Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother - Vol 2'

  The Mother : correspondence

Amal Kiran
Amal Kiran

Read Amal Kiran's correspondence with The Mother - from 1930 to 1970

Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

22 April 1945


When you first asked the question about the bird painted by Krishnalal, I did not answer because along with your letter arrived the printed cover made from this very painting. It seemed to me that, the cover being printed, it closed matters and there was no need to worry about it any more. I did not inform you about it because I thought you were already informed about it. The defect you spoke of was there all right, but nothing could be done at that stage and after all in a symbolic painting it is of secondary importance.

But you can be sure that I never said “the design is quite perfect and beyond criticism”. This is a statement that can never be made of anything human.

With my love and blessings

P.S. The Rs. 25 sent on the 13th instant reached safely.

Love and blessings to all

22 April 1945

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