Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother - Vol 2'

  The Mother : correspondence

Amal Kiran
Amal Kiran

Read Amal Kiran's correspondence with The Mother - from 1930 to 1970

Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

May 1955


Kishor has given me — with your sanction — the following two letters of yours on women for publication in Mother India. I would certainly like to publish them. Will you please tell me what is to be done about two or three points to which I have drawn attention in the margin?

Of course, essentially and originally the Mother remains the Mother, but in the exterior world where all is mixed up there is scarcely one man that does not contain feminine elements and not one woman that does not contain masculine elements, which at once takes away all possibility of superiority of one sex over the other.9 (1 January 1949)

There have been many outstanding feminine figures in spiritual life. But on one side10 women are more interested in action than in meditation11 and intellectual expression. That is why very few women have recorded their spiritual experiences and thus they have remained unknown. (2 October 1950)

What general title should be given to the two letters?

No title.

(After attending to Amal’s marginal notes, the Mother wrote at the bottom of the page:)

Better drop the whole thing, there is no necessity to publish it.

May 1955

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