Agenda Set of 13 volumes
Mother’s Agenda 1971 Vol. 12 of Agenda 393 pages 1982 Edition   Satprem
English Translation
  Institut de Recherches Évolutives
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Others too had to understand Her secret - her own disciples, Nations. Will she be heard? Will she be allowed to pursue her experience? '... The body knows that the work will go on and on and on...'

Mother’s Agenda 1971

The Mother symbol
The Mother

The last turning point of Mother's yoga, and she comes out of it with this cry: "I have walked a long, long time. There was nothing but a constant cry, as if everything were torn away from me. It was the whole problem of the world." And this Agenda is more and more strewn with heartrending little cries. It was not enough to have found the secret for herself, the others too had to understand, her own disciples, Nations locked in their egoistic power: "They have no faith! 'She is old, she is old', an atmosphere of resistance to the change; 'it is impossible, impossible' from all sides.... Not a single minute should be wasted - I am in a hurry.... The reign of the Divine must, oh, must come!.... If the entire Russian block were to turn to the right side, that would be an enormous support! The victory is certain, but I don't know which path will be followed to reach it.... We must cling, cling so tightly to Truth.... They don't listen to me any more." She is 93, groping her way into the unknown: "I see more clearly with eyes closed than with eyes open, and it is a physical vision, purely physical, but a kind of physical that seems more complete. The consciousness of the cells is what has to change, all the rest will follow naturally! I have the feeling I am on my way to discovering the illusion that must be destroyed so that physical life may go on uninterrupted - death is the result of a distortion of consciousness." Will she be heard? Will she be allowed to pursue her experience? "Only a violent death could halt the transformation; otherwise the body knows that the work will go on and on and on...." And this cry again: "There will be a miracle! But what, I don't know."

L’Agenda de Mère L’Agenda de Mère 1971 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 12 399 pages 1981 Edition
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The Mother symbol
The Mother

The last turning point of Mother's yoga, and she comes out of it with this cry: "I have walked a long, long time. There was nothing but a constant cry, as if everything were torn away from me. It was the whole problem of the world." And this Agenda is more and more strewn with heartrending little cries. It was not enough to have found the secret for herself, the others too had to understand, her own disciples, Nations locked in their egoistic power: "They have no faith! 'She is old, she is old', an atmosphere of resistance to the change; 'it is impossible, impossible' from all sides.... Not a single minute should be wasted - I am in a hurry.... The reign of the Divine must, oh, must come!.... If the entire Russian block were to turn to the right side, that would be an enormous support! The victory is certain, but I don't know which path will be followed to reach it.... We must cling, cling so tightly to Truth.... They don't listen to me any more." She is 93, groping her way into the unknown: "I see more clearly with eyes closed than with eyes open, and it is a physical vision, purely physical, but a kind of physical that seems more complete. The consciousness of the cells is what has to change, all the rest will follow naturally! I have the feeling I am on my way to discovering the illusion that must be destroyed so that physical life may go on uninterrupted - death is the result of a distortion of consciousness." Will she be heard? Will she be allowed to pursue her experience? "Only a violent death could halt the transformation; otherwise the body knows that the work will go on and on and on...." And this cry again: "There will be a miracle! But what, I don't know."

Mother’s Agenda (13 volumes) - Satprem Mother’s Agenda 1971 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 12 393 pages 1982 Edition
English Translation
Translator:   Institut de Recherches Évolutives  PDF    EPUB   

Mother's Agenda 1971 Conversations with Satprem

  French|  42 tracks
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August 28, 1971

Well, what's new?

What do you want or have to tell me?... Nothing?

Nothing, or always the same thing, rather.

What's that?

I'm waiting.

Oh, you're waiting! So am I! (laughter)


It's as if all the ways of seeing the world were passing by one after the other: the most detestable and the most marvelous—like this, like that, like this... (Mother turns her head like a kaleidoscope), and they all come to tell me: "See, you can look at it this way, you can look at it that way, you can...." But the Truth... what is true?... What is true?... There is all that (same kaleidoscopic gesture), and "something" we don't know.

