Record of Yoga

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Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo's diary of his yogic practice between 1909 and 1927. This two-volume record of sadhana contains fairly regular entries between 1912 and 1920 and a few entries in 1909, 1911 and 1927. It also contains related materials Sri Aurobindo wrote about his practice of yoga during this period, including descriptions of the seven 'chatusthayas' (groups of four elements), which are the basis of the yoga of the 'Record'.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Record of Yoga Vols. 10,11 1515 pages 2001 Edition

4 - 30 June 1913


Trikaldrishti—Aishwarya, ishita, vashita.. Drishti, samadhi.—accomplished, but subject to suspension and imperfect in arrangement, uncertain also in incidence & limited in penetration and force.


  accomplished, but uncertain in continuity, insufficient in intensity.


  unaccomplished, but on the verge of accomplishment.


  unaccomplished, but in progress.


  feebly begun.

Krishna Kali

  Accomplished, but not always nor perfectly manifest.


  Commenced, but in its infancy and much obstructed




  Founded in all its parts, perfect only in sarvam & part of anantam[,] easily obscured in Ananda, less easily in jnana, inefficient in ananta tapas

The record of June 1913 was kept in three separate sets of loose sheets, headed 'Record', 'Script' and 'Record of Details & Guidance'. These are reproduced here in this order.

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First Chatusthaya.

  Complete; subject to occasional successful attack.

Second Chatusthaya

  Complete, but imperfect in sraddha,—deficient in tejas, veiled in attahasya. Liable to eclipse & obscuration

Shuddhi      incomplete in body, almost complete in vijnana.

Mukti      complete, except for relics of egoism in the environment.

Bhukti      complete, but easily obscured.

Siddhi      imperfect in all its parts.

All subject to obscuration & temporary invasion by their opposites.

4 June 1913

J[une ...] to 12th

[1.] The defects of the first chatusthaya to [be eliminated]1 with finality ie to be no longer recurrent. Ineffective touches may yet come.

2) The defects of the second chatusthaya to disappear by the perfection of dasya & sraddha & jnana (including general trikaldrishti). Invasion still possible.

3) Jnana to be finally active without obstruction or suspension in thought, trikaldrishti & prakamyavyapti, but not yet perfect in range & penetration

4) Aishwarya, ishita, vashita to become general, though still limited & subject to breach & obstruction

5) Samadhi to be delivered from obstruction, though not yet perfectly grasped.

6) Ananda to be continuous, arogya & utthapana strengthened; saundarya will still be obstructed.

7) Karma & kama to develop a greater & less occasional power & action. KrishnaKali to increase.

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8) The rest to progress to a less obstructed perfection.


5 June 1913


Thought, trikaldrishti, telepathy to be cleared of their obstructions & impurities. Aishwarya to spread. Samadhi to be arranged.                                                                                 Begun.

Ananda to increase, utthapana recommence.                                                Done

Karma.                                                                                                         Begun.

The daiva karma is coming to a head in the house; there; but not in other places, where it has still to be enforced. It will take another fortnight for it to come entirely to a head here & there, a month for it to become sufficiently forceful outside. Daiva first, kriti next, sahitya third, kama fourth.

6 June 1913

Thought, trikaldrishti, telepathy to be farther cleared. Aishwarya to spread & strengthen. Samadhi to increase in force.                                                                                                            Done

Rupadrishti to grow in clearness & stability.                                                    Not evident.

Ananda to increase. Utthapana to grow in anima.                                                 Done

Karma to grow in force.                                                                Not evident, except in sahitya.

The attempt to establish the more ugra tejas has failed, owing to error of the vani and script—the latter in the prediction of the rupadrishti, in which there was no result corresponding to the prediction—

7 June 1913

The same to continue.                                                                                      Partly fulfilled

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Ananda, utthapana & arogya to grow.—                                                                Fulfilled

Karma to strengthen.                                                                                      Not evident

Arogya suffered a violent break in the digestion; increased in another direction. Aishwarya now works from the centre of things & when it gets hold of the object can direct its movements against resistance. Samata & the general sraddha (in Yogasiddhi) are now strong & resist assault, except for certain tendencies of depression under strong pressure of asiddhi. Tejas exceeding dhriti has failed to effect its footing—the power & fulfilment are still insufficient, & the objective pressure still too successful[ly] hostile.

8 June 1913

Ananda & utthapana to grow steadily; arogya with more resistance.

Karma to strengthen against resistance.

The vijnana chatusthaya to undergo a slight obscuration, before it emerges strengthened.

Today to be especially marked by physical siddhi & samadhi.

