Agenda Set of 13 volumes
Mother’s Agenda 1967 Vol. 8 of Agenda 469 pages 1993 Edition   Satprem
English Translation
  Institut de Recherches Évolutives
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The 'yoga of the cell' leads to 'true matter' and eventually the victory over death. A collective transformation sufficient to create a new species on earth is needed.

Mother’s Agenda 1967

The Mother symbol
The Mother

This year, all the features of the yoga of the cells become clear: "A growing conviction that a perfection achieved in matter is a far more perfect perfection than any other. The consciousness expressed in transformed cells is a marvel: it legitimises all these ages of misery. Oh, what a fuss all those gods make." This year marks the discovery of "true matter".... without fuss: "In that cellular limpidity, there are no more problems: the solution precedes the problem. That is, things arrange themselves automatically." It's another mode of life on earth - "such a natural way of being" - in a body freed from its mental shackles and the laws of false matter: "The extraordinary impression of the unreality of suffering the unreality of illness.... It does not cure illness: it annuls it - it makes it unreal.... And then you see: as the functioning gradually grows perfect, it necessarily, inevitably means victory over death." And meanwhile, Surveyor is digging the ground of the moon with its mechanical arms, while our own secrets remain buried in a little cell: "We can travel anywhere, we know what's going on anywhere.... and we don't know what's going on inside ourselves." War is raging in Biafra, the Israeli troops are marching toward Suez, American planes are bombing Haiphong, China explodes its first thermonuclear bomb.... and so on. "A tremendous conflict over earth." At stake is a new earth, or a return to the old fiasco: "A local and momentary manifestation is not ruled out, but what is needed is a collective transformation sufficient to create a new species on earth.... This fact is certain." Will we understand where the real way out is, and the Marvel concealed in a human body?

L’Agenda de Mère L’Agenda de Mère 1967 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 8 1980 Edition
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The Mother symbol
The Mother

This year, all the features of the yoga of the cells become clear: "A growing conviction that a perfection achieved in matter is a far more perfect perfection than any other. The consciousness expressed in transformed cells is a marvel: it legitimises all these ages of misery. Oh, what a fuss all those gods make." This year marks the discovery of "true matter".... without fuss: "In that cellular limpidity, there are no more problems: the solution precedes the problem. That is, things arrange themselves automatically." It's another mode of life on earth - "such a natural way of being" - in a body freed from its mental shackles and the laws of false matter: "The extraordinary impression of the unreality of suffering the unreality of illness.... It does not cure illness: it annuls it - it makes it unreal.... And then you see: as the functioning gradually grows perfect, it necessarily, inevitably means victory over death." And meanwhile, Surveyor is digging the ground of the moon with its mechanical arms, while our own secrets remain buried in a little cell: "We can travel anywhere, we know what's going on anywhere.... and we don't know what's going on inside ourselves." War is raging in Biafra, the Israeli troops are marching toward Suez, American planes are bombing Haiphong, China explodes its first thermonuclear bomb.... and so on. "A tremendous conflict over earth." At stake is a new earth, or a return to the old fiasco: "A local and momentary manifestation is not ruled out, but what is needed is a collective transformation sufficient to create a new species on earth.... This fact is certain." Will we understand where the real way out is, and the Marvel concealed in a human body?

Mother’s Agenda (13 volumes) - Satprem Mother’s Agenda 1967 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 8 469 pages 1993 Edition
English Translation
Translator:   Institut de Recherches Évolutives  PDF    EPUB   

Mother's Agenda 1967 Conversations with Satprem

  French|  60 tracks
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September 6, 1967

... I have four full baskets like that, more than a hundred letters to read! So in the morning (Mother shows a stack of letters on her table) it's like that, and in the afternoon it will be the same thing.

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Then A. comes in the evening at seven with more letters.... That is, twenty-five to thirty letters a day. Out of that (laughing), if I work hard, I can reply to four or five! So you understand, the remainder piles up: four baskets!

Soon afterwards

I have made discoveries these last few days.... I have discovered that in past lives (I don't know which ones), my psychic was several times in a tortured body. And it comes back for (how should I put it?) a collective action in the world, on the earth, so that the possibility of the thing may disappear. It's a rather interesting work.

But I noticed it because I said to myself, "But why is my attention constantly turned to that?" Then I looked carefully and saw that the psychic had been in a tortured body several times, long ago at the time of the Inquisition, but also in political cases (much more recently, probably). Real tortures, you know, those inventions in which men are worse than monsters—no animal is more monstrous than human consciousness like that.... And it came back with the "law," the principle of the thing, of the distortion of consciousness, and once I had understood, I looked at myself (I was wondering, "Why? Why is my attention turned to that?"), I then looked and I saw. And I started doing the needful so that it may no longer exist in the creation—some things will not exist any longer.

