Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence

Dilip Kumar Roy
Dilip Kumar Roy

Read Dilip's correspondence with The Mother - from the period spanning 1931-1951

Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

17 November 1931


For God's sake come back to your common sense.

I never said that I would see you no more. Sri Aurobindo asked you only to be patient, and as for the "silent expressionless love" he is not conscious of having written to you anything of the kind.

Now, about my "grudging" smile—I will tell you what I said to Sri Aurobindo when I met him today at 1.30. Relating what happened in the morning at pranam, I told him, concerning you: "There is a letter of Dilip to you and I do not know what he writes, but I can assure you that when he (Dilip) came to me this morning, I gave him a good, long blessing and my best smile."

You can understand that I felt somewhat astonished when I heard that my best smile was a grudging one. Are you quite sure that you did not look in your head at what you imagined would be, instead of looking at my face? ...

Your going away is quite out of question. I want you to remain here because I know that it is here—and here only—that you can and will be happy.

Why do you ask for my love? Is it not long since you have it already?

17 November 1931

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