Maude Smith's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence

Maude Smith

Read Maude Smith's correspondence with The Mother - from the period spanning 1955-1970

Maude Smith's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

24 December 1962


I have always been able to sleep at night, almost from the time my head touches the pillow. But now sometimes I lie awake for two or three hours before I can go to sleep. I don't know why.

How to use this time of quiet? I have tried many things—calling You, Your Force, the peace, trying to go inside, trying to go upstairs and sit with You, trying just to be quiet inside. But nothing comes from anything I do, only a constant train of thoughts which are often depressing.

What is to be done?

Adopt any of these methods (the one which is most easy and spontaneous) but go on with it steadily even if it has not any immediate result, go on night after night—one night either you will have an experience or you will fall asleep (both good).

With my love and blessings for a progressive new year

24 December 1962

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