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adityas Aditians Ᾱdityah : sons of Adīti; the Solar gods born in Truth, their home, & descended into the lower planes as the guardians & increasers of the Truth in man, leading him to felicity & immortality. [SABCL Vol. 11:467]

46 result/s found for adityas Aditians Ᾱdityah

... udgitha hymns without knowing their presiding deity loses his head. Tell me, O Lord, who is that divinity?" "Aditya, the Sun is that deity. The whole creation raises a paean to Him as he ascends the skies. This Aditya is the godhead of the udgitha. If you sing the udgitha without knowing Aditya, then, as I have warned you, your head will surely fall off." Finally, the Pratiharta priest came to him and... to enter the image; what was just an idol is awakened to life by the infusion of this Force. Life and Life-Force, this comes first. Next comes consciousness, knowledge, light, that is, the Sun-God, Aditya, and ordinarily, mind is His field. But by itself force is not enough, knowledge is not enough; this force and this light have to be embodied and given a form, they have to take physical shape with ...

... and Delight - Recollections of Life with the Mother, Pondicherry: Clear Ray Trust, 2nd ed. 2003. 18. 1980 The Problem of Aryan Origins: From an Indian Point of View, New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan, second extensively enlarged edition with five supplements 1992. 19. 1981 Karpasa in Prehistoric India: A Chronological and Cultural Clue, New Delhi: Biblia Impex Private... 25. 1987 The Obscure and the Mysterious: A Research in Mallarme's Symbolist Poetry, Pondicherry: SAICE. 26. 1989 Ancient India in a New Light, New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan, 2nd ed. 1997. 27. 1989 Talks on Poetry, Pondicherry: SAICE. 28. 1989 Blake's Tyger: A Christological Interpretation, Pondicherry: K.D. Sethna. ... The Integral Life Foundation. 47. 1998. Sri Aurobindo and Greece , Waterford, U.S.A.: The Integral Life Foundation. 48. 2000 Problems of Ancient India, New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan. 49. 2000 Teilhard de Chardin and our Time , Waterford, U.S.A.: The Integral Life Foundation. 50. 2001 The Virgin Birth and the Earliest Christian Tradition ...

... hymns without knowing their presiding deity loses his head. Tell me, O Lord, who is that divinity?" "Aditya, the Sun is that deity. The whole creation raises a paean to Him as he ascends the skies. This Aditya is the godhead of the udgītha . If you sing the udgītha without knowing Aditya, . then, as I have warned you, your head will surely fall off." Finally, the Pratiharta priest came to... enter the image; what was just an idol is awakened to life by the infusion of this Force. Life and Life-Force, this comes first. Next comes consciousness, knowledge, light, that is, the Sun-God, Aditya, and ordinarily, mind is His field. But by itself force is not enough, knowledge is not enough; this force and this light have to be embodied and given a form, they have to take physical shape with ...

... (Correspondence with Jagannath) Jagannath Vedalankar's Correspondence with The Mother 26 December 1946 Divine Mother, Aditya can be a useful hand for Aditi work because he is competent in Sanskrit and Hindi. He will joyfully spare some time for it with your blessing and sanction. He is fully busy in the Granary and I wonder how he could find ...

... articulate; arrive, O Agni, with the gods. इन्द्रवायू बृहस्पतिं मित्राग्निं पूषणं भगम् । आदित्यान् मारुतं गणम् ॥३॥ 3) On Indra and Vayu, Brihaspati, on Mitra and Agni, Pushan, Bhaga, the Adityas and the Marut host. प्र वो भ्रियन्त इन्दवो मत्सरा मादयिष्णवः । द्रप्सा मध्वश्चमूषदः ॥४॥ 4) For you the nectar streams are filled in, rapturous and maddening, dripping sweetness, into their ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 Index   ACHERON, 103 Aditi, 131-2 Adityas, the, 144­ Aesop, 21 Agastya, 74 Agni, 133, 138-40, 144 Ajdeb, 277 Algeria , 12 Amrita, 38, 192, 194 Andamans, the, II Androgyne, 296-7 Anu, 71n        ...

... इह हुवे ॥५॥ 5) Dadhikravan I call here, and the Fire, and the divine dawn, Brihaspati and the god Savitri, the two riders of the horse, and Mitra and Varuna and Bhaga, the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas. SUKTA 21 इमं नो यज्ञममृतेषु धेहीमा हव्या जातवेदो जुषस्व । स्तोकानामग्ने मेदसो घृतस्य होतः प्राशान प्रथमो निषद्य ॥१॥ 1) Found this our sacrifice in the immortals, accept these offerings, ...

