconveniences and it is better, if that be found possible, to combine the two movements. This realisation of all things ...
... of the world, asmaj juhuranam eno. And here, in the very opening hymn of the Veda, we find him visvatah paribhuh, universally encompassing—the word used being the very one employed to describe Virat Vaisvanara, the Master of Page 12 the physical universe—we find him to be satya, serving the fundamental law of the world (satyadharmanam adhware), opposed to all deviation & crookedness—chitrasravas ...
... remain self-contained as if apart from the universe or overlook, embrace and possess it as the Lord. In fact, it does both simultaneously. ( Verse 8 ) The Lord pervades the universe as the Virat Purusha, the Cosmic Soul ( paribhū of the eighth verse, the One who becomes everywhere); He enters into each object in the movement, to the Knowledge as Brahman supporting individual consciousness and ...
... " (Chandi, 53) 3 sthityadanābhyāñca. (Brahmasūtram, I.3.7) Also see: Purushottamananda Avadhuta, Brahmasutra, pp. 144-46. 4 "The Spirit pervades the universe as the Virat Purusha, the Cosmic Soul, and as paribhū (literally, 'the One who becomes everywhere'). He has entered into every single objct in the Movement, for 'it is the Self-Being that has become all existences ...
... universal Person, the inward-dwelling Master of our existence for whom man's knowledge, will and adoration were seeking through the mists of the Ignorance. There remains only the vision of the multiple Virat Purusha to complete the revelation on one more of its many sides. The metaphysical synthesis is complete. Sankhya has been admitted for the separation of the soul from the lower nature,—a separation ...
... that of Shakespeare; so is that of many pieces of Blake. This vital energy makes the soul stir within you. Nothing can be more high and sublime than the vital energy in Arjuna's description of the Virat Purusha in the Gita. 6 November 1936 I remain convinced that fame is a fluke. Even a settled literary fame seems to be a very fluctuating affair. Who gave a thought to Blake or Donne in former times ...
... Life. The material world is first formed with the Sun as centre, the Sun [ ] 1 being itself only a subordinate star of the great Agni, Mahavishnu, in whom is centred the Bhu. Mahavishnu is the Virat Purusha who as Agni pours Himself out into the forms of sun and star. He is Agni Twashtá, Visvakarman, he is also Prajápati and Matariswan. These are the three primal Purushas of the earth life,—Agni Twashta ...
... ess permeated with beauty, purity and love. Mrinalini who was born a hundred years ago and brought up in the natural surroundings of Shillong, exquisitely matched to her name, was married to a Virat Purusha ("world-wide Being") Page 1 whose name had the same meaning as hers: " the lotus." Daughter of a respectable Hindu family, she was 14 years younger than Sri Aurobindo. Her father ...
... ministering to their spiritual needs. Hence the need, Vivekananda thought, for the new order of sannyasins he had in mind. The human image in India had shrunk pitifully, and the collective image of the Virat Purusha had suffered too; perhaps the sannyasins, brahmacharins, the parivrajakas may be able to meet the challenge and set things right again. Well, 'Bhavani Mandir' was meant to train sannyasins ...
... power of self-knowledge and divine knowledge": The day Self-born unity will come into being by the harmony and integration of knowledge, devotion and work, as impelled by the Will of the Virat Purusha the Universal Person, on that day the Chariot of Jagannath will come out of the avenues of the world, radiating its light in all directions. Satya Yuga the Age of Truth will descend upon earth; ...
... under etc .. to submit, be subject to .. consent, acquiesce .. adore, worship, love, to contain, embrace. an to be, breathe, live .. Page 602 [2] अः Name of Vishnu (Virat-purusha—अ in ओम्). Name of Shiva, Brahma, Vayu or Vaishwanara. N[ote]. It is doubtful whether अः in the sense of Vishnu had in its origin any connection of dependence with अ, the first letter of the... of the three great deities who occupy & represent infinite & universal being, Vishnu, Shiva or Brahma; by a natural figure emphatic of the sense of व्याप्ति it became applicable to Vaiswanara or Virat Purusha. By transference to the idea of pervasive life & movement to Vayu, the god of wind, breath & the life principle. Cf अन्, अनुः, अनिलः, प्राणः. अ The first letter of the Onkára, representing ...
... lacking any nutritive value whatsoever. Boiled rice itself was a trinity - appearing now in its Wisdom (Shiva) aspect as white, now in its Hiranyagarbha aspect as yellow stuff, and again in its Virat Purusha aspect of grey eminence. But that life too was bearable, for after all God gave the sufferers the strength to bear even that life. In answer to a Poona editor trying to raise a laugh over this ...
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