First of all, I am convinced that the need to see things, to think them, is purely human and is a transitory device. It is a transitory phase, which seems terribly long to us, but in fact is rather short.

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Even our consciousness is an adaptation of the Consciousness—THE Consciousness, the true consciousness is something else.

And so the conclusion for my body is... (as best as I can translate it): to curl up in the Divine. Not to try to understand, not to try to know: try TO BE.... And to curl up. So I spend my time like that.

Not "try": only one minute like that is enough (gesture of stepping backward), and time doesn't matter anymore. It's very curious, I make experiments for every little movement of life, like meals, for example; well, when I curl up like this (gesture of interiorization), everything seems instantaneous. There isn't any time. When I am in the outer consciousness (what I call outer is a consciousness that witnesses the creation), then things take more or less time depending on the attention given it. And so everything, everything seems... nothing seems to be (what's the word?) absolute, in the sense of real—real, a concrete reality—nothing seems to be like that. Except unpleasant things in the body such as, for example, some functioning that goes wrong; that, you recognize as imperfection. The imperfection is what makes you feel the thing, otherwise it's like this (same gesture of interiorization, curled up in the Lord). And "like this," the Power is tremendous, in the sense that... for instance, for some people, a particular illness vanishes (without my doing anything outwardly in fact, without my even speaking to anyone, absolutely nothing—it's cured); for still another person... it's the end, he goes over to the other side. But then that other side has become both quite familiar to me and... totally unknown.

I remember a time when the memory of past lives, the memory of night activities was so very concrete; the so-called invisible world was totally concrete—now... now everything is like a dream—everything—everything is like a dream veiling a Reality... an unknown Reality, and yet appreciable. I seem to be talking nonsense.

No, no, not at all!

Because it can't be expressed.

You asked me the other day (your question has stayed with me), you asked me: when I am silent and motionless like this, what is happening?... In point of fact it's an attempt (I can't say an aspiration, I can't say effort—the word in English is urge): the truth as it is. That's it. That's it. Not trying to know or understand it (it is

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all one to me): to be—to be—to be.... And then.... (Mother has a smile full of sweetness.)


Then curiously enough: at the same time—at the same time—not one in the other or one with the other, but one AND the other, at the same time (Mother slips the fingers of her right hand between the fingers of her left) it's marvelous and dreadful. Life as it is, as we feel it in our ordinary consciousness—as it is for men—seems something... but so dreadful that one wonders how it can be lived even a single minute; and the other, AT THE SAME TIME: a marvel. A marvel of light, consciousness, power—wondrous. And a power, a power!... And not the power of a particular person (Mother pinches the skin of her hands), it's something... it's something which is everything.... And you are left without words.

So, quite naturally, the most interesting thing is to find That. Quite naturally, whenever I have nothing to do... (gesture of interiorization, curled up in the Lord). That's why I am forever asking you if you have questions or something, because there is no longer any "person" to be active, it's only the things which... (gesture indicating the movements and vibrations of people or things triggering Mother's activity). So when that's not there, it's... (gesture in suspense, silence).... Very far, far off... quite close, quite close to the other Consciousness, there are moments (Mother speaks in a deep, solemn voice): OM Namo Bhagavateh.... That's the most material thing. It's already... it seems so... lifeless. It gives the impression that a piece of wood might give us. And yet it's.... So at one and the same time one can be in a painful and incomprehensible and absurd life and absolutely at the same time... unutterably marvelous.

So naturally I can't speak to anyone anymore, I can say it only to you, because people would think I am going nuts.

(long silence)

Only "You"—that's all.

And quite plainly the Creation has That as its goal, that marvelous joy... of feeling we are You.

(Mother goes off in a smile)

So.... So what do you want? Do you want That?

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Yes, Mother.

Or do you want to ask me questions?

No, no, That is good!

(Mother laughs)

(Mother takes Satprem's hands, sits with her eyes closed, then a smile spreads over her lips, she goes within.)

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