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Young Italy : Italian journal Glovine Italia, published by Mazzini in 1832-34, it was also the name of the movement he founded.
... informing its aspirations. It was this strength he sought to create. The spiritual force he created by the promulgation of the mighty and uplifting ideas which pervade his writings and of which Young Italy was the organ. 144 "But moral force cannot be confirmed merely by ideas, it can only be forged and tempered in the workshop of action. And it was the habit of action, the habit of strength ...
... informing its aspirations. It was this strength he sought to create. The spiritual force he created by the promulgation of the mighty and uplifting ideas which pervade his writings and of which Young Italy was the organ. But moral force cannot be confirmed merely by ideas, it can only be forged and tempered in the workshop of action. And it was the habit of action, the habit of strength, daring ...
... courage and energy of wonderful sacrifice", they had added a bright chapter to recent Indian history. In this they had only emulated the doings of youth elsewhere - Mazzini depended on young Italy .... When the insurrection broke out at Bologna, the leaders were chiefly students of the University .... In Milan, a crowd assembled before the Government House whereupon the soldiers fired ...
... horrible discomfort. That's my condition. ( silence ) Well, what do you want? What you want. ( Mother plunges in till the end ) No news? Tell me whatever you like. David, the young Italian who made a documentary on Sri Page 299 Aurobindo, now wants to film "The Gold Washer." But he wants to do it in the true spirit, with your help, showing how it inevitably leads to Sri ...
... Page 284 they cure different types of cancer (I understand nothing about it). Anyway, he lives somewhere in Italy, I don't know where, and I had him asked if he would like to come here—he has accepted. And he's going to come: there's a whole group of young Italians who want to come at the end of the year for Sri Aurobindo's yoga, and he'll probably come with them, or else he will come... it has happened. And a quite joyful Sri Aurobindo.... It's strange... as if he were very happy at the way things are going. ( Mother remains silent for a long time ) Did I tell you that in Italy a veterinarian has found a cure for cancer?... This man has discovered that goats, the goat species (male and female), never have cancer! They even went as far as trying to make them have cancer, and... touch with Dr. S., to let them study that together, and if it works well, I'll ask him to stay on. Because you know that S. now has a sort of dispensary in Auromodèle [in Auroville] (there's even a young French medical student who has come and stays there too, he is very happy). So we could open a "cancer clinic," that would be very interesting! Because with S.'s presence here, there's no difficulty—in ...
... November November Mother’s Agenda 1964 November 14, 1964 ...I was read a letter from a young Italian boy, fourteen or fifteen years old, who had remarkable experiences on silence, how he obtains silence and what goes on inside him—truly remarkable. I told you also that I had received a letter from England and the analogy ...
... thing about it). Anyway, he's somewhere in Italy, I don't know where, and I had someone ask him if he would come here and he has agreed. He is going to come: there is a whole group of young Italians who want to come to do Sri Aurobindo's yoga at the end of this year, and he'll probably come with them, or else he'll come with [Italian artist] if [the Italian artist] is willing to pay for his trip. And... time to stop. March 12, 1969 AM X-86,90-91 (Regarding the Italian translation of The Adventure of Consciousness) I have nothing to say. But you? Do you have something? Page 103 Just two things: you know [name] has asked me to bring this to you: it's the Italian translation of my book on Sri Aurobindo. Good.... But what's this? (Mother... the world! (laughing) And there are many! December 31, 1969 AM X-525-536 Do you know [an Italian designer], have you seen him? He's nice. He is nice. But in fact I have something to say about this. Yesterday I had a visit from both [the designer] and [an Italian engineer], and [the designer] explained to me a sort of inspiration he had about Auroville. I found it very beautiful ...
... justice to the French proposal.' The author of these words was beginning to make his name. It was Willy Brandt. I followed closely the anxieties expressed by the old Belgian coal industry, the young Italian steel industry, and the ambitious Dutch planners. None of their particular problems seemed to me insoluble. On the contrary, I was certain that they would all be carried forward by the new European... skilful Luxembourg diplomat, knew very well the interests he had to defend. All three had had experience of a limited customs union, Benelux. The only political figure was Emilio Taviani, a young deputy from the Italian Christian Democrat Party. Except for Hallstein, I had not been consulted on the appointment of my colleagues. Over the months, I came to know them; but what mattered now was to bring them... persuasion. My first target, I remember, was Taviani. When he asked for the Italian steel industry to be put on a par with those of other countries before the High Authority started work, I answered: 'I agree that competitive conditions should be made equal. But let us get out of the habit of talking about the Italian steel industry, the French steel industry, and so on, because soon there will ...
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