On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri

Part One : Essays

  On Savitri



absolute Self 99

adesh 212

A.E., AE 33,197,367

Aeschylus 205

Agni 298

ahan 303

Akash 174

Amal Kiran

first article about Savitri 1

first contact with Savitri 50,316

lines of poetry 262

Sri Aurobindo - the Poet 316

The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo 1,55,321

Ananda 176,209,247

Anne, Countess of Winchelsea 119

Aquinas, Thomas 207

Arberry,A.G. 70

Ariosto 187

Aristotle 207

Arnold/Edwin 217

aśva 302


Age 39,48

art 216

blank verse 219

consciousness 208

effect 68

God-glimpse 209

integration of secular and esoteric 353

message 8

poetry 158,174,201,223,226

sensitivity 124

spirit 269

Yogi 6

Avatar's work 63,273

Avidya 259,302

avyakta 302


Beddoes 197

Benson, Robert Hugh 23

Binyon, Laurence 210,223

Blake 153,197

blank-verse 102,215

Brahma-muhurta 253

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 302

brhat 302

Browning, Elizabeth 60,161


Celtic fire and ether 197

ChadwickJohnA. 266

Chandidas 126

Chapman 189

Chattopadhyaya, Harindranath 36,42

Chit-Tapas 247

Coleridge 42,197,234


depths of 99

developing through Savitri 286

Divine 167,174

Divine Presence and 303

higher 67,176

human's 95

in-drawn 28

Mantra in 271

mental 306,325

outer 160

Overhead 73

Overmind 200

poet s 160,162

quiet 200

ranges of 51,58

transformation of 77,248

word of supreme 177

creative intelligence 347

C.R.M. 122,140

Page 374


Dadhikravan (the white horse) 305,310

Dante 22,57,126,188,223,258 186, 205

Dawn-Goddess. See Savitri (2)