This is programme, not prediction. If not fulfilled today, it must be fulfilled subsequently, but in this the Shakti must persist till fulfilment—

Money to arrive in this month, beyond what is expected, in this month also all actual impediments to the kriti are to be cleared away. From the next week the wider movement is to begin—ie from the 8ᵗʰ to the fifteenth.

9 June 1913

Utthapana in leg, horizontal position, lying, 15 minutes (on 8ᵗʰ 10 & before 5), anima much stronger, but sharp strain on one muscle or sinew. In arms, horizontal position, one hour with relief

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by change of position; ananima still a little heavy at shoulder & near elbow (formerly 15 minutes or half an hour, though capable of hour).

Ananda, the same, but habits of time & circumstance eliminated; only habit of fluctuation & discontinuity obstructs.

Arogya gaining in k. [kamic] centre, but still resisted; troubled by artificial jalamay tejas in assimilation.

Saundarya only in increased curling of hair & apparently mukhasri. Falling of hair still profuse.

Vijnanasiddhi obscured & resisted; lipi & rupa rare; swapnasamadhi progresses—

The same programme; but this time final reemergence of thought processes & perfected trikaldrishti; also lipi.

10 June 1913

Thought process reemerged, but not yet lipi or perfected trikaldrishti. Utthapana was quiescent, ananda dull, physical shakti much depressed, also arogya. In the thought of trikaldrishti, the vigour of false tejasic suggestion seems temporarily to have revived. Only the samata retains its undiminished strength.

It is evident now that the trikaldrishti is reemergent in its more perfect form, especially in prakamyavyapti, but the determinative trikaldrishti is still uncertain and too narrow even when it acts certainly, fastening on one circumstance rather than embracing the whole.

Today rupadrishti will reemerge & move henceforward irresistibly towards perfection. The siddhis of power also recover their force from today & the samadhi moves forward.

11 June 1913

A day of baffled aiswaryasiddhi & mixed tejas & depression of tejas & sraddha. Departure of Shatrughna. Ananda tends to be continuous in manifestation, but failed at night. Rupadrishti

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reemerged & lipi became freer. No evident progress in samadhi. The siddhis of power acted in small things with partial effectiveness, but failed in great. No definite progress of utthapana or arogya.


12 June 1913

Dasya of the body to be emphasised, sraddha & tejas restored, knowledge perfected in circumstance and samadhi with rupadrishti strengthened. Aishwarya etc to become more effective.

Ananda to maintain its continuity, arogya & utthapana to justify the promise of increase, saundarya to begin definitely its march forward.

Karma chatusthaya to begin with greater power.

13 June 1913

As predicted, a day of relapse.


1) The defects of the first chatusthaya still recur in touches, transient or [lingering],2 effective for trouble, not effective for destruction of the siddhi or able to reach the centre of the being.

2) Tejas established, but for a time almost entirely breached & reduced to dhriti. Sraddha broken.

3) Jnana etc obstructed & suspended, but not entirely

4) Aishwarya powers momentarily breached

5) Samadhi obstructed; developing rupadrishti entirely suspended in jagrat.

6) Ananda reduced to the matrix condition in continuity with occasional manifestation of subdued intensity.

7) Arogya resisted & strong relapse in assimilative process; utthapana slowly develops.

8) Fifth chatusthaya suspended.

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14 June 1913

Since last evening struggle of siddhi to reemerge. Strong tamas & scepticism of rapidity & of adeshasiddhi. Remnants of depression. Still it is apparent that behind the veil knowledge & power are increasing in force. There is no such appearance with regard to samadhi. Strong physical lassitude, revival of thirst, some discomfort.

14-23 June 1913

Restoration of the siddhi by the evening.

Tejas, jnana, shakti to be perfected.                                                        (Partly fulfilled)

Samadhi to be cured of its defects.                                                                 do

Completion of secondary utthapana in type; continuity with intensity of ananda; new phase of arogya.                                                do

Saundarya to make its first strong progress.                        do

Fifth & sixth chatusthayas to be prepared in perfection.                                    do

15 June 1913

The siddhi partially restored after a prolonged struggle. Process since yesterday afternoon.


Tejas not so strong & selfconfident as before the break.

Sraddha in siddhi but not in rapidity or adesha.

Thought still besieged & normal trikaldrishti yet imperfect & uncertain in circumstance

Power sometimes perfect in force & accuracy, at others resisted or baffled.

Samadhi still confused & rupadrishti ineffective.

Ananda moving towards continuity in a greater intensity.

Arogya, resisted, but growing very slowly.

Utthapana inactive awaiting restoration of bodily energy.

