Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother - Vol 2'

  The Mother : correspondence

Amal Kiran
Amal Kiran

Read Amal Kiran's correspondence with The Mother - from 1930 to 1970

Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

22 January 1960


TL had the following experience which seems worth recounting to you for an explanation. She writes, in effect:

“I left Pondi in very good condition, except for a little pain in the tail bone. But, while getting into the train for Bombay from Madras, all of a sudden I felt unbearable pain and could not move my limbs because of it. I took some drugs during the journey, but to no avail. Day and night I suffered. When half a day’s journey was left over, in the early morning I was holding Mother’s blessings packet and Sri Aurobindo’s photo and trying to concentrate on Mother.

“Then, with my eyes wide open, I saw a strange thing. A thin, small black man in red shorts, with nothing else on, entered the compartment from the door behind me. His hair looked dirty and disheveled. He was going from one door to the other. He turned towards me and laughed. Another man followed him, tall, black, in long straight dhoti. He just passed by me and also went out of the compartment. Of course, the train was going at full speed.

“Then I saw a plate before me, on which was some food. Just a teaspoonful had been already eaten by somebody. I heard a voice: ‘Eat this. Mother has sent this for you after tasting it.’ I looked at my watch. It was Balcony time. I knew in my heart that the pain would diminish, and it did. When I got down at Bombay I was almost normal.

“What do you think of it? Should you inform Mother?”

One small physico-vital force of mischief and some vital entity, both responsible for the pain. The dish is the symbol of my help which would bring cure if it were received properly.

22 January 1960

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