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aryavarta aryabhumi aryaland aryasthan : regions from the Himalayas to Kanyā Kumari, the immortal nation of the strong, great & lofty spirited Arya(n)s. “The sub-continent of India, stretching from the Himalayas to the sea, is known to Hindus as Bhārata-Varsha or the land of King Bharata. It was said to form part of a larger unit called Jambu-dwipa which was considered to be the innermost of seven concentric island-continents into which the earth, as conceived by Hindu cosmographers, was supposed to have been divided. Early Buddhist evidence suggests that Jambu-dwipa was a territorial designation actually in use from 3rd century BC at the latest, & was applied to that part of Asia, outside China, throughout which the prowess of the great imperial family of the Mauryas made itself felt…. In ancient law-books the term Āryavarta is the whole of the vast territory lying between the Himalayas & the Vindhyās & extending from the western to the eastern sea. To the north of the Madhya-deśa, beyond Pahoa, lay Uttarāpatha or Udīchya (NW India), to its west Aparānta or Prāchitya (Western India), to its south Dakshīnapatha or Dakshīna (corrupted to Dukkhan to Decca), & to its east Purva-deśa or Prāchya. To these five primary divisions, the Puranas sometimes add two others, the Parva-āśrayin or Himalayan tract, & the Vindhyan region.” [An Advanced History of India; pp. 3-5]
... murder." But, in spite of himself, Justice Rowlatt had to praise Bhawani Mandir: "It was remarkable in more ways than one." Page 265 Lord Ronaldsey in his book The Heart of Aryavarta, writes this about Bhawani Mandir. "Couched in sparkling English, the booklet is a piece of inspired writing. These ideas seem indeed to have been the mainspring behind Sri Aurobindo's activities... Energy which streams forth from the Eternal in the world and the Eternal in yourselves. I am the Mother of the Universe, the Mother of the Worlds, and for you who are children of the Sacred Land, Aryabhumi, made of her clay and reared by her sun and winds, I am Bhawani Bharati, Mother of India." Then if you ask why we should erect a temple to Bhawani, the Mother, hear Her answer, "Because I have ...
... Energy which streams forth from the Eternal in the world and the Eternal in yourselves. I am the Mother of the Universe, the Mother of the worlds, and for you who are children of the Sacred Land, Aryabhumi, made of her clay and reared by her sun and winds, I am Bhawani Bharati, Mother of India.” * Come then, hearken to the call of the Mother. She is already in our hearts waiting to manifest Herself ...
... says it does not matter much; we have gone another step in the direction of our goal. O inhabitants of Maharashtra, since you and Bengalis are stirring to attain one end and as we are all sons of Aryabhumi, let us all jointly set ourselves to the task of bringing about a state of things in accordance with the commandment of God. We, Bengalis, depend upon you because the sons of Maharashtra were brave ...
... Infinite Energy which streams forth from the Eternal in the world and Eternal in yourselves. I am the Mother of the Universe, the Mother of the Worlds, and for you who are children of the Sacred land, aryabhumi , made of her clay and reared by her sun and winds, I am Bhawani Bharati, Mother of India.” Bande Mataram: Political Writings 1890-1908 , volume 6 of THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SRI AUROBINDO, p. 89 ...
... to the whole nation. Or to put it more broadly, it is an attempt to create a new nation in India by reviving in spirit & action ancient Indian character, the strong, great and lofty spirit of old Aryavarta, and setting it to use and mould the methods and materials of modernity for the freedom, greatness and well-being of a historic and immortal people. This is not, I am well aware, a description under ...
