Agenda Set of 13 volumes
Mother’s Agenda 1963 Vol. 4 of Agenda 485 pages 1987 Edition   Satprem
English Translation
  Institut de Recherches Évolutives
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Mother experiences a cellular ubiquity: 'The body is everywhere!' A new cellular consciousness that will be a new kind of physics and the earth's next biology?

Mother’s Agenda 1963

The Mother symbol
The Mother

The year of Kennedy's assassination; the beginnings of the Sino-Soviet split. While the destructive giants respond faster and faster and science calls in question the laws of the universe, Mother is slowly hewing out the path to the next species on earth. "The path I seek is ever descending," into the consciousness of the cells. Will it be global death then, or, just as the birds followed the reptiles, the beginning of a new world? "I am on the threshold of a stupendous realisation, which depends on a very tiny thing." She is 85 this year. Will it be a more "intelligent" species within the framework of our physics, or one endowed with another kind of intelligence capable of changing the laws of physics, as the frog changes the laws of the tadpole in its fishbowl? In the course of this descent towards the self, Mother suddenly veers into another physical universe: "Everything looks as though you were seeing it for the first time, even the motion of the earth and the stars… There is no distance, no difference, there is not something that sees and something that is seen.... You become a mountain, a forest, a house.... You see simultaneously thousands of miles away and at very close range" - a kind of cellular ubiquity. And then, too, this astounding realisation: "The body is everywhere!" Is the next species ubiquitous? For what happens to the laws of the old physics when the fishbowl is shattered, when distance and "elsewhere" are abolished? "All the usual rhythms have changed.... a universal movement so tremendously rapid that it seems motionless.... A true physical that lies behind." And where is death for one who escapes the wear and tear of time inside the fishbowl? "If this condition becomes a natural thing, death can no longer exist!.... It would be a new phase of life on earth." And there is no need to look far for it: "The field of experience is right here, at every second.... people strive to enter into contact with something that is right here." A new cellular consciousness that will be a new kind of physics and perhaps the earth's next biology?

L’Agenda de Mère L’Agenda de Mère 1963 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 4 509 pages 1979 Edition
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The Mother symbol
The Mother

The year of Kennedy's assassination; the beginnings of the Sino-Soviet split. While the destructive giants respond faster and faster and science calls in question the laws of the universe, Mother is slowly hewing out the path to the next species on earth. "The path I seek is ever descending," into the consciousness of the cells. Will it be global death then, or, just as the birds followed the reptiles, the beginning of a new world? "I am on the threshold of a stupendous realisation, which depends on a very tiny thing." She is 85 this year. Will it be a more "intelligent" species within the framework of our physics, or one endowed with another kind of intelligence capable of changing the laws of physics, as the frog changes the laws of the tadpole in its fishbowl? In the course of this descent towards the self, Mother suddenly veers into another physical universe: "Everything looks as though you were seeing it for the first time, even the motion of the earth and the stars… There is no distance, no difference, there is not something that sees and something that is seen.... You become a mountain, a forest, a house.... You see simultaneously thousands of miles away and at very close range" - a kind of cellular ubiquity. And then, too, this astounding realisation: "The body is everywhere!" Is the next species ubiquitous? For what happens to the laws of the old physics when the fishbowl is shattered, when distance and "elsewhere" are abolished? "All the usual rhythms have changed.... a universal movement so tremendously rapid that it seems motionless.... A true physical that lies behind." And where is death for one who escapes the wear and tear of time inside the fishbowl? "If this condition becomes a natural thing, death can no longer exist!.... It would be a new phase of life on earth." And there is no need to look far for it: "The field of experience is right here, at every second.... people strive to enter into contact with something that is right here." A new cellular consciousness that will be a new kind of physics and perhaps the earth's next biology?

Mother’s Agenda (13 volumes) - Satprem Mother’s Agenda 1963 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 4 485 pages 1987 Edition
English Translation
Translator:   Institut de Recherches Évolutives  PDF    EPUB   

Mother's Agenda 1963 Conversations with Satprem

  French|  69 tracks
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November 23, 1963

Kennedy has been assassinated, that means the possibility of war.

He was one of the instruments for the establishment of peace—it's a setback for the entire political history of the earth.

But probably, it means basically that things weren't ready: some parts would have been overlooked.

But I had been told this a few weeks ago, last month, while I was conducting a general survey. I heard someone who said ("someone" is a manner of speaking, I know who it is): Kennedy won't be able to do it. I thought the instrument was too small, I didn't think of this.

Page 389

And then five of our air force chiefs have been killed in a helicopter crash—helicopters never crash, and they were the best possible pilots. It's an act of sabotage—the Communists are doing a lot of sabotage. So that makes two accidents in a row.

But these accidents always occur at the time of Kali, in November—October and November.

November and February.

February, too?

