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Wriothesley, Henry : (1573-1624), 3rd Earl of Southampton, a patron of Shakespeare, who dedicated to him his principal poems Venus & Adonis & The Rape of Lucrece.
... the reason, the receiving and the selecting parts of him which are his truer self. It may matter to the pedant or the gossip within me whether the sonnets were written to William Herbert or to Henry Wriothesley or to William Himself, whether the dark woman whom Shakespeare loved against his better judgment was Mary Fitton or someone else or nobody at all, whether the language is that of hyperbolical ...
... Aurobindo [ Kalidasa : Second Series (Pondicherry, 1954), pp. 13-14]. It may matter to the pedant or the gossip within me whether the sonnets were written to William Herbert or to Henry Wriothesley or to William Himself, whether the dark woman whom Shakespeare loved against his better judgment was Mary Fitton or someone else or nobody at all... but to the lover of poetry in me these things... by Sri Aurobindo is the lines on sleep: Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast Seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious surge...? King Henry IV , Pt. 2 (3.1.18-20) As Sethna points out, Sri Aurobindo, with fine discrimina-tion, would deny the same level of quality to Cleopatra's Eternity was in our lips and eyes, Bliss ...
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