Children's University

  On Education



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Education at the Children's University

One of the important functions of the Children's University will be related to Education. The question is: Education for whom?

And the next question would be: What would be the content of Education?

There will be several target groups for whom the Children's University will provide education.


One of the target groups will be children and students in various institutions for whom the Children's University is primarily and chiefly created. The Children's University will develop academic relationship with several suitable Shishu Vatikas, Bal Mandirs, Anganwadis and primary and secondary schools, which will be the first beneficiaries of the results of the research conducted at the Research wing of the University. In due course, the benefits of the research of the University will get transmitted to all the schools in the State. A - Shishu Vatika, a Bal Mandir, and a primary/elementary school and a higher and secondary school will also be set up in the campus of the University. These schools in the campus will be known as Vidya Niketan, - the name chosen unanimously by the Task-Force.


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The necessity of creating the Vidya Niketan schools in the campus as also in the different parts of the State rests in the fact that the results of the research need to be crystalised in a few schools before they can be transmitted to the entire system of the State. The task of transmission of the results of research and assimilation of innovations that result from the work of research is an organic task. Teachers need to be prepared who will imbibe in their minds and hearts, both knowledge and skills related to the results of research. Secondly, results of research will have implications for innovations in methods and contents of education. Hence, new methods need to be internalised among teachers and use of new teaching-learning materials will also need to be made familiar and utilizable skilfully and effectively. All this takes time, and all this also requires considerable time before the results of research reach a stage of maturity. Only at that stage, the results of research can be transmitted to the whole system, systematically and fruitfully.

It is expected that students' education in Vidya Niketan schools will bear a high quality of excellence, and the system as a whole will need to be enthused to receive the lessons of the educational work conducted at Vidya Niketan schools.


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The other target group of the education programmes of the Children's University will be teachers who will be recruited to teach in Vidya Niketan schools. These teachers, even though they might have been trained earlier in the current teachers' training programme, will need to be reoriented in the light of the results of the research conducted at the University. These teachers will have one general programme and will have another special programme in one of the optional programmes which would be developed in the University.

The general programme may provide an introduction to the philosophy of the Children's University and to the philosophy of child-, centred education. This programme will also introduce to the teachers an introduction to the research work conducted at the Children's University so as to provide to everyone at least a bird's eye view of the wide gamut of the research work undertaken by the Children's University. This general course may also provide a course in elementary Sanskrit and an introduction to the elements of what may be called the most memorable lessons of the history of Indian culture, which will aim at understanding and appreciating the real genius and soul and spirit of India, its undying spirituality, its robust


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intellectuality and its inexhaustible vitality. Finally this general course may also introduce the theme of progress that humanity has accomplished and the highest need of further progress of humanity.

The specialised courses may provide to the teachers various optional courses such as the following:

(i) Nutrition, physical health and development of tender faculties of early childhood;
(ii) New pathways in the education of the infant / kindergarten / Anganwadis;
(iii) New pathways in primary education / secondary education / higher secondary education;
(iv) Computer-aided programmes at various stages of learning, devoted to self-learning, auto-corrections and learning to do;
(v) New pathways in pedagogy for fine arts/ crafts/ vocation courses/ physical education/ NSS or NCC or Scout and Guide / development of hobbies / puppetry / children's drama / children's poetry / children's stories / children's music / children's dance / emerging new avenues of children's development.


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The third target group of the education programme of the Children's University could be centred on social education programmes for parents, social workers, educationists, etc.

There programmes of education could be of short duration or long duration, and these programmes will provide introduction to the following:

i.The need for pre-natal care and education of the parents;

ii.Philosophy of social importance of the child;

iii.Psychology of child development;

iv.Philosophy for children;

v.Stories and songs for children;

vi.Aims of education and concept of excellence;

vii.The aim of life;

viii.Children's health, strength and physical excellence;

ix.Science of self-knowledge and self-control;

x.Extension services for the children in the society;

xi.Philosophy of social and public service;

xii.Lessons of history of Indian culture;

xiii.Lessons of world history.


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Another target group of the education programme of the Children's University will be research students who will be registered in the University for M.Phil./ Ph.D. and doctoral programmes relating to child education.

Students will be registered in the University for conducting their research themes under the guidance and supervision of the members of the research and teaching staff of the University.



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Finally, one of the target groups of the education programme of the Children's University will be candidates who wish to be qualified to serve as Anganwadi workers. They could be given suitable elementary programmes of studies connected with the following:

i.Problems of early childhood;

ii.Pedagogy of physical, psychological and spiritual growth of the child;

iii.Activities and games for children in Anganwadis;

iv.Stories and songs for children;

v.Rhythmics and early lessons in singing and recitations;

vi.Hygiene and beauty of the environment;

vii.Flora and fauna of the local neighbourhood;

viii.Philosophy of an ideal Anganwadi teacher.


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