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... state. Sebastian Haffner writes: “Germany had already to a great extent become an individual state under Bismarck [who was Chancellor until 1894], but it was in the Wilhelmian period [i.e. under William II] that the industry developed as it did in no other land except far away America.” 398 The statistics provided for instance in Fritz Fischer’s Krieg der Illusionen are impressive. Germany in those... first place from the Jews. Of all Germanic peoples it was specifically the Germans who were called to rule the world. If they did not succeed in this, they were condemned to perish.” 402 Emperor William II was one of Chamberlain’s readers, considered him his intellectual advisor and even mentor, decorated him with the Iron Cross, a war medal, and decreed that a copy of Foundations should be present ...
... of Austria and Russia. The Teutonic States were coveted by expanding Germany and, had that Power been guided by the prudently daring diplomacy of a new Bismarck,—a not unlikely contingency, could William II have gone to the grave before letting loose the hounds of war,—their absorption might well have been compassed. There remained America where imperialism had not yet arisen, but it was already emerging ...
... it may not remain unheard any longer!” 678 “The whole of Germany waits only for one man.” (Karl Schworm) To most this man was not Adolf Hitler, and he was to many either the deposed Emperor William II, or one of the princes who had abdicated in November 1918. The Bavarian coup in November 1923 prepared by “the three vons”, representing the constitutional government, and which Hitler tried to hijack ...
... powerful also on the material level; they have to accept this proposal because God’s intention is the well-being of the German people.” 410 And Fischer quotes the words spoken at a ceremony in honour of William II: “If anywhere in history, then it is in our history that the divine providence is palpably present. God has come to meet us, it is God’s will that acts in world history. Being one with our history ...
... kimono, under the sharp eyes of the Muslims. (After all, we are at the beginning of the century. Abd-el-Kader’s shadow is not so far away, and Abd-el-Krim is nearby, stirring up his conspiracies with William II. All the same, Mirra did not like women to be veiled, any more than Mathilde liked the khedive's tutelage.) And Theon held forth: "This so-called civilization, whose leaders themselves are ignorant ...
... these students in Paris in 1907, after he escaped Nicolas Il’s retaliatory measures. Three revolutions in the making which were going to change the face of the world. And finally, the intrigues of William II in Europe resulted in the dispatch of a German gunboat to Agadir in 1911, under the very nose of a threatened England and France, and precipitated the flare-up of the great fiery arch that strangely ...
... DAP” (Hesemann), “the founding father of the NSDAP” and “a respected member of the better society in Munich” (Bärsch). Eckart was after all a well-known playwright, personally acquainted with William II, and the editor and publisher of In Plain German, which counted practically all prominent nationalist authors among its collaborators. He was, moreover, immensely influential in Berlin as well ...
... of age-old Aryan wisdom’. With such publicity there could be little delay before the mythical glorification of Germanhood was also spread, through the members of the List Society, in the empire of William II.” 36 List’s revelations were supported and in a way complemented by the publications of another Austrian, Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels (1874-1954). Not only was Lanz acquainted with List, Brigitte ...
... from the East in its many shapes, that it was the knight in shining armour who would protect Europe and the values it stood for against the hordes from the Asian steppes (a metaphor already used by William II). The effects of this propaganda, developed and adapted by the SS, will attract thousands of idealistic young Europeans to join the divisions of the Waffen-SS and sacrifice their lives on the Russian ...
... being the chosen people.” 360 “National Socialism is the fulfilment of what the Germans call their ‘being’”, wrote Joseph Roth. “A direct path leads from Luther by way of Frederick II, Bismarck, William II and Ludendorff to Hitler and Rosenberg … As to me, I can, with all respect for the Protestants, not see any difference between Luther’s writings, for example those to the German nobles, and the writings ...
... January 1910, just before he escaped to Chandernagore, at a time when Europe and the world were still half-asleep, when the Chinese Revolution had not even begun, when the Tsars were still solid and William II was secretly seeking “colonial compensations,” while Edward VII, “The Pacifier” (when you read the list of all the "pacifiers” in history, you do wonder how come there are wars), was sitting on his ...
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