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15-16 June 1913

1) Trikaldrishti & aiswarya both perfect in circumstance will develop & extrude gradually but rapidly the tendency to tejasic & tamasic misplacement.

2) Tejas & sraddha will return.

3) The natural vangmaya thought will resume its normal action.

4) The tendency to rupadrishti will be strengthened, samadhi become more effective

5) Ananda will grow in intense continuity, action of utthapana reemerge, bodily energy be restored, arogya be better confirmed.

6) The tendency to saundarya will show farther signs of strength.

16 June 1913

1-4 & prediction of ananda confirmed by the actuality (15ᵗʰ), the rest not evident or even contrary. They are to be fulfilled today.

Vani, script & vangmaya have all been, apparently, delivered from the siege of their intrusive manomaya shadows. Only perception of actuality is still pursued by false suggestion of actuality. There is a strong & hitherto effective struggle to prevent Jnanam & Anandam Brahman from becoming the normal state of the consciousness. Henceforth this must be the object of the subjective siddhi. The Sarvam Brahman is already well-founded but must gain in power, depth, intensity & variety.

17 June 1913

The programme has been perfectly fulfilled. Lipi is now master of its akasha; rupadrishti is reemergent & needs only the union of a normal stability & clearness in all forms to be perfect. Jagrat samadhi (antardrishta) is still obstructed, but the swapnasamadhi is perfect in all but long continuity; it possesses now in thought, vishayas & even lipi an ordinary coherence & continuity.

Ananda is once more apparent in samadhi, & sleep alone has the power to effect its discontinuance.

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The other physical siddhis are still obstructed, though slowly tending to prevail.

17 June 1913

1) Trikaldrishti & ordinary aishwarya to conclude their struggle with the tejasic misplacement.

2) Tejas & sraddha to be delivered from their reason for occasional & partial discouragement.

3) The vangmaya to effect normality of the inspired & illuminated inevitability.

4) Rupadrishti in bahirdarshi jagrat to overcome its last barrier

5) Samadhi to proceed in coherence & continuity.

6) Increase of telepathy & vyapti.

7) Ananda to get a more perfect hold on the body.

8) Arogya to assert its superiority to resistance.

9) Utthapana to quell the defect of anima in the arms & legs

10) Saundarya to persist in its advance.

11) Kama to be well prepared in the body.

12) Anandam Brahma to become normal.


1) There is no longer any struggle. The tejasic placement is more & more justifying itself and ceasing to be a misplacement, although still frequently a misinterpreted placement. A deeper trikaldrishti independent of all data or of concentration on the object is now becoming normal without extruding the established trikaldrishti which perceives the subjective & objective data, watches the object & selects beforehand the action or result.

2) With the tejasic misplacement the reason for discouragement has disappeared. The sraddha is not complete, but so far as it extends, is untroubled & the tejas is as strong as the basis of sraddha will bear, but tends still to lapse from chanda into dhira or saumya tejas.

3) The inspired & illuminated inevitability is now the normal

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tendency of the vangmaya, but not yet frequent or invariable. The annamaya brain still feels unwilling to bear the energy of this higher vangmaya.

4) Rupa in bahirdarsha is still obstructed. Clear forms of some stability are beginning to reappear, but the movement is still crude.

5) Coherence & continuity are now much stronger in the samadhi; several groups of circumstances are observed, however, there is little concentration on the single group or object as yet.

6) Telepathy & vyapti are assuming a larger activity.

7) Ananda of great intensity took hold, but this as yet is little prolonged; the continuity was less evident.

8) Arogya is becoming more imperative & self-assured; decisive results are yet awaited.

9) Utthapana in the legs (both simultaneously, lying) for an hour, with but slight defect of anima; it might have been continued considerably longer. Laghima very strong; mahima strong, but affected by subjective weakness in the prana. Utthapana of arms, horizontal position, only 20 minutes & much afflicted by ananima. Power in wrist yet weak, but improving.

10) Saundarya; no decisive proof of advance.

11) Preparation of kama in the body begun.

12) Anandam Brahman is now normal when smrita, and subjective bhukti is established. Certain specific defects of indriya bhukti have revived, but there is an increase of bhogasamarthya in the body.

In addition, dasya (subjective) is now much more complete; the guidance of the Master being from this day imperative.

18 June 1913

Yesterday's fulfilment was defective only in rupa & in saundarya. The programme has to be more perfectly fulfilled today.


1) Telepathy is becoming more common & distinct.

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2) Rupa emerged with some forms, but still with only an initial stability

3) Intense ananda more continuous.

4) Utthapana of arms (horizontal position) one hour, almost perfect in right arm, heavily resisted in the left.

