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Vuthsa Udaian Udayan : Udayan (6th cent. BC) was king of Vatsa & was commonly called Vatsa rāja. He was a direct descendant of the Pandavas, & his capital was Kauśāmbi.
... the names have been altered or omitted and others introduced in their place. Vuthsa, the name of the nation in the tale, is in the play used as a personal name of the King Udaian. Page 622 Act I Scene I A room in the palace in Ujjayiny. Chunda Mahasegn, seated; Gopalaca. MAHASEGN Vuthsa Udaian drives my fortunes back. Our strengths retire from one luxurious boy, Defeated... is with souls apart. VUTHSA All men were not created from the mud. YOUGUNDHARAYAN See not a son of heaven in every worm. Look round and thou wilt see a world on guard. All life here armoured walks, shut in. Thou too Keep, Vuthsa, a defence before thy heart. Parenaca brings in Gopalaca. GOPALACA Which is Udaian, great Cowsamby's king? VUTHSA He stands here. What's... Therefore I come. Vuthsa Udaian, king, Grant me some hut, some cave upon thy soil, Some meanest refuge for my wandering head. But if thy heart can dwell with fear, as do Page 635 The natures of this age, or feed the snake Suspicion, over gloomier borders send My broken life. YOUGUNDHARAYAN Vuthsa, beware. His words Strive to conceal their naked cunning. VUTHSA Prince, What ...
... prefatory Note, "takes place a century after the war of the Mahabharata". A scion of the house of Parikshit, young Vuthsa Udayan rules at Cowsambie, flanked by Magadha in the east and by Avunthie (ruled by the ambitious Chunda Mahasegn) in the west. Cowsambie, ably sustained by Vuthsa's minister Yougundharayan, is the main hurdle against Mahasegn's dreams of empire; and he is determined, whether by... besides prevented from effecting rescue by means of war by Vuthsa's clear prohibition: "Whatever seeks me from Fate, man or beast, Let not war sound without thy prince's leave. Vuthsa will rescue Vuthsa." 76 Having made Vuthsa a captive, Mahasegn explains to his Queen Ungarica his plans for empire. Already a prisoner, Vuthsa' self-respect is to be further humbled by his being... rarer height Of the upclimbing tiers that are the world. 74 Vuthsa with Gopalaca and other young friends goes on an excursion to the Vindhya ranges. Perhaps Vuthsa has already an inkling of Gopalaca's dark mind, perhaps Vuthsa has his own audacious plan to match and master Gopalaca's. Left alone with him, Vuthsa makes a gesture of total trust in Mahasegn's son: Let me rest a while ...
... romantic, and harks back to the legend in Somadeva's Katha-sarit-sagara ("The Ocean of Story') and the famous play by Bhasa. King Udayan is held prisoner by his rival, King Mahasegn, and Princess Vasavadutta is the jailor. The inevitable happens, the jailor becomes Udayan's slave fulfilling her mother's warning: Thou wilt know, my bliss, The fiercest sweet ordeal can seize ...
... Phayllus, the Chancellor of Syria. Eric is very intense and compact as a play and there is almost no humour in it. In the play Vasavadutta, Vasunthah, the friend and companion of Vutsa Udayan, the King of Cowsambie, is depicted as a poet, thinker and satirist; his words often have a twist of wit and humour, but they are not solely 'funny', they go further in depth and intent. The ...
... to wed you; great Dushyanta Shall leave Shacoontala for these wide eyes Which you have stolen from the antelope To gaze men's hearts out of their bodies with, You lovely sorceress; or we'll have Udaian To ravish you into his rushing car, Edur's Vasavadutta. We'll bring crowding The heroes of romance out of the past For you to choose from, sweet, and not a Scythian In all their splendid ranks ...
... Neither Santideb nor Pratima Debi ever forbade me to be present and dance with my friends. Then when the Poet himself came to Santiniketan, there would be rehearsals every evening in the great hall of Udayan. Page 64 He would watch and correct or indicate the changes he saw were required. Well, I would simply walk in and sit in a corner of the big hall, and watch; or if the fancy took... in a blazing midday sun to give me that message and there was I, even after twenty minutes or more, still not on my way! No wonder his usual calm was ruffled. I ran and reached the big hall of Udayan from the garden side. As I entered the hall I saw Gurudev standing, .talking to our morning's pilot. Not another soul was to be seen. Evidently all the ceremonies were over and everybody had gone away ...
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