Selected Poems of Sri Aurobindo

Sonnet  (87)

The Inner Fields, sonnet, 14 March 1947, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
The One Self, sonnet, Circa 1945-47, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Man, the Despot of Contraries, sonnet, 29 July 1940, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Immortality, sonnet, 8 February 1940, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Form, sonnet, 16 November 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Iron Dictators, sonnet, 14 November 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Divine Sense, sonnet, 1 November 1939, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
Divine Sight, sonnet, 26 October 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Because Thou art, sonnet, 25 October 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Divine Hearing, sonnet, 24 October 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Hill-top Temple, sonnet, 21 October 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Adwaita, sonnet, 19 October 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Inconscient Foundation, sonnet, 18 October 1939, revised 7 February 1940, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Omnipresence, sonnet, 17 October 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Self, sonnet, 15 October 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Cosmic Spirit, sonnet, 15 October 1939, revised 5 November, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
I, sonnet, 15 October 1939, revised 5 November, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Unseen Infinite, sonnet, 4 October 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Light, sonnet, 3-4 October 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Liberation [2], sonnet, 2-3 October 1939, revised 5 November , Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Body, sonnet, 2 October 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Moments, sonnet, 29 September 1939, revised 2 October, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Bliss of Brahman, sonnet, 29 September 1939, revised 21 October, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Miracle of Birth, sonnet, 27 September 1939, revised 29 September, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Little Ego, sonnet, 26 September 1939, revised 29 September, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
In the Battle, sonnet, 25 September 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
A Dream of Surreal Science, sonnet, 25 September 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Creation, sonnet, 24 September 1939, revised 28 September, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Inner Sovereign, sonnet, 22 September 1939, revised 27 September, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Guest, sonnet, 21 September 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Divine Worker, sonnet, 20 September 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Surrender, sonnet, 20 September 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Lila, sonnet, 20 September 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Dual Being, sonnet, 19 September 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Self's Infinity, sonnet, 18-19 September 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Word of the Silence, sonnet, 18-19 September 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Shiva, sonnet, 16 September 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Krishna, sonnet, 15 September 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Stone Goddess, sonnet, 13 September 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Godhead, sonnet, 13 September 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Universal Incarnation, sonnet, 13 September 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Greater Plan, sonnet, 12 September 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Infinite Adventure, sonnet, 11 September 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Golden Light, sonnet, 8 August 1938, revised 22 March 1944, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Life-Unity, sonnet, 8 August 1938, revised 22 March 1944, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Inconscient, sonnet, 27 July 1938, revised 21 March 1944, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Liberation [1], sonnet, 27 July 1938, revised 22 March 1944, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Cosmic Consciousness, sonnet, 26 July 1938, revised apparently on 21 March 1944, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Pilgrim of the Night, sonnet, 26 July 1938, revised 18 March 1944, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Hidden Plan, sonnet, 26 July 1938, revised 18 and 21 March 1944, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Witness Spirit, sonnet, 26 July 1938, revised 21 March 1944, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Bliss of Identity, sonnet, 25 July 1938, revised 21 March 1944, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Indwelling Universal, sonnet, 15 July 1938, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Electron, sonnet, 15 July 1938, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Now I have borne, sonnet, 2 February 1938, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
The Kingdom Within, sonnet, 14 March 1936, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Yogi on the Whirlpool, sonnet, 1936, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Science and the Unknowable, sonnet, Circa 1934-35, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Ways of the Spirit [2], sonnet, Circa 1934-35, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
The Ways of the Spirit [1], sonnet, Circa 1934-35, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
All here is Spirit, sonnet, Circa 1934-35, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
Discoveries of Science, sonnet, Circa 1934-35, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Man the Mediator, sonnet, Circa 1934, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Evolution [2], sonnet, Circa 1934, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Call of the Impossible, sonnet, 1934, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Evolution [1], sonnet, Circa 1934, revised 1944, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Silver Call, sonnet, Written on or before 25 April 1934, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Contrasts, sonnet, Circa 1934, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
Man the Thinking Animal, sonnet, Circa 1934, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Cosmic Dance, sonnet, 15 September 1939, Pub: 'Three Sonnets', SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Infinitesimal Infinite, sonnet, Circa 1934, Pub: 'Three Sonnets', SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Man the Enigma, sonnet, 17 September 1939, Pub: 'Three Sonnets', SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Other Earths, sonnet, Circa 1933, Pub: 'Poems (1941)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Nirvana, sonnet, August 1934, Pub: 'Poems (1941)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Transformation, sonnet, Circa 1933, Pub: 'Poems (1941)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
What is this talk, sonnet, Circa 1900-1901, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
To weep because a glorious sun, sonnet, Circa 1900-1901, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
I have a doubt, sonnet, Circa 1900-1901, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
Still there is something, sonnet, Circa 1900-1901, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
I have a hundred lives, sonnet, Circa 1900-1901, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
Rose, I have loved, sonnet, Circa 1900-1901, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
Thou didst mistake, sonnet, Circa 1900-1901, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
Because thy flame is spent, sonnet, Circa 1900-1901, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
My life is wasted, sonnet, Circa 1900-1901, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
O letter dull and cold, sonnet, Circa 1900-1901, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
I cannot equal, sonnet, Circa 1900-1901, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
O face that I have loved, sonnet, Circa 1900-1901, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
Poem  (41)

