Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother - Vol 2'

  The Mother : correspondence

Amal Kiran
Amal Kiran

Read Amal Kiran's correspondence with The Mother - from 1930 to 1970

Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

15 June 1967

Dearest Mother,

I am very grateful for your clarifying answers. If you approve I can publish both of your statements typed below. Also there is one sentence of yours in the preceding letter. Do you think it could be used to begin the series? It ran: “Israel as a nation has the same right to exist as all the other nations.”


I have corrected the typed sheet you sent me to make the sentence more clear. Note carefully the correction.18



How can you believe that the Grace works for one nation or against another? The Grace works for Truth and in the present condition of the world, Truth and falsehood are both present everywhere, in all nations. It is the human mind which thinks, this one is right and that one is wrong — right and wrong are present everywhere.

The Truth is above all conflicts and all oppositions. (13 June 1967)

May I have a clarification from you on two points?

(1) Does not the Grace work for whatever Truth there may be on both sides of a conflict?


Or does it keep altogether aloof just because either side has falsehood also?

No—I said work — it is constantly working.

(2) Do present conflicts differ radically from a conflict like World War II, in which the Grace worked definitely and decisively on one side — at least on the whole?

You are mixing up two things, the working of the Grace and the result which is the inevitable consequence of the triumph of the Truth: they are quite different things on a quite different level.

The progressive victory of the Truth brings automatically certain results complex and often unexpected by the human mind which always wants clean cuts. It is only a total vision both in time and space that can understand. (14 June 1967)

15 June 1967

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