... indeed is it? (21) Men established the line of Non-Being and knew it the Sup­reme. Others, on the contrary, recognise the Being and follow that line of theirs. (22) There all the Adityas ¹ , all the Rudras ² and all those born of Indra ³ are lodged. There what was, what will be and all the worlds are established. Of the Great Pillar speak ­which one indeed is it? (23) ...

... to my theme while avoiding repetition here of the ground variously covered by Karp ā sa. Five Supplements have been appended, a very substantial addition valiantly welcomed by my new publishers, Aditya Prakashan. The penultimate, the shortest, touches on some probable implications of the recent maritime excavations at Dwaraka, the legendary town of Sri Krshna. The third Supplement meets on ...

... mother goddess is Aditi ('the infinite'). She has twelve sisters who are the root-mothers of a particular species, like Vinata mother of birds, or Kadru of serpents. Aditi's progenies are called the Adityas, or gods in common parlance. Her sister Danu's progenies are called the Danavas. That is not all. The author, Peter Ellis, goes on to say that "As the ancient Celts emerged into recorded history ...

... the Veda. The chariot fashioned is the धिइति, the thought and the divine power has to take possession of it as the horse that attains to the goal सप्तिर्न रथ्यो अह धीतिमश्याः (1) Mitra, Varuna, Adityas, Rudras, Vasus. (2) Visve Devah. (3) Indra and the Maruts. (4) Twashtri, the “Gna”s, Bhaga, Brihaddiva, Rodasi, Pusha, Purandhi (Suryâ), A¸cwins. (5) Day & Night, Earth & Heaven. (6) Ahir Budhnya ...

... Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 Index A. E. (GEORGE RUSSELL), 64, 286 -"Desire",64n -"Endurance", 286n Adam, 116 Addison, 79n -"Hymn", 79n Adityas, 28-9 Aeschylus, 86 Aesop, 258 Afghanistan, 284 Agni, 16, 19-20,22-3,28, 33-5, 45, 157 61, 164, 166, 180,214 America, 198,284 Ananda, 133 Andamans, 103 Ansars, 267 ...

... says to Arjuna before giving him the revealing vision of His universal form: "Thou shalt see my hundreds and thou- sands of divine forms, various in kind, various in shape and hue; thou shalt see the Adityas and the Rudras and the Maruts and the Aswins; thou shalt see many wonders that none has beheld; thou shalt see today the whole world related and unified in my body and whatever else thou wiliest to ...

... of Vishnu running on a straight single line with other incarnations of that member of the Divine Trimurti, makes this member a Vibhuti of his by saying: "Among the Adityas I am Vishnu..." (X. 21). Evidently, to Krishna the Adityas, solar sons of the Infinite Mother-Goddess Aditi, are a class of supernatural beings and Vishnu is its outstanding exemplar or Vibhuti. Like Rama the warrior, he occurs ...

... that illumination. Vastly he stood within the worlds, purifying and resplendent he entered into [    ] (15) Mother of the Rudras is she, daughter of the Vasus, sister Page 324 of the Adityas, periphery of the Truth. Now do I speak to that man who hath the perception; hurt not the Light that is without stain of evil, the Infinite who divideth not. (16) The Light who knoweth the Words ...

... Varuna becoming wide-energied and untouched by all harms. (8) Three are the earths that they uphold, three the heavens, three are the laws of action within these in the knowledge; by the Truth, O Adityas, is that vast might of yours, O Aryaman, Varuna and Mitra, a bright and beautiful wideness. (9) Three heavenly worlds of light they uphold, pure they and golden bright and purified in the streams; ...

... aspect and instead of the Maruts with whom he is usually invoked has the Rudras as his agents and associates. Page 361 The third in the line of ascension is the region of Varuna and the Adityas, that is to say, of the large Mind and its lights —perhaps it can be connected with Tantric Ajnachakra. The fourth is the domain of Soma and the Maruts—this seems to be the inner heart, the fount of... pyramid of creation. They form a rising tier and are ruled respectively by the gods— Agni, Indra, Varuna, Soma and Brahma—with their emanations and instrumental personalities—the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas, the Maruts and the Sadhyas. We suggest that these refer to the five well-known levels of being, the modes or nodi of consciousness or something very much like them. The Upanishad speaks elswhere of ...

