The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri 92 pages 2001 Edition


Traces the various degrees of sight-perception from sightless sight of the inconscience through its ascending grades all the way up to the superconscient sight.


The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri

  On Savitri

Jugal Kishore Mukherjee
Jugal Kishore Mukherjee

Traces the various degrees of sight-perception from sightless sight of the inconscience through its ascending grades all the way up to the superconscient sight.

Books by Jugal Kishore Mukherjee - Original Works The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri 92 pages 2001 Edition
 PDF    LINK  On Savitri

8. Sight in the Subconscient:

The subconscient part of our being represents an obscure unconsciousness or half-consciousness submerged below and inferior in its movements to our organised waking awareness. It is in Sri Aurobindo's words "the Inconscient vibrating on the borders of consciousness, sending up its motions to be changed into conscious stuff, swallowing into its depths impressions of past experience as seeds of unconscious habit and, returning them constantly but often chaotically to the surface consciousness, missioning upwards much futile or perilous stuff of which the origin is obscure to us..." (The Life Divine, p. 559)

Here are some Savitri verses concerning the Subconscient:

(1)"The little deities of Time's nether act

Who work remote from Heaven's controlling eye"


(2)"Against the sword of Flame, the luminous Eye,

Bastioned they live in massive forts of gloom" (226)

(3)"Aroused from the darkness where they crouched in

the depths,

Prisoned from the sight, they can be held no more"

(4)"A whisper lures to evil the human heart,

It seals up wisdom's eyes, the soul's regard" (448)

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