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Wedderburn, Sir William : (1838-1918): educated at Hofwyl, Worksop, Loretto, & Edinburg Univ.: entered the Bombay Civil Service 1860 & retired 1887: served as District Judge & Judicial Commissioner in Sind: acted as Secretary to the Bombay Govt. in the Judicial-Political Dept. & as Judge of Bombay High Court 1885: Officiating Chief Secretary to Bombay Govt.: retired 1887: M.P. for Banffshire 1893-1900: Chairman of Indian Parliamentary Committee: Member of Royal Commission on Indian expenditure 1895: wrote pamphlets, papers & schemes on arbitration courts, agriculture banks, village panchayats & such subjects relating to conditions in India: helped found the INC in 1885, Chairman of its British Committee, president of annual sessions at Bombay in 1889, & Allahabad in 1910. [Buckland]
... Indian politicians in labour produce speeches and interviews. Somehow the information has leaked out that the Hon'ble Mr. Gokhale's recent visit to England has not been much of a success. Now Sir William Wedderburn comes to the rescue of the Bombay patriot and says that the Hon'ble gentleman had a series of interviews with eminent British politicians from the Prime Minister down to 150 pro-Indian MPs ...
... with a flourish of trumpets contains at least one salutary truth which our countrymen would do well to take to heart. We are in the habit of attaching an absurdly exaggerated importance to Sir William Wedderburn and Sir Henry Cotton and the small group of so-called friends of India who figure so largely in the news sent over to this country. But in England these men do not figure largely. There is not ...
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