The Mother on Auroville


Work and Discipline

No big creation is possible without discipline—

individual discipline

group discipline

discipline towards the Divine.



The important thing is the execution which is to be carried out without ever losing sight of the ideal we want to realise.



To all those who want to live for the future: A physical work is as indispensable to the balance of the body as food.

To eat without working causes a serious imbalance.

Feb.. 1970


True spirituality lies in the service of the divine work.

To refuse to work for all is only a demonstration of selfishness, and has no spiritual value.

The first thing to do to be able to live in Auroville is to consent to free oneself from one's ego.



In our smallest action we can serve the Divine if we have the right attitude.


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It is in work done as an offering to the Divine that the consciousness develops best.

Indolence and inaction result in tamas which is a fall into in-conscience and the very opposite of progress and light.

To surmount one's ego and to live only in the service of the Divine, that is the ideal and the shortest way to acquire the true Consciousness.



"As for the principle that everyone should be allowed to do according to his nature, that can apply only where people do independent work by themselves; where many have to work together, it cannot always be done—regularity and discipline are there the first rule.

She (The Mother) refuses to yield to complaints and clamour born of desire and ego."


Sri Aurobindo

(The above quotation was sent to all Aurovilians on 10.6.71.)


For those in Auroville who want to be true servitors, is Sunday a holiday ?

In the beginning the organisation of the week was conceived in this way: six days of work for the collectivity to which the individual belonged; the seventh day of the week was reserved for the inner quest for the Divine and the offering of one's being to the divine will. This is the only meaning and the only true reason for the so called Sunday rest.

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Needless to say, sincerity is the essential condition for realisation; all insincerity is a degradation.



(In response to a question regarding spontaneity vis-a-vis organisation in work:)

Spontaneous work can be done only by a man of genius. Is there anyone claiming to be a genius?...



Auroville is created to realise the ideal of Sri Aurobindo who taught us the Karma Yoga. Auroville is for those who want to do the Yoga of work.

To live in Auroville means to do the Yoga of work. So all Auro-vilians must take up a work and do it as Yoga.


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Truth and Falsehood

Auroville must not lie. Everyone who aspires to be an Aurovilian must make the resolution never to tell a lie.


So long as we go on telling lies, we go on pushing the happy Future far from us.



For those who have been taken into Auroville on a wrong statement of theirs, there is only one solution: it is to cure in themselves all falsehood, that is to say, all that contradicts in their consciousness the Presence of the Divine.



Before dying, falsehood rises in full swing.

Still people understand only the lesson of catastrophe. Will it have to come before they open their eyes to the Truth?

I ask an effort from all so that it has not to be.

It is only the Truth that can save us, truth in words, truth in action, truth in will, truth in feelings. It is a choice between serving the Truth or being destroyed.



To all those who are telling lies By the simple fact that you are telling lies you prove that you

If you wish to remain in Auroville you must stop lying.

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To be a true Aurovilian one must never lie.



There is only one solution for falsehood: it is to cure in ourselves all that contradicts in our consciousness the presence of the Divine.



Auroville will become what is must be:

Only if and when the people living there will stop lying.


When you say "I want to serve the Divine", do you believe the All-Knowing does not know that it is a lie?


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