... amid all these qualities, powers and objects, the chief, the head, the greatest in quality of each class is a special power of the becoming of the Godhead. I am, says the Godhead, Vishnu among the Adityas, Shiva among the Rudras, Indra among the gods, Prahlada among the Titans, Brihaspati the chief of the high priests of the world, Skanda the war-god, leader of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Godhead in his Yoga can be beheld and that eye I now give to thee. Thou shalt see, he says, my hundreds and thousands of divine forms, various in kind, various in shape and hue; thou shalt see the Adityas and the Rudras and the Maruts and the Aswins; thou shalt see many wonders that none has beheld; thou shalt see today the whole world related and unified in my body and whatever else thou willest to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... strengths of perfected being, to the Aswins the youth of the soul & its raptures & swiftnesses, to Daksha & Saraswati, Ila, Sarama & Mahi the activities of the Truth & Right, to the Rudras, Maruts & Adityas, the play of Page 704 physical, vital, mental & ideative activities. Agni has stood up in the dawning illumination high uplifted in the pure mentality, úrdhwa, with a perfected mind, sumanáh ...

... aspect and instead of the Maruts with whom he is usually invoked has the Rudras as his agents and associates. Page 28 The third in the line of ascension is the region of Varuna and the Adityas, that is to say, of the large Mind and its lights -perhaps it can be connected with Tantric Ajnachakra. The fourth is the domain of Soma and the Maruts-this seems to be the inner heart, the fount of... pyramid of creation. They form a rising tier and are ruled respectively by the gods Agni, Indra, Varuna, Soma and Brahma-with their emanations and instrumental personalities-the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas, the Maruts and the Sadhyas. We suggest that these refer to the five well-known levels of being, the modes or nodi of consciousness or something very much like them. The Upanishad speaks elswhere of ...

... protection of their divine gaze. The sacred poems in which the All-Gods and the Adityas, the sons of the Infinite, and Aryaman, Mitra and Varuna are praised,—not the mere hymns of formal invocation to the sacrifice,—are among the most beautiful, solemn and profound that the imagination of man has conceived. The Adityas are described in formulas of an incomparable grandeur and sublimity. No mythic barbarian... Therefore Aryaman is invoked always in conjunction with Aditi or Varuna or Mitra or in the great realising Triad or in the realised quaternary or in the general invocation of the All-Gods and the Adityas. Page 498 Bhaga on the other hand is the crown of our movement to the possession of the hidden divine Truth of our existence; for the essence of that Truth is beatitude. Bhaga is Savitri... have one light, one work, they perfect in us one indivisible Truth; and it is this union of all the godheads in our consenting universality 7 that is the objective of the Vedic thought in these Aditya hymns. Page 496 Still the union comes about by a combination of their powers and therefore each has in it his own proper nature and function. That of the Four is to build up the whole divine ...

... the first two or three years. But there were some who sought to establish with the students an intimacy, or at least a relatively closer relationship. Take for example our professor of philosophy, Aditya Mukherji. He was nearing his forties perhaps at the time. On the very first day of the First Year class he announced during the roll-call that he would try every day to make himself familiar with the... you about my first composition in the first year of college, in connection with Manomohan Ghose. The first essay I had to write in my Degree course was in the Honours class in philosophy. Professor Aditya Mukherji gave an essay to .be written at home and it was duly submitted. One day in class the Professor called out, "No. 40" – this happened to be my roll-number. He said to me, "Here is your essay ...

... of view, second enlarged edition, Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi, 1992, p. 57. 3. Cf. 1 above. 4. Cf. 2 above, first edition, S & S Enterprises, Calcutta 1980. 5. Cf. 2 above. 6. Ibid., pp. 214-222. 7. Ibid., pp. 419-20. 8. Ibid. , pp. 187-93. 9. Sethna, K.D.: Ancient India in a New Light, Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi, 1989. 10 ...

... into the hands of the pure energy which distributes them to the proper centres. आदित्यान् .. तान् हि. Hi is here simply emphatic, not causal & the tan refers back to देवा of the last line. The Adityas, sons of Aditi, the infinite existence in the paravat, parardha or higher being of man & the world. उश्मसि. The word is from the root उश् and must therefore mean "desire, wish, yearning out, ...

... afternoon offering to the Rudras and the evening offering to the Adityas and all the gods,—where then is the world of the Yajamana? (that is to say, what is the spiritual efficacy beyond this material life of the three different sacrifices & why, to what purpose, is the first offered to the Vasus, the second to the Rudras, the third to the Adityas?) He who knows this not, how should he perform (effectively) ...

