Agenda Set of 13 volumes
Mother’s Agenda 1969 Vol. 10 of Agenda 549 pages 1998 Edition   Satprem
English Translation
  Michel Danino
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Mother has found the 'new consciousness': 'these cells, other cells, it was life and consciousness everywhere, all bodies were this body!' SALVATION is PHYSICAL.

Mother’s Agenda 1969

The Mother symbol
The Mother

Now Mother has found the "passage", what she calls "the new consciousness," the one capable of opening up a new world to us, just as the first breaking of the watery mirror by an amphibian opened up a new air to us: "I don't know what is happening, there's a state of intense vibration, like waves of lightning rapidity, so rapid that they see motionless. And then I go off to America, to Europe.... This body has never been so happy: these cells, other cells, it was life everywhere, consciousness everywhere, all bodies were this body!...." And all our physiological misery vanishes by the same token: "There is a sort of dilation of the cells, the sense of boundaries lessons, fades away, and the pains vanish physically." And it isn't "another world," it is this earth, our earth but lived otherwise: "As if we had entered an unreal falsehood, and everything disappears once you get out of it - it simply does not exist! And all the artificial means of getting out of it, including Nirvana, are worthless. SALVATION IS PHYSICAL! It is here, right here. All the rest, death included, really becomes a falsehood - there is no such thing as "disappearing", no "life vs death"!...." And as she breaks through the walls of our bowl, the whole world is in revolt - including Mother's entourage - as if it were under the pressure of a new air: "A considerable number of desires for it to die [Mother's body]; everywhere, they are everywhere!.... The whole gamut of feelings around me, from anxiety, eagerness for it to be over quickly, to impatient desires: free at last!.... I don't want to be put in a box, the cells are conscious.... What is going to happen? I don't know. It runs contrary to all habits." A new species is quite contrary to the old habits of the world - will the world accept it, or wind up killing it off?

L’Agenda de Mère L’Agenda de Mère 1969 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 10 582 pages 1981 Edition
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The Mother symbol
The Mother

Now Mother has found the "passage", what she calls "the new consciousness," the one capable of opening up a new world to us, just as the first breaking of the watery mirror by an amphibian opened up a new air to us: "I don't know what is happening, there's a state of intense vibration, like waves of lightning rapidity, so rapid that they see motionless. And then I go off to America, to Europe.... This body has never been so happy: these cells, other cells, it was life everywhere, consciousness everywhere, all bodies were this body!...." And all our physiological misery vanishes by the same token: "There is a sort of dilation of the cells, the sense of boundaries lessons, fades away, and the pains vanish physically." And it isn't "another world," it is this earth, our earth but lived otherwise: "As if we had entered an unreal falsehood, and everything disappears once you get out of it - it simply does not exist! And all the artificial means of getting out of it, including Nirvana, are worthless. SALVATION IS PHYSICAL! It is here, right here. All the rest, death included, really becomes a falsehood - there is no such thing as "disappearing", no "life vs death"!...." And as she breaks through the walls of our bowl, the whole world is in revolt - including Mother's entourage - as if it were under the pressure of a new air: "A considerable number of desires for it to die [Mother's body]; everywhere, they are everywhere!.... The whole gamut of feelings around me, from anxiety, eagerness for it to be over quickly, to impatient desires: free at last!.... I don't want to be put in a box, the cells are conscious.... What is going to happen? I don't know. It runs contrary to all habits." A new species is quite contrary to the old habits of the world - will the world accept it, or wind up killing it off?

Mother’s Agenda (13 volumes) - Satprem Mother’s Agenda 1969 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 10 549 pages 1998 Edition
English Translation
Translator:   Michel Danino  PDF    EPUB   

Mother's Agenda 1969 Conversations with Satprem

  French|  62 tracks
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October 1, 1969

Did F tell you what the healer said to her?... They met yesterday or the day before, and he "confessed" to her. He told her he came to India in the hope of finding a place where he could be left alone for a few weeks or even a few months, because he has found the way of healing everything, except a hernia he has, and he would like to be left alone so as to find a way to cure his hernia. Then F told him, "But you can be left alone right here." He replied, "Oh, but if I am asked to cure, I can't refuse." So it might be better to stop sending him people... but he would have to move to a new house and be alone somewhere. He should be asked if it's all right with him.