De Quincey's division of literature 162

death 5 desire 29,160

dharma 145,174

Diekhoff,John 244

Divine Presence 303

divinisation 6

Donne 46,230

Durga'sLion 307

Dutt,Toru 144

dvārapālaka 299


ego 298,310,313

Eliot, T.S. 126,335

emotional being 29

English poetry

creative intelligence in 229

epic and mysticism in 185

Latinisation and inversion 283

Life-Force and Mind-Force 216,367

lines of 223,282,322

longest sentence 118

peaks of grandeur in 336

Savitri and 367

epic 39,60,182,185,258

evolution 65, 247


Gita 207

Gnosis 51

Goddess of Inspiration 345

God, Europe vs. Asia 30

God of Love 24

God-realisation 5,315 Gods 253

Goethe 1,22,57,205

Gokak, Dr. V.K. 333

golden lid 307

Gray 234


Hartz, Richard 356,360,362

higher and lower hemispheres 306

Hiranyagarbha 99

Homer 132,186,205,213,258

horse 310

hostile forces 303

Housman,A.E. 26,265

hrdaye guhāyām 165

Huta 281,298,330

hymns to Agni 299


Ignorance 248

immortality 61,83,90,303

Inconscience 80,95,247,260,321,328

Inconscient 252

Indian spirituality 99

Ingelow,Jean 155

inner being 173


Illumined Mind 237

Overhead 37,211

source of 200,215

Integral Yoga. See yoga


bright and dark 307

intelligence 82,215

intuition 235

Overmind 323,347

Iqbal 70


Kabir 126

Kalidasa 182,205,216,218

Katha Upanishad 115

kavayah satyaśhrutah 184

Kavi 163

Kazantzakis, Nicos 60,213

Keats 18,197,336 knowledge

Agni and 306

lustrous lid and 36,37,311

Savitri full of 208

Transcendent 248

Kundalirti 116

Kyd 216


Lal, P. 125

Landor 166

laya 254

Lewis, C. Day 258

life force. See also vital

all-effecting 273

horses 114,302

in Savitri 285

Page 375

inspiration of 2

Shakespearian 367

soul and 134,160

transformation 83

Longinus 161

Lucas, F.L. 192

"lustrous lid" 36,37,307


Mahabharata 60,61,141,182,183, 211,214


Mallarmé 201

Mandukya Upanishad 99

Mantra 51,177,270,341

Sri Aurobindo's letter on 200

Marlowe 216

Milton52,102,132,186,205,219,229, 258,326,336


and overhead poetry 229

Higher 235

Illumined 235

in-drawn illuminated 272

insufficiency of 67

Knowledge in 310

labouring or receiving 102

lid formed by 307

luminous thinking 354

poetry and 160

research and 268

silence of 103,344

Sri Aurobindo's 211

super-knowledge and 346

thinking 234

transformation of 69


birthday 272

experiences, described in Savitri 330

recording Savitri 282


Naidu, Sarojini 147

Napoleon 150,152


achievement of 273

and Supernature 12,208,315

divine manifestation 95

doings of secret 285

domain of 88

field of scientists 163

Goddess of Light 94

Gods 85

in bliss 3

laws of 177

Light submerged in 5

moods of 65

multiplicities of 6

Satyavan and 159

soul and 79,116,255,257

subtle dimensions of 182

Night and Dawn 94,302

Nirodbaran 204,266,279,287,321, 330,352,357

Nirvana 51,265

Nolini 277,298,331,351,352


Oneness 3

One Self 235


planes 51,58,317,338

rhythm in mystical poets 33

writing 103,215

Overmind 51

inspiration 200

Intuition 323


pain 75,82

parame vyoman 271

Phillips, Stephen 284


Creator 164

poetic intelligence 69,103,201,231, 330,341

poetry. See also inspiration

creative genius 213

criteria for highest 205

function of inspired 343

giants of 205

imagery 46

overhead 201,235,367

overmind rhythm 109

philosophy versus 163

power of expression 213

psychology and metaphysics of 159

repetition of words 41

Soul as the source of 180

Vedantic influence in 197

vision and 162

yoga and 342,347

Prajna 99

pralaya 81

Page 376

prānāyāma 116

prayer 76

progress 312

psychic being 28

opening through Savitri 286


Racine 206

Ramayana 60,140,182, 327

Reynolds, Barbara 210

Rig-veda 97,141,207,298

Rilke 154

Rishis 1,4,344

Ritam 43

Roman Lucretius 161 S


samadhi 29

samskāras 321

Sat 247


inRigveda 4-5

who is Savitri 6

Savitri (1) General

appreciation of 64

approach to 270

editions 57,275,351

evolution and 71

full of knowledge 208

function of 349

growth of consciousness 286

how to read 286

human element 18

last dictated lines 266

length of 60

Mahabharata story 4

Mother on 281,286

Mother's experiences in 330

new dimension of poetic

expression 367

original form 287, 328

parallels with poems 98

philosophy and 220,321,342

revision of 320

spiritual philosophy and vision 130

spiritual revelatory literature 286

Sri Aurobindo on 58,147,200, 255,


style of 242

support in sadhana 342,345 technique of 61

understanding of 281

Vedas, Upanishads, Gita and 51,


what is Savitri 60,270

Savitri (2) descriptions in

abysm of Hell 112

advent of the Age of Gold 98

Agni at work 308

Aswapati's boon granted 74

awakening of Kundalini 115

Bird of Fire 100

dawn 247

Dawn 88

Dawn-Goddess 86,88,252,262

democracy of the Divine 77,366

descent of Supramental Godhead 248

different phases of night 249

divine and human simultaneously 314

Divine Mother 96

Divine Power 312

divine vision 249

divinised consciousness 129

earth-born heart of man 77

earth-life as the field of the Spirit 76

earth's aspiration 130

fate and pain 75

fourfold scheme of experience from

Mandukya Upanishad 99

fullness of the spiritual state 227

glimpses of Supernature 128

Goddess of Inspiration 345

hierarchy of planes 110,209

higher harmonies of consciousness 67

human aspirant's progress 312

in-drawn consciousness 28

inmost soul of man 115

inner strength 66

insufficiency of reason 67

inward and upward movements 314

Life-Force 285 Love 75

masked cosmic Worker 309

mind 346

mind's mode of working 284

modern physics 71

modem totalitarianism 71

Nature's moods 65

Night's mind 253,263

opening passage 8,47,79

opening passage (early version) 54,316

Page 377

poetic process 159

receptive to the beyond 351

Rishis 343

Savitri's avatarhood 64

Savitri's girlhood 181

Savitri, the heroine 322

Savitri wakes up to her mission 119

silence 344

silent Brahman 50,317

soul awareness 160

spiritual progress 304