... rest with the reader of these books.     3. " Karpasa" in Prehistoric India: A Chronological and Cultural clue , New Delhi: Biblia Impex, 1981; Ancient India in aNew Light , New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan, 1989, reprinted 1997; The Problem of Aryan Origins , -do-1980, reprinted 1992. Page 193 Sethna begins his examination of the birth of Jesus by pointing out that neither... with such dedication, refusing to take any statement at face value, testing every claim against all possible evidence till only the incontrovertible truth shines forth. His Problems of Ancient India (Aditya Prakashan, 2000) is an outstanding fourth in the series, complementing the revolutionary Ancient India in a New Light .5 Unfortunately, space constraints do not permit us to discuss its findings ...

... moral aspect, that conception is now entirely justified. The path of Truth, ritasya panthá sádhuyá, is suga anrikshara; there are no pitfalls or precipices in that road; for it is the road of the Adityas, the children of Light & Infinity, sons of Aditi, the Infinite Nature, brothers of Surya to whom belongs the revealed knowledge & the divine illumination. It is as we shall see in the next line the ...

... the goal of the supramental Truth, Right and Vast and to the indescribable Joy, Delight and Ecstasy. The cosmic beings, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga, are addressed in the Veda as solar powers ( Adityas ) and as Sons of Aditi, the infinite and undivided Power and Will of the supreme Reality. "O Sons of Infinite, effect for us the fearless peace, make us good paths of an easy going to the felicity ...

... the fallacy of a sharp demarcation between Aryan and Dravidian races, languages, civilizations, even deities (Shiva is Dravidian, Vishnu is Aryan!). Whatever twists and Subhash Kak (Delhi, Aditya Prakashan, 1994), and The Politics of History by Navaratna S. Rajaram (Delhi, Voice of India, 1995). This last work, besides giving irrefutable evidence against the Aryan invasion theory, relates ...

... rhythms like Gayatri, Trishtubha, and Jagati, corresponding to the morning, afternoon and evening sacrifice lasting 24, 44 and 48 years of life respectively, according to the number of . Aditya, generally identified with the Sun, is said to be the Brahman: (Chhando III. 19) If we examine some of the passages in which the Upanishads employ the Vedic words in the same... Light, from death lead me to Immortality. " This finds expression in the Riks: The symbolic nature of the sacrifice was very well-known to the Upanishads, for it says : Aditya is the Samit, Page 190 the holy wood for offering. The Sun is the holy wood offered; " The rays of the Sun are the smoke " : " In it the gods offer ...

... Indian Point of View. Second extensively enlarged edition with five supplements, New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan, 1992. Sethna, K.D., KARPASA in Prehistoric India: a Chronological and Cultural clue, New Delhi: Biblia Impex, 1981. Jha, N. and Rajaram, N.S., The Deciphered Indus Script, New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan, 2000. Rajaram, Navaratna S. and Frawley, David, Vedic Aryans and the Origins ...

... become master of all delights. [10]     HYMN OF THE SUPREME GODDESS   (Rig-Veda – Mandala X, Sukta 125)   I move with the Rudras and the Vasus, with the Adityas, yea, with all the gods. I bear both Mitra and Varuna, both Indra and Agni and the twin Aswins. [1]   I bear the Soma that is to be pressed, I bear the Fashioner and the Fosterer and the ...

...     Usrá iva swasaráni. Viśve devásah asridha ehimáyáso adruhah     Medham jushanta vahnayah. We are accustomed to speak of the Visvadevas as if they were a separate class of deities, like the Adityas, Maruts or Rudras; but the Veda uses the expression Viśve devásah, which in the absence of any other meaning for viśva, we must render simply “All gods”. We shall suppose for the present that when... them becomes a baseless superstition and the idea that the modern Indian religions are Vedic in their substance is convicted of egregious error. For the Vedas Sayana gives us are the mythology of the Adityas, Rudras,Maruts, Vasus,—but these gods of the Veda have long ceased to be worshipped,—or they are a collection of ritual & sacrificial hymns, but the ritual is dead & the sacrifices are no longer offered ...

... goddesses and above all gods stands Aditi, the infinite Consciousness and Force, Mother of every god whom the Rigveda throws into relief and who even in that relief points back to her by being called Aditya, Aditī's son. Surely, the prominent worship of the Mother Goddess could very well develop from the Rigveda. As for the worship of icons, we may affirm that although it may not have been ...