One Day, poem, Circa 1932, Pub: 'Poems Past and Present (1946)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Life, poem, Circa 1913, Pub: 'Poems Past and Present (1946)', SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Kamadeva, poem, Circa 1913, Pub: 'Poems Past and Present (1946)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Hell and Heaven, poem, Circa 1902-30s, Pub: 'Poems Past and Present (1946)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
A God's Labour, poem, 31 July 1935 - Last 4 stanzas 1 Jan 1936, Pub: 'Poems Past and Present (1946)', SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Blue Bird, poem, 1935, Pub: 'Poems Past and Present (1946)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Bride of the Fire, poem, 1935, Pub: 'Poems Past and Present (1946)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Musa Spiritus, poem, 1935, Pub: 'Poems Past and Present (1946)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Ahana, poem, Circa 1910-1920, Pub: 'Collected Poems and Plays (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Mahatmas, poem, 1910, Pub: 'Collected Poems and Plays (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Kama, poem, 1910, Pub: 'Collected Poems and Plays (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Rákshasas, poem, 1910, Pub: 'Collected Poems and Plays (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Transiit, Non Periit, poem, 1909 or earlier, Pub: 'Rajnarain's memoirs', CWSA Edition
To R., poem, 1909, Pub: 'Periodical (1910)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Epiphany, poem, Circa 1909, Pub: 'Karmayogin (1909)', SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Birth of Sin, poem, Circa 1909, Pub: 'Karmayogin (1909)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
An Image, poem, Circa 1909, Pub: 'Karmayogin (1909)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Mother of Dreams, poem, 1908-09, Pub: 'Periodical (1909)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
In the Moonlight, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Seasons, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Fear of Death, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
God, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Parabrahman, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Evening, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Life and Death, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Triumph-Song of Trishuncou, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Rebirth, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Vedantin's Prayer, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Sea at Night, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
A Child's Imagination, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Appeal, poem, Circa 1900-1906 or later, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', CWSA Edition
Karma, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', CWSA Edition
Revelation, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
To the Sea, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
A Tree, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Immortal Love, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
A Vision of Science, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Reminiscence, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Miracles, poem, Circa 1900-1906, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Who, poem, 1908-9, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Invitation, poem, 1908-9, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Lyrical poem  (14)

Silence is all, lyrical poem, 14 January 1947, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The End?, lyrical poem, 3 June 1945, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Mother of God, lyrical poem, mid-1940s, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Children of Wotan, lyrical poem, 30 August 1940, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Dwarf Napoleon, lyrical poem, 16 October 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Despair on the Staircase, lyrical poem, October 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Island Sun, lyrical poem, 13 October 1939, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Cosmic Man, lyrical poem, 15 September 1938, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
Krishna (Cretics), lyrical poem, Circa 1936-37, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
In a mounting as of sea-tides, lyrical poem, Circa 1936-37, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
One, lyrical poem, 14 March 1936, Published posthumously, CWSA Edition
Who art thou that camest, lyrical poem, Circa 1934-36, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions
The World Game, lyrical poem, Circa 1934, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Symbol Moon, lyrical poem, Circa 1934, Published posthumously, SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Chitrangada, narrative poem, 1909-10, Pub: 'Chitrangada (1949)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Baji Prabhou, narrative poem, Circa 1904-1909, Pub: 'Baji Prabhou (1949)', SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Rishi, narrative poem, Circa 1900-1908, Pub: 'Ahana and other Poems (1915)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Love and Death, narrative poem, 1899, Pub: 'Love and Death (1924, 1948)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Urvasie, narrative poem, Circa 1898, Pub: 'Urvasie (c. 1905)', SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Epic poem  (1)