... "past the supreme great ridges", moving through mists and seeing beyond rocks and ramparts the golden sun, he sees enthroned upon the summit "Indira, the goddess, Ocean's child", the patroness of Aryasthan, and he tells her the name of his "termless wide desire"; and "like a viol", she returns this prophetic reply: Sprung of the moon, thy grandsire's fault in thee Yet lives; but since thy... speech is charged with power and embodies a core of historical truth and eloquently utters a note of warning, as pertinent today as K was when Pururavas faced the austere goddess and patroness of Aryasthan. But Pururavas wanders farther still, sights Coilas (Kailas) in the distance, receives benedictions from the Mother of the Aryans, and rising yet further sees the 'Mighty Mother herself on the... happily he was persuaded to include it in the Collected Edition of his Poems and Plays in 1942. 22 Urvasie is Sri Aurobindo's Endymion, but an Endymion transferred, by sleight of hand, to Aryasthan and presented in terms of immemorial Hindu thought. By rendering the age-long Urvasie legend on an epic (at least mini-epic) scale, Sri Aurobindo has dyed it with shining indelible purpose and crowned ...
... Infinite Energy which streams forth from the Eternal in the world and Eternal in yourselves. I am the Mother of the Universe, the Mother of the Worlds, and for you who are children of the Sacred land, aryabhumi , made of her clay and reared by her sun and winds, I am Bhawani Bharati, Mother of India." Then if you ask why we should erect a temple to Bhawani the mother, hear Her answer, "Because I have ...
... Rishabchand, and Shyamsundar Jhunjhunwala. The Destiny of Man (1969) Rishabchand. In the Mother's Light (1967) Page 824 Ronaldshay, The Earl of. The Heart of Aryavarta (1925) Roy, Dilip Kumar. Among the Great (1946); Sri Aurobindo Came to Me (1964); Yogi Sri Krishnaprem (1968) Saint-Hillaire, P. B. The Message of Sri Aurobindo and His Ashram ...
... but never to self-sacrifice. Then there is the joy of having done a good work and brought oneself nearer to heaven which used to be and perhaps still is the most common incentive to beneficence in Aryaland. That is a more powerful spring, but it is narrow and does not reach the true self; its best value is that it is helpful towards purification. Then there are the natures born for love & unselfishness... not by action but by knowledge. THE GURU Vairagya is a big word and it has come to mean many things, and it is because these are confused and jumbled together by the Page 110 men of Aryavarta, that tamas and Anaryan cowardice, weakness & selfishness have spread over this holy & ancient land, covering it with a thick pall of darkness. There is one vairagya, the truest and noblest, of the ...
... A nation's destinies, and hast not feared The sad inferior Ganges lapsing down With mournful rumour through the shades of Hell?" Then with calm eyes the hero Ilian: "O Goddess, patroness of Aryasthan, Lover of banyan and of lotus, I Not from the fear of Hell or hope of Heaven Do good or ill. Reigning I reigned o'er self, And with a kingly soul did kingly deeds. Now driven by a termless wide ...
... Mataram, 12April 1907 32. Ibid., 29 June 1907 33. Bulletin, November 1963, pp. 78,80 34. Bande Mataram, 9 May 1907 35. Quoted in Ronaldshay's The Heart of Aryavarta (1925), pp. 89-91 36. Ibid., p. 91 37. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 1, pp. 414-15 38. Bande Mataram (Weekly Edition), 21 July 1907 39. Ibid., 18 August 1907 ...
... Energy which streams forth from the Eternal in the world and Eternal in yourselves. I am the Mother of the Universe, the Mother of the Worlds, and for you who are children of the Sacred Land, Aryabhumi, made of her clay and reared by her sun and winds, I am Bhawani Bharati, Mother of India." Then if you ask why we should erect a temple to Bhawani, the Mother, hear Her answer, "Because ...
... the lines of its practical application was written by Sri Aurobindo. The Rowlatt Committee report mentions this book, and Lord Ronaldsay reproduces excerpts from it in his book. The Heart of Aryavarta. About the pamphlet, Sri Aurobindo says, "Bhavani Mandir was written by Sri Aurobindo but it was more Barin's ideal than his. It was not meant to train people for assassination but for revolutionary ...
... fabrics that cannot be sold.... Boycott must not be acquiesced in or it will more surely ruin British connection with India than an armed revolution. Lord Ronaldsay writes in his The Heart of Aryavarta : "The Swadeshi movement rushed headlong impetuously like some mighty flood, submerging them, sweeping them off their feet, but revitalising their lives." Along with the British goods, foreign ...
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