Revolutions, big strikes, dangerous INNER events are always just before February 21. And the catastrophes of this kind in November—always.

Sri Aurobindo too used to say that the most difficult period in the year was November to February.


We must broaden and endure, that's all. That's the only lesson there is to learn: broadening and endurance—going on and on and on enduring.

As for the accident here [the five army chiefs], those killed were first-rate pilots. There is every indication that it's an act of sabotage. It's the same thing again.

The Communists here sabotage everywhere (they sabotage the mail too, that's a nuisance), they sabotage a lot, sabotage everywhere.

Anyway, there we are, we have only to wait, endure, and broaden more and more.


Kennedy won't be able to do it.... According to the American constitution, the vice-president automatically becomes president, the next minute; and this vice-president symbolized the opposition to Kennedy. And within his own party, among the Democrats, there was already a division.


So, what have you brought me?

Nothing, Mother, except Agenda conversations.

That will soon sound repetitious—things are moving fast.

Page 390


You were better yesterday, weren't you?

Yes, better.

I even felt something lifted: I pressed and pressed hard, and whoops! it lifted.

But I feel quite a dark shadow following me.


Not like in the past.

No. You know, what lends force to the opposition is superstitious ignorance—superstitious in the sense of a sort of faith or at least of belief in Destiny, in Fate. It's ingrained, as if woven into the human substance. They have the same superstition, the same superstitious belief in what is favorable to them as in what is unfavorable; in the divine Power as in the adverse power—it's the SAME attitude. And that's why the divine Power doesn't have its full force, and also precisely why the adverse force has so much power over them, because it's absolutely a movement of Falsehood, of Ignorance—of total Ignorance.

Recently, I was following the thing down to the smallest detail, in everybody's mentality. Even in those who have read Sri Aurobindo, who have studied Sri Aurobindo, who have understood, who have come into contact with that region of light, it's still there—it's still there. It's very... yes, it's very tightly woven into the most outward and material part of the consciousness. It's a kind of submissiveness, which may be quite rebellious, but which gives a sense, as you said, of something hanging over your head and shoulders: a sort of Fate, of Destiny.

So there is the good destiny and the bad destiny; there is a divine force which one regards as something entirely beyond understanding, whose designs and aims are perfectly inexplicable, and the submission, the surrender consists in accepting—blindly—all that happens. One's nature revolts, but revolts against an Absolute against which it is helpless. And all of that is Ignorance. Not one of all those movements is true—from the most intense revolt to the blindest submission, it's all false, not one true movement.

Page 391

I don't know if it's in Sri Aurobindo's writings (I don't remember), but I hear very strongly (not for me, for mankind):


Naturally men take "will" for their own whims, which have nothing to do with a will—they're all impulses.

"To will" means "to will with the supreme Will." And it's as if it were the key that opens the door to the future:


But beware of willing the wrong way because that's no longer a will, it's a whim—don't confuse the two. Will with the supreme Will.

We shouldn't hunch our shoulders—it makes us grumble terribly within ourselves and it's useless.

Oh, (Mother holds up her head) that feeling of the head rising above all that, of emerging above...

But we're so totally enslaved to very small things—the very small things of the body: its needs (or supposed needs). I see all the entreaties that come from everywhere, and it all revolves around the same thing (even those who think they've understood that the consciousness must be general—not collective, but terrestrial—they're slaves to the reactions of their body), it all revolves around two things: sleep-food-sleep-food-sleep... (Mother draws a circle). Even with those who profess that they have "no interest" in those things, they still have the power to cause reactions in their consciousness: a sleepless night or poor digestion, or an upset digestive system—there you are. It has the power to weigh down on their faith and to take away its capacity of action. It's a kind of attachment—an involuntary and mechanical attachment—to that need for sleep and that need for food. And I don't mean people who love to eat or lazy people who like to sleep—I don't even mean that, which is all the way down, that's not it: I mean those who aren't interested in food and would really like to replace sleep with something else, something more interesting, even those—all, all, all of them.

And even this body, which has been worked on and kneaded for years... It's in the subconscient of the body. And so that was the answer, it was said to the body:


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And as usual, it was full of humor. Something said: "You grumble all the time, you moan all the time, you complain all the time, what's the use?—AWAKE AND WILL!"

And that submissiveness, you know, that acceptance of the worst, with the idea that it comes from the Lord! Not only that, but almost imagining the worst as a trial, as a test to find out if you're really surrendered—that's another stupidity! If you need to imagine such things in order to find out if you really haven't revolted, it means there is still somewhere the germ or residue of revolt.

And the fear of being selfish, the fear of being rebellious—it means it's still there, otherwise you wouldn't have that fear.


We are so small, so small. The smaller we are, the more we revolt. We want to break everything because we are so small—when you are vast, you don't need to break anything. You only have to be.


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