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Yaksha Yuksha : attendant(s) of Kuvera, god of Wealth.
... is the highest truth on the spiritual plane. I am not competent to say anything about the teachings of different Philosophies but I shall only quote from Mahabharata the answer of Yudhisthir to Yaksha about— कः पन्था (What path to follow?) Yudhisthir answer, घेदा घिमिन्ना घिमिन्नाः नासौ मुनियस्य मत न भिन्नम् | घर्मस्य तत्चं निहितं गुहाया महाजनः येनगतः स पन्था || (The ...
... approach that Yaksha, one by one, Agni first, Vayu second, and Indra third. But none could move that Yaksha, none could find out what that Yaksha was. But while Agni and Vayu came back, Indra did not turn back from the quest. He pursued his way through the highest ether of the pure mentality and there he approached the Woman, the many- shining, Uma Haimavati. From her he learned that the Yaksha, this Daemon ...
... yachchanyat trikalatitam; the solemn assertion of the Kena, na tatra vag gacchati no manah; its subtle distinction avijnatam vijanatam vijnatam avijanatam; vividly there comes the great fable of the mighty Yaksha who stood before the gods, the advance of this very Indra to know him, the vanishing of the Brahman as soon as approached, utadhitam vi nashyati. The whole of Vedanta might be described as one vast ...
... digesting him instantly, then destroying Vātāpi's brother Ilvala by the flash of his eyes. So great was his power and light, it is said, that 1 Kinnars dwell in the heaven of Kuvera the Yaksha, in Kailash. A Kinnar has the form of a man and the head of a horse, as opposed to Sagittarius the Archer, who has a horse's body and the head of a man. 2 I have heard that it was at Triyugīnārāyan ...
... universe. Whatever different masks He may wear, from house to house of His habitation, it is always He. The disguises may be utterly concealing. He may manifest as Brahma & Vishnu, Surya & Agni or as the Yaksha & the Pishacha; he may dwell here as the man or dwell here as the animal; he may shine out as the saint or lust in Himself as the criminal; but all these are He. APPENDIX [2] [ Written on a separate ...
... Love. Joy. Prodigality Intellect. Desire. Service. 7 anandas—Kama—Prema—Ahaituka—Chid. Suddha—Nirguna—Siddha. = 84 worlds. with 7 below, nine above = 100 7 below. Gandharva (beauty). Yaksha (pleasure). Kinnara (fantasy). Aghora (samata). Swadhina (freedom). Deva (love). Asura (might & glory) from lowest to highest 9 above. Vaikuntha, Goloka, Brahmaloka, Meruloka, Visva-devaloka (K ...
... world-shaking question, "If ye are all, then what am I? for see, I am and I am here." Though He manifests. He does not reveal Himself, but is seen and felt by them as a vague and tremendous presence, the Yaksha, the Daemon, the Spirit, the unknown Power, the Terrible beyond good and evil for whom good and evil are instruments towards His final self-expression. Then there is alarm and confusion in the divine ...
... who represents Time and Space; he upholds the world on his hundred colossal hoods and is the couch of the Supreme who is Existence. There were also the angels who were a little less than the Gods; Yukshas, the Faery attendants of Kuvere, lord of wealth, who protect hoards and treasures and dwell in Ullaca, the city of beauty, the hills of mist Golden, the dwelling place of ...
... Brihaspati the chief of the high priests of the world, Skanda the war-god, leader of the leaders of battle, Marichi among the Maruts, the lord of wealth among the Yakshas and Rakshasas, the serpent Ananta among the Nagas, Agni among the Vasus, Chitraratha among the Gandharvas, Kandarpa the love-God among the progenitors, Varuna among the peoples of the sea, Aryaman ...
... like, four plus four: dharma-ksetre kuruksetre samaveta ¹ Another version in verse: On Rama's shady peak where hermits roam, Mid streams by Sita's bathing sanctified, An erring Yaksha made his hapless home, Doomed by his master humbly to abide, Arid spend a long-long year of absence from his bride. Some months were gone; the lonely lover's pain Had loosed his golden ...
... animal forms. Man already exists but as a god or demigod in Bhuvarloka of Bhu, not as a man upon earth. There he is Deva, Asura, Rakshasa, Pramatha, Pisacha, Pashu or as Deva he is either Gandharva[,] Yaksha, Vidyadhara or any of the Karmadevas. For Man is a son of the Manu and is assigned his place in Div & Pradiv, in Heaven & in the Swargabhumis. Thence he descends to earth and thither from earth he ...
... fighter. The word Asura also means the strong or mighty one. The Gandharvas are cited here briefly, so as to suit the rapidity of the passage, as the type of a particular class of beings, Gandharvas, Yakshas, Kinnaras Page 285 whose unifying characteristic is material ease, prosperity and a beautiful, happy & undisturbed self-indulgence; they are angels of joy, ease, art, beauty & pleasure ...
... ic width at the shoulders and slenderness in the middle. Well, an objection to broadness of girth and largeness of belly—allowed only where they are appropriate as in sculptures of Ganesha or the Yakshas—is not peculiar to the Indian aesthetic sense; an emphasis, even a pronounced emphasis on their opposites is surely intelligible enough as an aesthetic tradition, however some may prefer a more realistic ...
... or to those grosser spirits behind the veil who feed upon his works and dominate his life with their darkness. The rajasic man offers his sacrifice to lower godheads or to perverse powers, the Yakshas, the keepers of wealth, or to the Asuric and the Rakshasic forces. His sacrifice may be performed outwardly according to the Shastra, but its motive is ostentation, pride or a strong lust after the ...
... bring himself wholly to disbelieve it. For him the melancholy call of the bird will sound for ever across the chill dividing stream & make musical with pity the huge and solemn night. But when the Yaksha says to the cloud that he will recognize her who is his second life by her sweet rare speech and her loneliness in that city of happy lovers "sole like a lonely Chocrovaque with me her comrade far ...
... desire They leap up from this pool, I well might learn Tidings from them of Urvasie. 78 In Venkatanatha's Hamsa Sandesa too, Rama accosts a swan and sends (after the manner of the Yaksha in Meghaduta) a message through her to Sita from whom he is separated. These are not conceits merely or pathetic fallacies, for the poet creates out of them "nurslings of immortality". Pururavas ...
... creatures of the supraphysical worlds differ widely in different religious traditions. Some of these names are: Page 52 deva, gana, upadeva, parsad, siddha, gandharva, vidyadhara, yaksha, raksha, daitya, asura, - all in the Indian tradition; fresta, jin, pari, iblish, saitan, in the Islamic tradition; and in the Christian tradition nine types of angels are grouped in ...
... unharmonised, the fullness of the Tapas is awaited. The obstinacy of the Bali element must now revive along with the growth of the Rakshasa. Equally, the lower forms, Pramatha, Pishacha, Gandharva, Yaksha, Charana, Pashu, must range themselves in their places & grow distinct yet one. Darshana Since yesterday afternoon the second intensity has taken possession in place of the first & is itself ...
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