Ilion, Epic poem, 1908 or 1909, Pub: 'Collected Poems and Plays (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
The Tiger and the Deer, poem (in quantitative metre), 1942, Pub: 'On Quantitative Metre (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Ascent, poem (in quantitative metre), 1942, Pub: 'On Quantitative Metre (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Soul's Scene, poem (in quantitative metre), 1942, Pub: 'On Quantitative Metre (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Renewal, poem (in quantitative metre), 1942, Pub: 'On Quantitative Metre (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Lost Boat, poem (in quantitative metre), 1942, Pub: 'On Quantitative Metre (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Descent, poem (in quantitative metre), 1942, Pub: 'On Quantitative Metre (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Witness and the Wheel, poem (in quantitative metre), 1942, Pub: 'On Quantitative Metre (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Soul in the Ignorance, poem (in quantitative metre), 1942, Pub: 'On Quantitative Metre (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Dream Boat, poem (in quantitative metre), 1942, Pub: 'On Quantitative Metre (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Journey's End, poem (in quantitative metre), 1942, Pub: 'On Quantitative Metre (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
The River, poem (in quantitative metre), 1942, Pub: 'On Quantitative Metre (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Flame-Wind, poem (in quantitative metre), 1937, Pub: 'On Quantitative Metre (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Trance of Waiting, poem (in quantitative metre), Circa 1934, Pub: 'On Quantitative Metre (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Ocean Oneness, poem (in quantitative metre), 1942, Pub: 'On Quantitative Metre (1942)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Rose of God, poem (metrical experiment), 29-30 December 1934, Pub: 'Poems (1941)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Moon of Two Hemispheres, poem (metrical experiment), July 1934, Pub: 'Poems (1941)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Thought the Paraclete, poem (metrical experiment), 31 December 1934, Pub: 'Poems (1941)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
In Horis Aeternum, poem (metrical experiment), 19 April 1932, Pub: 'Six Poems (1934)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Jivanmukta, poem (metrical experiment), 13 April 1934, Pub: 'Six Poems (1934)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Life Heavens, poem (metrical experiment), 15 November 1933, Pub: 'Six Poems (1934)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
Shiva - The Inconscient Creator, poem (metrical experiment), 6 November 1933, Pub: 'Six Poems (1934)', SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions
Trance, poem (metrical experiment), 16 October 1933, Pub: 'Six Poems (1934)', SABCL & CWSA Editions
The Bird of Fire, poem (metrical experiment), 17 October 1933, Pub: 'Six Poems (1934)', SABCL & CWSA Editions, Different versions

Books on Poetry


A Dream Of Surreal Science
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Because Thou Art
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Bliss Of Identity
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Cosmic Consciousness
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Despair on the staircase
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Divine Sense
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Divine Sight
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Evolution [I]
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Liberation [I]
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Liberation [II]
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Life Unity
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Man, the despot of contraries
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Man the Thinking Animal
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The Body
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The Children Of Wotan
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The Divine Hearing
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The Divine Worker
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The Dual Being
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The Godhead
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The Golden Light
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The Greater Plan
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The Guest
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The Hidden Plan
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The Hill-Top Temple
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The Inconscient
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The Indwelling Universal
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The Infinite Adventure
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The Inner Sovereign
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The Island Sun
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The Miracle Of Birth
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The Pilgrim Of The Night
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The Self's Infinity
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The Silver Call
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The Stone Goddess
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The Universal Incarnation
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The Unseen Infinite
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The Witness Spirit
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The Word Of The Silence
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Hell and Heaven

In the silence of the night-time,
    In the grey and formless eve,
When the thought is plagued with loveless
    Memories that it cannot leave,

When the dawn makes sudden beauty
    Of a peevish clouded sky,
And the rain is sobbing slowly
    And the wind makes weird reply,

Always comes her face before me
    And her voice is in my ear,
Beautiful and sad and cruel
    With the azure eyes austere.

Cloudy figure once so luminous
    With the light and life within
When the soul came rippling outwards
    And the red lips laughed at sin!

Com'st thou with that marble visage
    From what world instinct with pain
Where we pay the price of passion
    By a law our hearts disdain?

Cast it from thee, O thou goddess!
    Earning with a smile release
From these sad imaginations,
    Rise into celestial peace.

Travel from the loveless places
    That our mortal fears create,
Where thy natural heavens claim thee
    And the Gods, thy brothers, wait.

Then descend to me grown radiant,
    Lighting up terrestrial ground
With the feet that brighten heaven
    When the mighty dance goes round

And the high Gods beating measure
    Tread the maze that keeps the stars
Circling in their luminous orbits
    Through the eternal thoroughfares.

All below is but confusion
    Of desires that strive and cry,
Some forbidden, some achieving
    Anguish after ecstasy.

But above our radiant station
    Is from which by doubt we fell,
Reaching only after Heaven
    And achieving only Hell.

Let the heart be king and master,
    Let the brain exult and toil;
Disbelieve in good and evil,
    God with Nature reconcile.

Therefore, O rebellious sweetness,
    Thou tookst arms for joy and love.
There achieve them! Take possession
    Of our radiant seats above.

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Poetry in the Ashram