This is how things took place: the other day, the man who does the cooking with F. at Tout ce qu'il faut was running a high temperature, he was quite run down. F said, "I'll go and bring A.R." She brought him—in five minutes he cured him. And that's when he spoke to her. So you could see with him. If we don't send him anyone, no one will go. If he thinks this place is beneficial to his quest, we'll manage to find some spot where he can be left alone.

How about you? You're fine, you've slept (!)

Yes!... But the effect of this healer, the effect of acceleration you felt in your body—nausea and all that—did it work out or...?

Yes, (laughing) I worked it out!

As for me, when F told me that "confession" of his, something came just then, I concentrated, and I had F. say to him that I had done what's necessary [for him to be cured], that now he only had to rest. But it can wait for a few more days, there are still two people I'd like him to see... If I were him, I would stay here (!) because he is REMARKABLY receptive to the Force; so if he stays here, he'll be able to get cured—yesterday I saw he could very well be cured. I did what's needed, it's up to him to receive it—I don't need to see him for that.

How about you, are you fine?

Yes, yes!

R. had some difficulties after meeting him, and so had M.!... I think it's all come back into place.

Page 359

Difficulties? Physical consequences?


As for me, I've always felt his contact as something very beneficial.

It depends on... what one needs.

But it doesn't matter. For me, it has given me a lot of work, because I had harmonized the body's transformation with the requirements of the work, and I had managed to find a harmony thanks to which I was never tired. With him, both the times I saw him, for several hours afterwards I felt a fatigue I hadn't known for years. I had to work a lot. But now it's all right.

But I tell you, cases like the man who had a temperature he cured in ten minutes. And that doesn't surprise me.

Well, I find this man touching.

Yes, he is touching.

It's good he said that—that he'd come to India almost with the certainty of finding a quiet place where he would be able to concentrate until he finds the way of curing his hernia; he said, "It's the last thing; all the rest has been cured, this alone is left."

That's only incidental, because the true reason for his coming to India is really the questions he asked you the other day.

Yes... As for me, I think he can be cured quickly. I don't know the condition of his hernia, it depends (some are bad), but if it's an ordinary one, it can be cured quickly.1

Page 360

(Then Mother listens to the Talk of 26 August 1953 about Love)

Sujata would like to ask you a question.

(Sujata:) Mother, this Force of Love that comes—sometimes it comes, one feels, you know, one truly loves—why can't one keep it constantly?

One should be able to keep it!

(Sujata:) I think so too, one should, but one doesn't manage to keep it.

Mon petit... it's constantly here! Constantly, whatever the body may be doing—whether it sees people or looks after itself or sleeps—it's always, always there, conscious, vibrating.

I say, "It can be done"—but it's a fact. Only, what's needed is... the general obstacle is that most people's physical consciousness is very dark; it's made only of needs, desires, the most material reactions, but what's needed is to awaken in the cells the love for the Divine, and once they love the Divine, it's like that all the time: it doesn't budge anymore—doesn't budge. It's even FAR MORE constant than any vital or mental movement: it's like this (Mother clenches her two fists), it doesn't budge anymore. The cells are constantly like that, in a state of love for the Divine.

That's what is remarkable in the physical, it's that when the physical has learned something, it never forgets. Once the cells have learned that, learned this self-giving, this offering to the Divine, and this NEED to offer themselves, it's learned, and it DOESN'T BUDGE ANYMORE. It's constant, twenty-four hours a day, ceaselessly, day after day, changelessly; even when something goes wrong (you have a pain or something), the first movement is this: it's to offer it, to give it—spontaneously. The higher consciousness doesn't intervene, it's spontaneous: it's the consciousness contained in the cells.

It's the vital and the mind that are like this (zigzagging gesture), unsteady Especially the vital, which is interested in all kinds of things.

Naturally, the two are interdependent: the ego must be abolished—the RULE of the ego must be abolished. Generally, people think it's not possible to abolish the physical ego; not only is it possible,

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it's DONE, and the body continues, it keeps on walking—it hasn't gone! (It had a difficult little moment... a little moment.)

Now these cells are wondering how one can continue to exist without this movement of adoration. They're like this, everywhere (gesture of intense aspiration), everywhere. It's very interesting.

All those difficulties one has with the inner development when one deals with the vital and the mind, the return of old things and all that, here [in the body] it's over, it's not like that.

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