19 June 1913


1) Receptive Telepathy of thought

2) Rupadrishti—medial stability; not yet full range.

3) Samadhi—jagrat.

4) Ananda, intense & recurrent; continuous when recurrent

5) Utthapana, legs in horizontal position.

6) Arogya,—incomplete.

7) Karma—successes.


The programme was hardly fulfilled at all except in 1. Rupa-drishti was again obstructed, although inferior images appeared, rarely with any stability, & superior, rare also, without stability. Jagrat samadhi increased only in sukshma sparsha. Ananda was subdued & occasional, not continuous till the evening & then only for a time. Utthapana of the legs, horizontal, was effected with difficulty for 15 minutes. Arogya of assimilation was not pronounced & the karmic successes were slight. On the other hand trikaldrishti & aishwarya progressed,—especially telepathy. Articulate thought in the inevitable form was powerfully resumed.

20 June 1913


1) Aishwarya largely ineffective; trikaldrishti good, but not faultless, telepathy developing.

2) Samadhi steadily progresses in coherence & continuity of scene.

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3) Rupadrishti still emergent & obstructed.

4) Vangmaya more frequent.

5) Cessation of straining in tejas, subjective ananda more undisturbed. Lilamaya upalabdhi stronger.

6) Arogya stronger; utthapana of neck, 50 minutes, with variations of pure utthapana & muscular strain; utthapana of legs, horizontal, reclined, 45 minutes, the last ten with difficulty because of the return of muscular strain.

7) Karmic success resisted & baffled.

21 June 1913

1) Aishwarya again partially effective, mainly through the Prakriti; trikaldrishti good in the broad result, but wanting in certainty, inspiration & ananda; occasionally perfect in circumstance, but with the same defects.

2) Rupadrishti slightly emergent; samadhi without definite progress.

3) Vangmaya still resisted & interrupted; imperfect in vak.

4) Ananda, subjective, depressed by depressed sraddha.

5) Utthapana of left arm, half an hour, ananima still heavy but no longer the painful pressure from above on the muscles of the shoulder & elbow. Utthapana of neck, (sitting in armchair) 1½ hour. Some pressure of ananima but mainly at the end.

6) Arogya feeble; restoring itself after a collapse (in the morning) under exceptional circumstances. The same with physical ananda.

7) Some signs of Karmic success.

8) Saundarya—Improvement of hue in the leg (below the knee where it was blackish & clumsily glossy). Whiteness of teeth (especially lower row) with some relics of yellowness. This latter siddhi, once almost effected, had for a long time past retrograded & obstinately resisted the aishwarya.

22 June 1913

1) Trikaldrishti & Aishwarya recovering force, rupadrishti slightly emergent, swapna coherent..

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2) Vangmaya reached the pure inevitability & was well associated with perceptive thought. Initial vangmaya of trikaldrishti

3) Ananda almost in abeyance, utthapana likewise, arogya of penultimate chakra recovering force

4) Manifestation of personality by the Master of the Yoga.

23 June 1913

Trikaldrishti steadily improving in detail, but troubled by uncertainty & a shifting stress. Aishwarya normally active & then entirely denied. Rupadrishti still emergent, but not victorious. [Physical]3 siddhi almost dormant, but still small signs of a tendency to progress.

24 June 1913

Strong perception of imperfections of the siddhi. Complete arrestation of progress. Only the old siddhis continue, often in their inferior parts, eg rupa & lipi, ananda etc—Recoil in saundarya. Slow progress in sixth

27 June 1913

Strong asiddhi in the morning, of first & second chatusthayas (sukha, sraddha especially). Arrested progress elsewhere.

A sudden finality in parts of the siddhi.

1) Subjective ananda; ahaituka alone was prominent before in the permanent constitution of the Ananda, prema, chidghana & shuddha are now firmly established on the ahaituka as a basis, and the whole subjective ananda stands in a saumya permanence with moments of intensity. Touches of the nirananda & tamasic depression seek to arrive, but are ineffective & at once repelled by the jnana.

2) Personality & personal relation of the Master with Ananda-vani & dasya; perfect guidance of the Yoga.

3) Immediate understanding of lipi & rupa,—not yet proof of their unvarying truth.

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4) Complete sukham & atmaprasada; ananda of passivity—

5) Normal activity of right perceptive thought (jnana, not yet trikaldrishti).

Besides these siddhis rupa is slowly developing & arrangement of prakamya vyapti as a basis of pure vijnanamaya trikaldrishti is approaching completion. Meanwhile vijnanadrishti is increasing in its intervention as a guide & arbiter of the mental perceptions in trikaladrishti. Vishaya bhoga is becoming more active & has regained its old relative perfection.

