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White Lodge : In Theosophy, the Brotherhood of the White Lodge is the hierarchy of adepts who watch over & guide the evolution of humanity, & who have preserved the ancient truths unimpaired, reasserting them from time to time, as necessity arose. There are various lodges throughout the world, ranging from white (purely divine) through all shades of grey to black (anti-divine). The Theosophical Society owes its inception to members of the Great White Lodge (Himalayan or Tibetan Brotherhood).
... Theosophist broke the name of Sri Aurobindo to me. That I should bump into a Theosophist who should speak of what he termed Sri Aurobindo's Cosmic Consciousness and not preach to me of the "White Lodge" and the "Great Masters" and the Isis-unveiling Madame Blavatsky - this was a touch of Sri Aurobindo's Grace already. What made it the more Grace-ful was that the Theosophist told me: "Nobody ...
... Ashram, 1968; second revised and enlarged edition 1992, pp. 136-41. Page 451 who should speak of what he termed Sri Aurobindo's Cosmic Consciousness and not preach to me of the "White Lodge" and the "Great Masters" and the Isis-unveiling Madame Blavatsky - this was a touch of Sri Aurobindo's Grace already. What made it the more Graceful was that the Theosophist told me: "Nobody except ...
... tradition. The original seven Rishis refer to seven personalities who did not belong to the earth. The seven of tradition have not been on the earth since the Vedic times. I know nothing about the White Lodge. I should fancy they belong to the lower worlds between the pranic and the mental. They are certainly not the Vedic Rishis—though the name given to one of them is that of a later Rishi of the times ...
... error must be weeded out before the good corn of truth can grow. They have fallen into the snare of Gnostic jargon and Rosicrucian mummery and have been busy with a nebulous chase after Mahatmas, White Lodges and Lords of the Flame when they should have been experimenting earnestly and patiently, testing their results severely and arriving at sound and incontestable conclusions which they could present ...
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