Record of Yoga

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Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo's diary of his yogic practice between 1909 and 1927. This two-volume record of sadhana contains fairly regular entries between 1912 and 1920 and a few entries in 1909, 1911 and 1927. It also contains related materials Sri Aurobindo wrote about his practice of yoga during this period, including descriptions of the seven 'chatusthayas' (groups of four elements), which are the basis of the yoga of the 'Record'.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Record of Yoga Vols. 10,11 1515 pages 2001 Edition

24 - 31 October 1927

24 October 1927

A day of great and rapid progress. The supreme supermind forms have begun to be normalised and taken up by the gnosis. T² has made some, although still a hampered progress. T³ is now normal. Telepathies are becoming automatic but still need for their manifestation a slight sanyama. Ananda (shârîra) rapidly progresses. Samadhi has made some advance.

Today the gnosticised supreme supermind even to its highest forms will become normal.(1)

There will be the beginning of the promised progress in all the vishayas.(2)

Samadhi will break its barriers.(3)

Ahaituka Ananda within the body will be definitely founded.(4)

(1) Fulfilled to a certain degree.1 But neither the gnosticity nor the normality are at all complete, rather they are in this field only initial.

(2) A meagre fulfilment; just the beginning in each if it is maintained, but hitherto the development of the vishayas has always been dropped after a brief movement

(3) Fulfilled but not completely. The obstruction is still there.

(4) Uncertain; it seems to have begun, but it is not clear that it is definitely founded.

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25 October 1927

Today, there is something of a recoil into the hampered semimental movement, although the progress still continues. However, the movements or rather the touches from outside of Asamata etc, the contradictions of the first two chatusthayas, were not only mechanical, but though they pierced could not hold the consciousness in the body or even the environmental conscious atmosphere; few, they were almost immediately or immediately flung outside.

Intensity in the sahaituka physical Ananda is rapidly increasing in all the Anandas including the raudra.

Rupa is at last moving forward towards prolonged stability of the perfect and initially real and not only the crude, dense or [developed]2 figures.

There is an attempt to return to the evolution of primary utthapana, ie abolition of fatigue and its symptoms

Prognosis is now no longer in the script and lipi only, but in the thought speech and vani.

27 October 1927

The semi-mental movement increased and the sadhana fell back from the rapidity it had gained to a movement of return on old elements still imperfectly transfigured. This relapse has lasted two days but was not so intense as before and has created no reaction. Moreover, it has been visibly the preparation of most important transitional movements that have come to a head today, the 27ṭḥ October.

29 October 1927

A day of relaxation, dismissal of out-of-date elements and preparation for the descent of gnosis into the overmind system.

These four days are for the transition to gnosis. Afterwards the whole system will be perfected and applied before there is the ascent to the supermind plane.

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30 October 1927

Today the transition from T³ to T² became decisive and with it there came the conception of the Ishwara in the bodily consciousness. The passive attitude of the T³ movement in which the nature is the plaything of the powers of the Overmind has been definitely abandoned and the passive-active attitude of T² movement in which the Ishwara determines and the Powers may for a time resist and even modify temporarily what he has determined, but must now or in the end help to carry out his will, has begun to take its place. As yet the gnostic movement is imperfect and the Overmind powers are still powerful to determine results according to their choice, provided there is some supramental sanction behind it. All are powers of the Ishwara, but the play of disagreement and mutual opposition or emulation continues. T³ is entirely supramental or gnostic, T² only has partially reached the same siddhi.

31 October 1927

Today T² (anishwara) has acquired the supramental and gnostic character. Not that all movements have entirely eliminated the mental element, but all are supramental or supramentalised or else even (now to some extent) gnostic overmind. Infallible T² is beginning more freely to emerge.

Iswara consciousness is growing both below and above and Ishwara T² is beginning.

The supermind is increasing in the supramentalised movements and gnosis in the supramental movements.

Ananda is taking possession and becomes automatic, needing only memory or a little attention to act at once. All vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch is now anandamaya; even all that is seen, heard, sensed is beginning to be felt as full of ananda and even as if made of Ananda. Sahaituka Ananda of all except event is now automatic. Ahaituka Ananda within the body shows signs of reaching the same state, but has not quite reached it. This is the only physical siddhi that promises to be soon initially complete; for arogya is still hampered by obstinate minute fragments of illness.

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