28 June 1913

[No entry]

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16 June 1913


Everything must be known; it is not enough to reject a falsehood, the truth from which it starts & which it veils must be perceived and put in its place & proper relation to other truths of tendency, potentiality or actuality.

Satiety is attempting to reassert its old jurisdiction over the pranic system. After a short struggle the attempt will be discomfited.

The aishwarya must be used with greater confidence & a more sovereign force,—with sraddha, tejas & ishwarabhava. It is now bound always to produce an effect, though not always the entire or the accurate effect intended. There need be no regard, in using aishwarya, for the contradictory suggestions of the knowledge, since immediate failure in actuality may be intended by the Master as a step towards subsequent mastery.

The prediction about satiety has already been fulfilled in the particular instance at issue, but there must now be effected a general security in the siddhi. The satiety of struggle & failure which has long possessed the psychic prana must be expelled absolutely. Until it is expelled, struggle & failure will continue.

Aishwarya perfect in circumstance is now acting, although limited & besieged by the imperfection.

The right movement in the subjective siddhi has now been assured; but in action also there must be the right movement dependent entirely on dasya to the guidance, tapas & supreme pravritti. There must be no questioning or resistance.

The free & seated action, ordinarily effective even in detailed circumstance, of the trikaldrishti and aishwarya is now a thing permanent and ineffrangible. It must now become invariably effective & not only free but comprehensive. For this object it is necessary that the telepathy of thought & action should be developed & perfected—

The siddhi of aishwarya must now effect the rupadrishti & samadhi, and then attack more exclusively the physical siddhi with a part of its action on the karma & kama. Till then the ishita will

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take charge for the most part of the fourth & fifth chatusthayas.

There has been no definite progress in the afternoon. The power & light fell into a state of subintense normality. Kamananda is now continuous, except at night, but at a lower level of intensity than yesterday. The effusion of the beard has been resumed after a very long period.


And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, & it was so. (Satyam & Ananda, Sun & Moon)

17 June 1913

Yesterday’s programme is the first adequately fulfilled in all its details, although the saundarya seemed to take a step backward in one important detail.

The movement of the siddhi towards ejection of tejasic misplacement (sunless tejas) is being resisted by the asurya janah. It must be rigorously expelled & no trace of it left behind; every movement of the consciousness must be súra & prakashamaya

The movement of the siddhi towards ejection of tejasic misplacement (sunless tejas) is being resisted by the asurya janah. It must be rigorously expelled & no trace of it left behind; every movement of the consciousness must be s´ura & prakashamaya

Trikaldrishti of the immediate present & future in life, has now to beboldlyventured upon. Theremustbenoyieldingtotheattack, no cessation of script or thought or knowledge or trikaldrishti[,] no recognition of absolute anritam, no abandonment of lipi or rupa or samadhi. The suggestion of the arrival of money & relief of the pecuniary insufficiency has been constant, but there has been no corresponding actuality. It must now be definitely asserted. June is the beginning of the more powerful kriti which is impossible without money. In June therefore a movementforward inthe equipment is due & inevitable.

1) Success of P. [Parthasarathi] in imparting Yoga freely. Success of S [Saurin] in practical Yogic effects. Drawing over of Bh.

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[Bharati] into a more effective surrender. Success with N [Nolini] &R[Ramaswamy].

2) Movement forward with J. M. Ber & associates. Greater perfection with M’s [Motilal’s] circle. Reopening of communication with S. & S &other sadhakas.

3) Solution of chakra problem.

A violent & successful attack on every part of the siddhi has persisted throughout the morning from eight to eleven and is not yet over. The question is now between the tejas of siddhi & the tejas of asiddhi. There will be no abandonment of the struggle till the habit of attack ceases. Something of the asiddhi has now gone, but the detailed trikaldrishti is still obstructed.

18 June 1913


Henceforward this4 is to be a record of trikaldrishti etc, not of general yoga.

4) Arrival of equipment. (Several minor amounts not yet the great amount, but that is on its way).

5) Loss of friends cancelled & compensated.

These are general movements which will be effected by the more effective working of the tapas & ishita,

A complete denial of the apprehension suggested, nor are the facts stated correctly. The event suggested will take place in the space of a few days. The other in the space of a week.

The rupas have overcome the obstacle, but the obstacle is not destroyed. The destruction will be the main work of today. It is obvious that the perfect freedom of the rupa is not yet intended, but neither is the persistence of an entirely successful obstruction intended. Asraddha is not always a vehicle of true trikaldrishti.

Ananda will again possess the body today & utthapana advance;—the latter not now, but at night & in the morning. Arogya of the assimilation, not yet of the penultimate centre.