superhuman state of consciousness 24

true freedom 75

Vision 89

world-history 129

Yogic development 298

Yogic self-release of Aswapari 36

Savitri (3) Words in

abode 107

absolve 283

ambitioned 113

Arcturus and Belphegor 101

awake 251

ceased 313

crowded light 111

dragon-bird 101

eternity 264

fire 78

flasque 113

foreboding 260

Glory 315

greatness 89

griffin 298,325

immensitude 285

immensitudes 113

immensity 264

ineffable 357

opalescent 190

prevision 263

relapse 80,257

simplessed 113

solicited 106

stretched 263

symbol 250

temple 253

twixt 351 Savitri (4) as Poetry

alliteration 110,112,169

blank-verse 215,338

enjambment 62, 166,215,219

grammatical inversion 106

imagery 47

Latin influence 103,145,153,283

Latinised construction 245

linguistic adventurousness of 284

metrical and rhythmical effects 53,


monosyllables 111,188,349

technique of 6,244

Shāh-Nāmāh 60

Shakespeare, William 42,164,166,


Shelley 23,42,67,70,197,334,367

siddha 303,304

silence 87,228,265

of mind 344

Sophocles 205


description 115

evolving 81

in ancient scriptures 3,5

liberating 182

life force and 134

poetry and 165

progress and 312

Spenser 46,187


growth 312

Light 177

Vita Nuova 208

Sri Aurobindo

cultural consciousness of 208

Descent on 24 Nov 1926 273

letters on Savitri 13,50,58,275

message of 355

mind of 211

on Agni 310

on Mantra 200

personal realisation 51

poetically influenced by 207

Sri Aurobindo's writings

composition of 102

BajiPrabhou 74,289

Hymns to the Mystic Fire 299

Ilion 8

In the Moonlight 98

Love and Death 2,60,74,218,220,


Rose of God 191,310

Songs to Myrtilla 338

Sonnets 101

The Future Poetry 162,200

The Hero and the Nymph 218

The Life Divine 38,59,166,320

Page 378

The Riddle of This World 254

TheRishi 99

The Secret of the Veda 302

Urvasie 2,60,74,218,289

St. John of the Cross 126


body 116

plane 209

Sufi 70

sukshma sharira 116

Sun of Truth 38,86

Supermind 51,58

Supernature 12,128,208,273,315

Swinburne 42,127


Tagore, Rabindranath 34, 70

Tantra 273

Tennyson 66,216,259

Thibaudet 62

Thompson, Francis 20,22,27,108


power of true 273

translation 210

true soul 28,160

Truth-Consciousness 51

Turiya 99


Upanishads 3,37,61,141,200,207

Usha 88


Vaishnavism 273

vāji 302

Valery 62

Valmiki 60,182,205,213

Vaughan 232

Veda 3,61

Vedantic influence in poetry 197

Vidya 302

Vijnana 247

Virat 99

Virgil 57,186,205,258

Vishnu's Garuda 307

Vision, power of poet 162

vital 189

plane 209

vyakta 302

Vyasa 60,66,182,205,213


Wordsworth 52,197,266,367

World Religion 272


Yeats, W.B. 30,33,34,125,197,367


aesthetic 200

aim of 6

Integral 6,58

Kundalini 115

poetry and 77,342,347

Savitri holds the secrets of 60

siddhi in 303

through Savitri 349

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1.A Follower of Christ & a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo: Correspondence between Bede Griffiths and KD. Sethna (Amal Kiran)

2."A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal": An Interpretation from India

3.Adventures in Criticism

4.Amal Kiran - Poet and Critic

5.Aspects of Sri Aurobindo

6.Blake's Tyger: A Christological Interpretation

7.Classical and Romantic : An Approach through Sri Aurobindo

8.. Indian Poets and English Poetry: Correspondence between Kathleen Raine and KD. Sethna

9.Inspiration and Effort: Studies in Literary Attitude and Expression

10.Is Velikovsky's Revised Chronology Tenable? A Scrutiny of Four Fundamental Themes

11.K.D. Sethna (Amal Kiran): A Centenary Tribute

12.Life-Poetry-Yoga, Personal Letters, Vol. I

13.Life-Poetry-Yoga, Personal Letters, Vol. II

14.Life-Poetry-Yoga, Personal Letters, Vol. III

15.Light and Laughter: Some Talks at Pondicherry by Amal Kiran - and Nirodbaran

16.Mandukya Upanishad: English Version, Notes and Commentary

17.On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri

18.Our Light and Delight: Recollections of Life with the Mother

19.Problems of Early Christianity

20.Science, Materialism, Mysticism

21.Sri Aurobindo and Greece

22.Teilhard De Chardin and our Time

23.The Beginning of History for Israel

24.The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and the Mother's Contribution to it

25.The Inspiration of Paradise Lost

26.The Mother: Past, Present, Future

Page 380

27.The Obscure and the Mysterious: A Research in Mallarme's Symbolist Poetry

28.The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo

29.The Problems of Early Christianity

30.The Secret Splendour: Collected Poems

31.The Sun and the Rainbow : Approaches to Life through Sri Aurobindo's Light

32.The Thinking Corner: Causeries on Life and Literature

33.The Virgin Birth and the Earliest Christian Tradition

34.The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo

35.The Wonder That is K. D.Sethna alias Amal Kiran


1.Altar and Flame (Poems)

2.Ancient India in a New Light

3.Evolving India : Essays on Cultural Issues

4.India and the World Scene

5.Karpasa in Prehistoric India : A Chronological and Cultural Clue

6.Life-Literature-Yoga: Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo

7.'Overhead Poetr': Poems with Sri Aurobindo's Comments


9.Poems by Amal Kiran and Nirodbaran with Sri Aurobindo's Comments

10.Problems of Ancient India

11.Some Talks at Pondicherry : Amal Kiran and Nirodbaran

12.Sri Aurobindo on Shakespeare

13.Sri Aurobindo : The Poet

14.Talks on Poetry

15.The Adventure of the Apocalypse (Poems)

16.The Indian Spirit and the World's Future

17.The Passing of Sri Aurobindo: Its Inner Significance and Consequence

18.The Problem of Aryan Origins: From an Indian Point of View

19.The Spirituality of the Future: A Search apropos of R.C Zaehner's Study in Sri Aurobindo and Teilhard de Chardin

20."Two Loves" and "A Worthier Pen" The Enigmas of Shakespeare's Sonnets

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