... The Problem Of Aryan Origins Index Abiratta, 32, 33 Achaemenid emperors, 90, 93 Achaemenid inscriptions, 84 Aditī, 39, 42, 86, 111 Aditya, 39 Afghānistān, 7, 8, 14, 68, 76, 86, 98, 118 Aghnyā, 42 Agni, 39, 40, 41, 42, 46, 86, 114 Agrawal, D.P., 2fn. Agrawala, V.S., 130fn. Ahi Vritra ...

... spiritual or symbolic significance. I. 163. This whole Sukta dedicated to Ashwa-the Horse- is openly symbolic. The Horse rises from the sea, and is swift like the hawk, he is Yama, and also Aditya. It is Horse with golden horns and steel hooves, it has speed of mind, the Horse is like inferior Indra ! I 50. 10. " Looking beyond the darkness, we saw the Light beyond, higher still we entered ...

... of Gritsamada. Second Mandala /Hymn 23. To Brahmanaspati. The Master of the Soul”. The headings for Suktas 24 – 26 repeat “To Brahmanaspati” after the hymn number. Sukta 27 is headed “Hymn to the Adityas—27.” and Sukta 28 “Hymn 28. To Varuna.” Entries of 29 and 30 March 1914 in the Record of Yoga mention that Suktas 23 – 26 were translated on the 29th and Sukta 27 on the 30th. Sukta 28 was presumably ...

... beheld and it is that eye that Sri Krishna was to give to him. Sri Krishna told Arjuna that he was to see hundreds and thousands of divine forms of Sri Krishna, the Avatar, that he was to see the Adityas, the Rudras, the Maruts, and the Ashwins, — all the great symbolic figures of the Veda, — and that he was to see Page 104 many wonders and the whole world related and unified in the body ...

... रुद्रेभिरा वहा बृहन्तम् । आदित्येभिरदितिं विश्वजन्यां बृहस्पतिमृक्वभिर्विश्ववारम् ॥४॥ 4) O Fire, companioning the shining ones bring to us Indra, companioning the Rudras bring vast Rudra, with the Adityas bring the boundless and universal Mother, with those who have the illumined word bring the master of the word in whom are all desirable things. मन्द्रं होतारमुशिजो यविष्ठमग्निं विश ईळते अध्वरेषु ...

... of the gods make rich our offerings. 27 And a few more Riks at random: O Fire, companioning the shining ones bring to us Indra, companioning the Rudras bring vast Rudra, with the Adityas bring the boundless and universal Mother, with those who have the illumined word bring the master of the word in whom are all desirable things... 28 Found for us felicity of earth and heaven ...

... would lead to greater harmony and co-operative creativity in India must not prejudice us as   * From: The Problem of Aryan Origins: From an Indian Point of View by K.D. Sethna, New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan, 1980; second extensively enlarged edition with five supplements 1992, pp. 1-17. Page 458 historians. We have to be calm and clear in our approach to the problem even ...

... remain a landmark in this genre.   • Sixth, Sethna has made a notable achievement in the field of creative journalism. His indefatigable role as the editor of   20. Op. Cit, New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan, first edition 1980, second extensively enlarged edition with five supplements, 1992. Page xxxi Mother India : Monthly Review of Culture right from the Bombay-days remains ...

... articulated prayers in the Ramayana, the Mahabharata 26 Letters on Yoga, SABCL, Vol. 22, p. 73. 27 Ibid., p. 314. Page 193 and the Bhagavata. Stotras like Aditya Hridayam, Vishnu Sahasranamam and Gajendra's Prayer have been priceless gifts for the sadhaka down the centuries. Such prayers stop us on our tracks and we gain a rare Ananda by reciting them while ...

... Xerxes, 438 Achaemenids, 251, 384, 385, 429, 549, 603; their art, 387-94; documents in Egypt, 330-31; satrapies, 56 Achyuta, 537, 539 Aditi (Kasyapa's daughter), 70 Aditya-sena, 487, 488, 490, 494, 605 Aelian, 202-3, 238, 386 Agalassoi (Agesinae/Argesinae), 426 Agathokles, 40, 441 Agrammes (Xandrames, Chandrāmśa), 65, 177 Agrawala ...

... ups and downs of possession of Magadha, known to historians as the Later Guptas but having no ascertainable connection with the Imperial Guptas, started with Krishna-gupta and practically ended with Aditya-sena. Their very presence in this period would seem to exclude the existence of the Imperial Guptas as masters of Magadha and to discredit the current chronology and support the traditional-Purānic ...