But nothing in the creation that belongs to the mineral world, the plant world, or the animal world, need disappear. There were those monstrous animals: they disappeared materially, but not ... not the principle of the creation. It's since man came with the mind—when the mind was twisted, deformed by the adverse forces. That is really ugly.

How can that be dissolved? Torture, for instance, that sort of thing? How can it be dissolved from the earth consciousness so it no longer happens again? How can it be done?

Oh, for all really monstrous things, there is only one force—only one force that can dissolve them. I knew it in principle, but now I know it in practice: it is the force of Love. Love is truly all-victorious—but true Love, not what men call "love," not that: true, divine Love.

You see one drop of "That" in its perfection, and all shadows

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disappear—all disharmony disappears. It can only be in its perfection, in its essential purity.

It truly is all-powerfulness.

And without ... without the sense of victory, that's what is so, so wonderful! It's the All-Victorious which doesn't at all have the sense of being victorious—not at all, at all, at all.


This morning for more than an hour, there were veritable scenes (of torture) in their entirety, with all the details, and then ... that wonderful Thing.

Even while the torture is taking place, in that Consciousness it disappears. And it disappears not only for the one who's subjected to it, but for the one who's doing it. And the Thing in itself. It was interesting.

There were all the details of the scene, with such precision! The words uttered, the gestures ... To such an extent that if it had been written simply it would have made an extraordinary novel! That's what surprised me, because I am not a writer, and it doesn't generally interest me, so why did it come back like that, presented so completely?... Until ... until the fulfilment—the end was a marvel: That.

(Then Mother turns to the first Playground Talk1 intended for the next Bulletin. In that Talk of April 29, 1953, Mother, coincidentally, was speaking about ... religions. She said this, in particular: "... Otherwise, there would be no religions; there would be masters and disciples, people who have a higher teaching and an exceptional experience. That would be a very good thing. But as soon as the master is gone, what happens is that the knowledge he gave is changed into a religion. Rigid dogmas are established, religious rules come into being, and one cannot but bow down before the Tables of the Law. Yet at the beginning it was not like that. You are told, 'This is true, this is false, the Master has said ...' Some time later, the master becomes a god, and you are told, 'God has said this.'")

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Should I let this pass?... It will cause an uproar! (It's good anyway.)

Was it like that or did you rearrange it?

No, no! Sometimes I rearrange the grammar, but I haven't altered it really, it's as it was.

I am asking you because when I had those gatherings (at the Playground), on some days I would feel the full Force like this (gesture of descent), and everything I said came directly. At other times, it was the memory that spoke, and then it would be so flat! But when you read it back to me, I perceive those that were direct and those that were simply a machine playing(!) And this one, this particular talk, was very good.

With the last ones especially, in the last year, to me it was very clear, perfectly clear: on certain days That spoke (gesture from above), and I felt only my mouth move and heard the sound of my voice. At other times it was the whole storehouse of memories, and what was expressed was worthless.

For a long time, these Talks that we published in the "Bulletin," I often used to arrange them because the language seemed to me too spoken or disjointed. But now that I am preparing the complete edition, I put things back almost word for word as you said them, except when it really jars too much, when it's too ungrammatical! Otherwise, I leave it, because I find that's how it keeps it's force.

(Mother goes into contemplation)

A head as big as this ... He was smiling, and showing us both something that was the symbolic image of these Talks. It was very interesting! His head was big like this (about fifty centimetres), wholly luminous with that supramental light which is ... it's golden, but with red in it—not red: pink, but ... it's inexpressible. It's almost like a flame, but not dazzling; and it gives the sense of a force—a really all-powerful force. He was there like this (gesture between Mother and Satprem), between the two of us, with his hand outstretched (it was all the same colour), and in his hand was a cube. And that cube was all those Talks. So he showed the cube, which was of a transparent light ... (how can I put it?) a steady transparent light—not still, but steady. And there were kinds of veins in it: blue veins, silvery veins ... It was a cube, you see, a perfect cube, but it was all moving about: blue, silvery, red veins, and sometimes too, a small dark line. And

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he was showing it as if to say, "Here is how it is." The whole thing was a cube of colourless, transparent light—purely transparent and purely luminous; and there were kinds of currents passing through it: sometimes in one corner (but it was shifting about, not still), and it was now dark blue (not dark, but blue—really blue), now silvery, now white, and in places, from time to time, here or there (gesture to various points), there was in a corner or at an edge (laughing), a small black line!

He held it out in his hand and laughed!

It was very good! (Mother laughs) The exact representation of these Talks.

But he meant (it certainly looked like that), he meant that the whole thing was the cube—a well-organized cube, with a transparent light, very pure, very luminous, like that, and then (laughing) it was all moving about inside it!

I saw him in profile (he was just between us), I saw him in profile, and his hand, which I saw, was just in between us, like that, and he showed that so we would both see it—and he smiled and smiled.... I think he wanted to laugh!

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