Jagannath Vedalankar's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother - Vol 2'

  The Mother : correspondence

Jagannath Vedalankar

Read Jagannath Vedalankar's correspondence with The Mother - related mainly with his work at the Ashram Press between 1946 and 1950.

Jagannath Vedalankar's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

Undated Pieces

Gracious Mother

Since the workman N was dismissed from the Press, rowdies have been harassing our workmen. Today our workmen did not take courage to enter the premises till the rowdies left the place and dispersed themselves. A similar scene occurred this evening after five. When our workmen left the premises, the same group of rowdies were taking part in it. The discharged hand, N, was also present. The rowdies have announced that they would continue their act for ten days or at least till N was taken back for work.

Let them do it. We shall see who gets tired of it first.

My love and blessings

Gracious Mother

A Tamil compositor was found taking out seven copies of a prayer in French, English and Tamil without a permit from his section head. The copies really belong to the Machine Department. The workman has no satisfactory explanation for his act which falls in the category of hiding and trying to take away others’ things without asking permission.

What is to be done in this case? I am enclosing the copies of the prayer.

Warn him a bit severely that his act is illegal, and you can add that in future if he wants something it is better and more simple to ask for it.

My love and blessings

Gracious Mother,

We need a better arrangement for the workmen to wash their hands before leaving the Press. P wants an immediate solution of the difficulty, since his bindery workmen are being harrassed by R who for so long allowed each and everyone to use the taps near his machine room. What should be done?

It is all right for the moment.

P should not disturb the present arrangement unless B can make a better, more satisfying one.

Obviously some arrangement must be made for all the workmen to be able to wash after work.

Love and blessings

Gracious Mother.

Due to the cramped office space I find it very inconvenient and uncomfortable to carry out the office work smoothly and efficiently. Many times it happens that things get mixed up and jumbled up in a small corner of my room, so it takes a lot of my time to find them when required. This waste of time and energy in the present arrangement of things in a much congested place is not desirable for me. Especially when I see many urgent works lying before me and cannot afford to lose a minute, then these kinds of inconveniences and the consequent waste of time become all the more intolerable.

I hope that by your divine help all will go right at an opportune time.

This means what? What do you want? another room? some more furniture? I will see what I can do to satisfy you.


Gracious Mother.

The desire to do translation work is deep-rooted in me. And how can I continue this work of translation when I aspire after the elimination of desire or preference for it? Is it good for me to discontinue this work so that I may become free from this particular desire?

No, it is not necessary to discontinue the work; the only thing necessary is to keep the aspiration to get rid of the preference.

With my love and blessings.

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