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Wilberforce : William (1759-1833), English politician & philanthropist prominent from 1787 in the struggle to abolish slave trade & slavery itself in British colonies.
... other’s achievements.” 13 The feat Huxley is best remembered for, his confrontation in 1860 with Anglican bishop Samuel Wilberforce during a meeting at Oxford, should be seen against this background. According to the traditional account of that confrontation Wilberforce attacked the new evolutionary theory in a speech, and ended with the question whether Darwin was related to the apes on his ... introducing ridicule into a grave scientific discussion – I unhesitatingly affirm my preference for the ape.” 14 The argumentative power of this reply is weak and its historicity doubtful. Wilberforce was a learned man whose 17,000 words critique of the Origin was published in a prestigious quarterly a few days after the debate. “What really happened [at that meeting] receded behind a fog bank... Each of the players in the drama offered his own version in which he came best,” writes Carl Zimmer. 15 For Joseph Hooker was also present and would write to Darwin “that he himself had taken on Wilberforce: ‘I smacked him amid rounds of applause.’ Both Huxley and Hooker were telling stories that would do two things: raise their stature in Darwin’s eyes, and leave him indebted to them.” 16 And ...
... অধিকারস্বত্ব পাইতে পাইতে শেষে অনেক চেষ্টা ও পরিশ্রমের ফলস্বরূপ বৃটিশ সাম্রাজ্যের অধীনে স্বাধীনতা পাইব ৷ ভারতবর্ষের রাজপুরুষ যতই নিষ্ঠুর হৌক না কেন, কিন্তু ইংরেজ জাতি মহৎ ও সহৃদয় জাতি - তাঁহাদের মধ্যে Wilberforce, Howard, Gladstone প্রাভ্রুতি মহাত্মারা জন্মগ্রহণ করিয়াছে ৷ তাহারা আমাদিগের দুঃখ জানে না, কাদিলে শুনিবে ৷ (খণ্ডাংশ) ৩০শে আশ্বিন এই বৎসর ৩০ আশ্বিনের সমারােহ যেমন আগ্রহ, স্বাভাবিক উচ্ছাস ...
... left him a hysterical chaos. Page 33 Obsession in the psychopathic sense is not the word for any and every kind of master-passion or life-ideal carried to the extreme. Wilberforce fighting throughout his life the one evil Slavery was not an obsessional neurotic, General Booth devoting his entire energy to the Salvation Army was not an obsessional neurotic, Spahlinger co ...
... applied himself to the study of the problems in India. Hume, Froude, Kingsley or Freeman did not help him at all in taking a correct reading of events and their bearings. Neither Chatham nor Wilberforce nor even Mr. Gladstone stood by him with their enlightened statesmanship when he gave his seal of approval to the despotic acts of Sir Denzil Ibbetson. Chatham... rose from his sick-bed, was ...
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