Indra Sen's correspondence with the Mother deals mainly with the running of the Ashram Press during the period 1945 to 1947 and letters on education in 1965.

Indra Sen's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence

Indra Sen

Indra Sen's correspondence with the Mother deals mainly with the running of the Ashram Press during the period 1945 to 1947 and letters on education in 1965.

Indra Sen's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

25 April 1946

R has been complaining that people do not devote enough time to the Bengali section and therefore the works in hand are not making much progress. This morning Mr. P and I tried to find out from the sadhak-workers their reasons for not attending to the Bengali work adequately. Their reasons amounted to saying that they preferred to do French work and printing in the machine room. But D said that they feel dissatisfied with R's treatment of them.

They all protested to me and do not want to leave the work they are doing and which they like, to go to the Bengali section. I will certainly not compel them to do a work they do not like to do. Moreover I cannot approve of decisions taken without consulting me.

R and his son are in the Bengali section already. The Governor's speech in a Bengali translation must be printed soon. The Bengali section needs reinforcement. We seek your guidance and help.

Instead of bothering those who do not wish to change their work, he could take in the Bengali section S who is working now in the English section and will be more qualified in the Bengali section.

25 April 1946

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