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Woodburn, Sir John : (1843-1902): born at Bārrāckpore, joined ICS came to India Dec.1863: served in N.W. Province & Oudh in minor appointments until he became Secretary in Revenue & later Chief Secretary to the Local Govt. in 1888: Member of Gov.-Gen.’s Legislative Council 1891 & 1893: Chief Commissioner of the Central Provinces 1893-5: Member Supreme Council 1895-7: had great influence in & affection for Oudh: Lt-Governor of Bengal April 1898 till his death: he passed the Calcutta Municipal Act of 1899 to combat the plague, the relaxation of the plague regulations endeared him to the native public: fell ill on tour in August, died in November, & buried in Circular Rd Cemetery, Calcutta. [Buckland]
... the unsubstantial nature of our rights and privileges. The Calcutta Municipality was represented as a shrouded corpse surrounded by weeping relatives to whom a padre with the physiognomy of Sir John Woodburn soothingly remarked, "The Lord hath given, the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." It drew forth from the Pioneer the following retort: "The quaint conceit might have been ...
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