Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother - Vol 2'

  The Mother : correspondence

Madanlal Himatsingka

Read Madanlal Himatsingka's correspondence with The Mother - from 1954 to 1973.

Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

16 July 1971


Tomorrow is my birthday. Here is a short report of my work.

The Mother’s New Press, called All India Press, has produced from January 1970 to July 1971 the following books: [details given about the publication of 46 books].

Mother, I have undertaken this work of Thine in the full spirit of dedication. This is the work of our Lord. I wish to know: Has He accepted my offering and is He, along with you, guiding me on the path through this work?

Bonne Fête

To Madanlal, with love, appreciation of his good work and blessings for the realisation of his aspirations

16 July 1971

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