No violent disturbance of the arogya need be apprehended, only minor touches; it will move forwards now towards final

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perfection, with a few minor reverses on the way. The last of the rogas will begin definitely to overcome its chief adverse sanskara from today & by the 23ᵈ the movement will be definite & unmistakeable, elevating the arogya into a victorious tendency.

Utthapana has yet to get rid of the more violent pressure of ananima, to quell it, before it can move forward to the same stage. This is the work that has been set down to be done by the 23ᵈ. The apparent denial of the result in one position of the arms is one of those abnormal violences of the enemy which weaken & exhaust their general power. This will be rectified tonight & tomorrow.

In the saundarya the struggle is now mainly over the signs of age. The preparatory movement towards their removal is all that can be effected by the 23ᵈ. This will be done, but not perfectly—

19 June 1913


By perfect passivity the deeper trikaldrishti to be perfected—

Utthapana of the legs this morning, successful, though not at first entirely successful. It must be done for half an hour with strong mahima & laghima, then its advance will be automatic. (15 minutes, but not with ease)

Utthapana of the back after the 20ᵗʰ; meanwhile the utthapana of the neck will be confirmed. The arms tonight. (only for ¾ hour)

Rupa thrice today.

Beginning of regular Yogic teaching in literary form.

1-5 will all take place in the period of a month.

Three more proofs of karmic success today        (very slight)

20 June 1913


The book on Yoga will be continued.

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Utthapana, in spite of resistance, in left arm, legs & neck

Rupa will continue to overcome the obstruction

Karmic success will become normal, though chequered still with failures. There will be periods of arrested success, but very brief.

Aishwarya will get a greater hold on the Akasha.        (Not fulfilled; opposite movement)

The tejas of eruption will prove finally abortive.

Today is a day of positive advance, especially in the vijnana-siddhi, all parts of which will progress definitely.    (Not fulfilled).

Ananda will again become active & continuous.

Arogya will increase in all its insufficient parts.

From today move forward with perfected sraddha & tejas—Not fulfilled

From today triumph.—Not fulfilled

From today be perfect in subjective ananda.—Not fulfilled

From today does not mean from this moment; what came was the full asiddhi. There will not be an immediate siddhi of the triumphant aishwarya. The usual means are being employed for the maintenance of the asiddhi. Nor will the siddhi revive immediately. It has not yet revived. But it will revive within the quarter hour.

The last of the three commands is already fulfilled, in spite of adverse touches. Perfected, means, first, purified.

Thought has progressed in vangmaya & in purification from tejasic insistence; trikaldrishti in naturalness & ease, though not in

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certainty; samadhi in coherence & continuity; vyapti prakamya in fulness & frequency; aishwarya in purity.

21 June 1913


Tejas must be of the Mahasaraswati, not the Mahakali order with a clear intelligence even in its speed & fire. The rapidity of the siddhi cannot be of the meteoric speed, but still it must become rapid & unresisted. At present tamas possesses the sraddha & envelops the tejas. Doubt & uncertainty stand, if not victorious, yet largely justified. This state of things must be cleared away today—

Restoration of effective aishwarya & perfectly circumstanced trikaldrishti—                   (slight)

Emergence of rupadrishti, not yet complete—                        slight.

Progress of samadhi.                                          No definite progress

Activity of the vijnana.                                      In the evening only

Ananda, arogya, utthapana.                                  Feeble, except the last.

There is a change proceeding in the vijnana-siddhi which must be effected by the 23ᵈ. Hence the suspension of the ordinary successful action of the powers of knowledge & force, prakasha & tapas. Arogya today, under strong provocation, has suffered from an unusually strong touch of bhauta tejas & a powerful visrishti. The nature of the reactions is on the lines of old habit, but their force & effectiveness have been far inferior to the former insistence & virulence. Nothing untoward will happen in the environment or in Bengal.. Equipment will arrive in large quantities before any fresh necessity for money is felt.

22 June 1913


The fall of the tejas & sraddha contradicts the promise of perfected tejas & sraddha from the 20th; so the difficulties of

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the siddhi & the stains on the subjective ananda contradict the two other promises. The natural conclusion is that they were false predictions & they are so if taken in their literal sense; but what was really intended, was the beginning of their emergence from that data. This explanation also does not satisfy & is regarded by the mind as a sophism & an afterthought. Let it stand recorded, & afterwards the truth can be better judged by experience..

1) The physical siddhi cannot be perfected at once.

2) The samata & sraddha depend on truth of guidance & truth of knowledge for their absolute finality. The mind cannot be satisfied with [ . . . ] or falsehood.

