Agenda Set of 13 volumes
Mother’s Agenda 1971 Vol. 12 of Agenda 393 pages 1982 Edition   Satprem
English Translation
  Institut de Recherches Évolutives
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Others too had to understand Her secret - her own disciples, Nations. Will she be heard? Will she be allowed to pursue her experience? '... The body knows that the work will go on and on and on...'

Mother’s Agenda 1971

The Mother symbol
The Mother

The last turning point of Mother's yoga, and she comes out of it with this cry: "I have walked a long, long time. There was nothing but a constant cry, as if everything were torn away from me. It was the whole problem of the world." And this Agenda is more and more strewn with heartrending little cries. It was not enough to have found the secret for herself, the others too had to understand, her own disciples, Nations locked in their egoistic power: "They have no faith! 'She is old, she is old', an atmosphere of resistance to the change; 'it is impossible, impossible' from all sides.... Not a single minute should be wasted - I am in a hurry.... The reign of the Divine must, oh, must come!.... If the entire Russian block were to turn to the right side, that would be an enormous support! The victory is certain, but I don't know which path will be followed to reach it.... We must cling, cling so tightly to Truth.... They don't listen to me any more." She is 93, groping her way into the unknown: "I see more clearly with eyes closed than with eyes open, and it is a physical vision, purely physical, but a kind of physical that seems more complete. The consciousness of the cells is what has to change, all the rest will follow naturally! I have the feeling I am on my way to discovering the illusion that must be destroyed so that physical life may go on uninterrupted - death is the result of a distortion of consciousness." Will she be heard? Will she be allowed to pursue her experience? "Only a violent death could halt the transformation; otherwise the body knows that the work will go on and on and on...." And this cry again: "There will be a miracle! But what, I don't know."

L’Agenda de Mère L’Agenda de Mère 1971 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 12 399 pages 1981 Edition
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The Mother symbol
The Mother

The last turning point of Mother's yoga, and she comes out of it with this cry: "I have walked a long, long time. There was nothing but a constant cry, as if everything were torn away from me. It was the whole problem of the world." And this Agenda is more and more strewn with heartrending little cries. It was not enough to have found the secret for herself, the others too had to understand, her own disciples, Nations locked in their egoistic power: "They have no faith! 'She is old, she is old', an atmosphere of resistance to the change; 'it is impossible, impossible' from all sides.... Not a single minute should be wasted - I am in a hurry.... The reign of the Divine must, oh, must come!.... If the entire Russian block were to turn to the right side, that would be an enormous support! The victory is certain, but I don't know which path will be followed to reach it.... We must cling, cling so tightly to Truth.... They don't listen to me any more." She is 93, groping her way into the unknown: "I see more clearly with eyes closed than with eyes open, and it is a physical vision, purely physical, but a kind of physical that seems more complete. The consciousness of the cells is what has to change, all the rest will follow naturally! I have the feeling I am on my way to discovering the illusion that must be destroyed so that physical life may go on uninterrupted - death is the result of a distortion of consciousness." Will she be heard? Will she be allowed to pursue her experience? "Only a violent death could halt the transformation; otherwise the body knows that the work will go on and on and on...." And this cry again: "There will be a miracle! But what, I don't know."

Mother’s Agenda (13 volumes) - Satprem Mother’s Agenda 1971 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 12 393 pages 1982 Edition
English Translation
Translator:   Institut de Recherches Évolutives  PDF    EPUB   

Mother's Agenda 1971 Conversations with Satprem

  French|  42 tracks
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May 1, 1971

(Mother is late by more than an hour.)

An avalanche....

So what do you have to say?

Nothing special, Mother.

And me neither!... I only have people quarreling.

Anyway... it will straighten itself out, maybe.

I have sent many messages... (Mother looks for some papers). A government minister came,1 who has 400,000 workers on strike; they wrote me to ask him to have pity on the poor people (God knows what the story is!), but the gentleman came, gave me flowers, took my flower, and then ran off! I didn't have a chance to do anything.

I wanted to tell him this:

(Mother hands Satprem a note)

Most of the suffering is due to men's ignorance.
We must have compassion and help them.

But I didn't have a chance to tell him. He seemed to be a man... (gesture like iron). I don't know what's happening, but it's like that everywhere, everywhere.

Yes, everywhere. One really gets the feeling that the world is in complete turmoil.2

Yes, oh, yes!

And people also.


It's been like that since this morning, strikes and.... The school

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in Delhi is closed....3 And then the impression that order has to be restored BY USING THE VERY ONES WHO HAVE CREATED THE DISORDER. It came to me very strongly. That's what I am trying to do in Delhi, by using the man who triggered the teacher's strike. He came to see me, and I said to him (his dismissal from the school started the whole thing): "I am putting you back in the school so you can restore order!" And he accepted. I think it can be tried out. He left today.

(Text of Mother's message to the teacher:)

"We (human beings) are not living for the satisfaction of our ego; we live to fulfill God's will. But to be able to perceive and to know the will of God, we must be without desires and preferences. Otherwise we mistake for God's will our own limited ideas and principles.

"It is in the wide peace of an absolute and devoted sincerity free from fixed ideas and preferences that we can realize the conditions required to know God's Will and it is with a fearless discipline that we must execute it."

April 30, 1971

And that is what has to be done. Instead of resting on the foundation of ordinary goodwill and all the moral and social rules—all that, brrm! fizzled out—we must rise above, we must have the Divine Will and the Divine Harmony, that is what we want; and as for those who are rebelling against the ordinary order of things and the ordinary social conventions: well, prove that you are in touch with a higher consciousness and a truer truth.

It's the time to make a ...(gesture of a leap upward).

As for the power of organization, it's... an extremely powerful power that has come—I feel that just by doing this (Mother quietly closes her hand), I can crush things. It's quite surprising. And so, if this power is put at the service of a higher order, of the truer consciousness... something will be achieved.

We must... we must take a leap upward.

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All those who seek to restore order pull back towards all the old ideas—that's why they are unsuccessful. But that's all over now. It's over. We are going upward. Only those who can go upward are able to accomplish something.

(long silence)

You don't have anything? Nothing to ask?

No, Mother.

Everything is all right?

Yes, Mother.... I don't understand very well the direction I'm going in.

There's only one direction—toward the Divine. And as you know, it's as much inside as outside, above as below. Everywhere. It's in this very world that we must find the Divine and cling to Him—to Him alone, there's no other way. It's not here or there, it's everywhere, but....

(Mother goes into trance holding Satprem's hands in her right hand while her left hand remains turned upward, in midair, then her arm slowly comes down to rest.)

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