3) The tejas depends upon sraddha.

4) The vijnana siddhi is not perfect & will take some time to be perfected.

5) All suggestions to the contrary must be distrusted as inapplicable to the present conditions of the Yoga

These are the negative directions, and they stand; but positive directions are also necessary.

1) Do not accept error or falsehood, but let them not disturb such faith as is established. They are permitted, not enjoined.

Accept all error as a disguise of truth; penetrate the disguise.

2) Accept all failure as a link in the process of success; place the link.

3) Accept the rapidity of the siddhi as a certainty of the future & a growing certainty. Perceive all retardation as a help to the growth of the rapidity; fix the nature of the help.

4) Will pertinaciously whatever you are enjoined to will.

5) Believe in the absolute fulfilment of the adesha.

23 June 1913


Truth of guidance is established; truth of knowledge advances. The first rule is now in application; the others are beginning.

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24 June 1913


All else is founded. 5 is not founded. Trust to the knowledge to give you the nature of the disguise, the link & the help.


1) Vijnana again active.        Very poor activity

2) Preparation for beginning of kriti.    Very poor preparation

3) Physical siddhi again reemergent.    No real emergence


1) Beginning of real rapidity.

2) Automatic action & progress of vijnana siddhis

3) Final stage of physical siddhi governed by aishwarya & mixed with tapasya.

4) Pursuance of all forms of karma regularly in their initial movement.

This is looking at one moment of resisted siddhi and not before or after, except so far as suits the inertia. It is true the triple promise or command has not been fulfilled. It is true it appears now to be the usual tejasic error of time. The conclusion to be drawn is that the fulfilment was not meant to be unchequered—

The Vani that guides in the script is largely a tejasic vani—the old tejas that seeks to justify errors & to exaggerate the siddhi. There have been clear falsehoods uttered. This record therefore ceases to have a real utility. At the same time it need not be destroyed, nor immediately discontinued. It may have a use for catharsis, but not for guidance

The record is more and more convicted of tejasic exaggeration which towards the end, especially, becomes so great as to be actual falsity. It must be abandoned entirely

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25 June 1913

Today is a turning point. Beginning with a severe crisis of the old type, it prepares the results that were cancelled in a moment of irritation in the record now put by,6 viz.

1) Automatic action and progress of the vijnanasiddhi.

2) The preoccupation of the active tapas & tapasya with the physical siddhi, to the exclusion of the first three chatusthayas.

3) The commencement of all forms of karma regularly pursued and no longer abandoned to long periods of inactivity.

4) The commencement of a more rapid progression.

The first stage of this movement will be transitional, still pursued by fragments of the former impulses & gradually eliminative of these relics.

5) Action of perfected tejas & sraddha.

6) Action of perfected subjective ananda

7) Action of a larger & less variable success.

Here also the movement is transitional.

The first stage will continue till the 30ṭḥ June. The vijnana-siddhi will occupy till the 31ˢᵗ July, as also the tapasic attention to siddhi will occupy till the 31 the physical siddhi

Old lipis to be fulfilled

1) Enthusiastic tejas & sraddha.

2) The daughters of delight (Ananda, sharira).

3) Sahityasiddhi.


1) Essays in Yoga.

2) Upanishads

3) Ilion.

The least physical straining of the mental will must be avoided & all shadow of mere desire. Only the body will be for some time

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indulged in some of its cravings born of thirst, weariness etc. There is no need of the straining in the mind to assist the siddhi.—

The consciously directed action of the siddhi is now confined to the fourth & fifth chatusthayas & must therefore be arranged in the mind.

1) Sharira ananda is established but irregular. It must be regularised.

2) Indriya ananda must be given a flawless completeness.

3) Hunger & thirst must again be banished from the system.

4) The tapasya of heat & cold must be carried to its conclusion.

5) Ananda of pain must be carried yet farther forward.

6) Arogya must be enforced perfectly where there are fragments of opposition, more irresistibly where there is a block of resistance.

7) Utthapana has to be resumed & completed in the arms, strengthened in the legs & neck, brought into the loins.

8) The full force of the Shakti must be directed towards the saundarya, where the force of the opposition is still solid & unbroken, though no longer untouched.

9) Weariness of brain & body must be resisted, also of prana (satiety)

In Sahitya perfection & continuity have to be enforced;

In Daiva resistance to be broken entirely;

In Kriti, control of events, actions & things completely established.

In Kama, the subjective conditions & objective results created.

Result. Defects often prominent, but principle of advance strengthened.

26 June 1913

There must be no mental reflection either in thought or sahitya, but only effective & spontaneous vision & creation. Even the criticism must be unreflective & inspired. Reflection is a seeking of the

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unpossessed; possession must be the mould of the consciousness, to comprehend & not to acquire. In place of reflection there must be for a time brooding chit-tapas, as free as possible from limited concentration & tending rather to wider & wider extension. Limited tapas fixes on one circumstance & ignores the rest; it is therefore a parent of much error. Mental tejas is impatient of the wideness of the mahat; it seeks to fasten on the alpam, the individual & possess it, & finds the process of possessing the individual through the universal too slow for its desire & too burdensome to its strength

27 June 1913

Yesterday, the trikaldrishti became more comprehensively effective & minutely correct, but is still not sure of its grasp. Today the aishwarya is once more insistent on general result, result in mass & result in detail of circumstance. The possession of the Akasha is still in the hands of the Asiddhi; & siddhi is only a growing circumstance, or a troubled occupation maintained in a hostile country; not as in the first two chatusthayas an established occupation even when attacked & disturbed in its details—

A reaction breaking down the first chatusthaya has suspended progress for half the morning. This frequent return of duhkha & unease is imposed on the system from without, for purposes connected with the world, not with the individual. It belongs to the swabhava of things, not to the individual karma. It cannot immediately cease, assurances to the contrary notwithstanding. Yet till it ceases there can be no perfected ananda—

The finality of the first chatusthaya must be insisted on. This is the only way to [......]7

These two opposing statements are both correct. The finality will have yet a little time to establish in its perfection.

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27 June 1913

Results of 27th in the other record.8

28 June 1913

So far (about 5 pm) apparently negative results with small advance. Yet Saturday was fixed for a great advance in trikaldrishti. It is apparent that a general activity of trikaldrishti has been attempted with the intention of finality, but tamasic asiddhi & confusion with vague straining of mental tejas has obscured the prakasha. Shanti & sukham & atmaprasad have been preserved in spite of touches of vague physical uneasiness trying to develop into their opposites. Hasya is for the most part absent. Aishwarya is active, forceful & persistent, but without self-confidence or enthusiasm & only with difficulty effective. Form in rupa is obstinately obstructed, & in lipi. Physical siddhi is still kept in comparative abeyance.

Three things seem to have been accomplished, in outline, not perfection.

1) Activity of trikaldrishti (perceptive thought) in interpreting its materials.

2) Superior activity of revelatory vijnana trikaldrishti watching & judging the mental impressions

3) Normal activity of the vijnanamaya perceptive thought in jnana.

In addition there was some lifting of the physical weakness & depression that for some time has possessed the system.

29 June 1913

The day begins with a denial of the trikaldrishti & a suspension of the activity of the second chatusthaya. The first remains constant & resists all attacks. The obstinacy of the Will is assured, not its energy. Faith in the Adesha is still intermittent; the mind remains unconvinced, though admitting the possibility, it can give only a provisional faith to its actuality, dependent on the siddhi being rapidly fulfilled in the third, fourth & fifth chatusthayas.

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1) Lipi active, it is suggested, with finality.

2) Rupa more clearly emergent

3) Proofs of strengthened aishwarya applied to kriti. Apollonian shakti, but working slowly towards its results

4) Stronger manifestation of the Lilamaya in the Saguna Brahman

The first chatusthaya firmly holds, allowing only of momentary physical touches in the prana (advertising manas through psychical prana)

5) Stronger perceptions of pranamaya world

30 June 1913

Text of lipi & interpretation of lipi are finally accomplished, though capable of greater swiftness & extension, & the latter still encumbered with initial gropings; but the lipi is not invariably legible or vivid—

Expected results.

1) Lipi to grow in swiftness, extension & legibility

2) Rupa to emerge more decidedly.

3) Finality of correct arrangement in trikaldrishti

4) Increased force of aishwarya.

5) Revived progress of samadhi.

6) Finality of second chatusthaya

7) Purification of physical prana from remnants of mental ashanti.

The finality of second chatusthaya cannot yet include entire sraddha in rapidity of siddhi or extent of adeshasiddhi; but the fundamental sraddha will be final.

Actual results—

1) Fulfilled. The legibility is not immediate nor invariable, but it is enforcing itself on the akasha

2) Fulfilled, but the decisiveness is not yet final

3) Fulfilled, but the old habit of confused perception tends to persist in a feeble & disorganised movement.

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4) Fulfilled, but not yet final

5) Fulfilled—in greater coherency.

6) Fulfilled. Tejas & sraddha undisturbed, though not yet perfected.

7) Proceeding,—the touches are becoming more & more physical & less & less able to create even physical discomfort.

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