Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother


Far beyond all conceived universes

Far beyond the Supreme Person

Unsiezable, unknowable

O Supreme Vibration

Intimate, immovable, peace and silence absolute Consciousness,

Substance, inalterable Presence in all manifestation

O Thou, Supreme Vibration

Beyond evil and goodness Thou, indivisible,

Who supports and fulfills all forces, all forms.

O Thou, untouchable

O Supreme Vibration

Thou who alone exists, beyond all existence, Soul of all existence,

Thou, unconditionally, inexhaustible source, unknown origin

Undiscoverable, Thou, forever unknown intimate living being, the One

O Supreme Vibration

May You remain always perceptible to our consciousness, in all things,

In all beings and everywhere, beyond everything.

O Supreme Vibration

We no longer have any will neither separate from

Nor united to Yours, Thou alone exists.

Our gratitude, our salutations

O Supreme Vibration

Blessings, Blessings

Love and Gratitude

Salutation, Silent Contemplation

Blessings, Blessings.


120 - 121

O Climber

Om Douce Mere

Why do you climb those terrible mountains?

You suffer cold, hunger, blizzard,

You risk a fall every moment.

What if the rope snaps or the nail comes out?

What if the snow beneath your feet breaks

And you are sucked in?

What if your axe starts a landslide?

Are you not afraid of the roaring advance of the avalanche?

I feel so giddy and shiver lying in my cozy bed

When I see you tumbling down and down into the abyss

With no one to count your bones.

O Climber of mountains

What thrill,

What joy do you get from this drama

Of self-invited danger, death and destruction?

Can't you remain quietly in your room

Savoring coffee, watching TV or enjoying pleasant company?

What makes you throwaway all the pleasures

Of life and make this dive into a world

Of unknown danger and fright?

All the same, God bless you 0 Climber.

But for you we would not have known

The mountains, the deserts, depths of oceans,

Hidden continents and submerged gold bars.

God bless you, O Climber.


122 - 123

Supreme Benevolence

O Mother Divine, O Great Mother

You are so utterly simple, humble

And so easily accessible, so incredibly good.

You are all the time wherever You are,

Giving blessings to anyone and everyone,

Pouring in each individual

Your transmuting Love and Compassion

Without considering whether they are

For You or against You and the Divine,

Whether they deserve the Grace,

Because they are all Your children

And You forever carry them on Your bosom.

No power on earth or elsewhere

Can hamper and even less stop

Your constant work of transformation

Of this world of misery, suffering and violence

Into a divine world of peace, harmony and unity,

A world of love and beauty, a world where

The awakened souls are ever engaged in adoration

Of the Divine in all their acts, thoughts and emotions.

May we live always in You, by You and only for You.


124 - 125


The Happiness

Divine Mother,

Nameless Eternal Being, Creatrix Supreme,

Grace Incarnate in a fragile body

Who art beyond the Form and the Formless,

Beyond the zenith of our climbing,

Beyond the widest waking and the deepest sleep,

Only one boon we ask Thee to hasten Thy manifestation:

Transmute these earthen vessels into immaculate receptacles

And fill them with Thy transcendent Love,

Delight-content in the lotus-core of the Reality.

No Light can persuade the Night to mend her ways.

No power can bend the self-will of wind-blown thistledown.

No beauty can break through the armor of gloom and selfishness.

But Love conquers by surrendering Her omnipotence

To division, derision, violence and death.

All opposition succumbs to Her, worn out in the end

Like a sword that yields to water finding no resistance.

Only Love can reveal the Beloved in a speck of dust caught in a sunbeam.

Only Love can prepare the destined hour for the birth of the unborn Spirit.

Thy Love self-fulfilled gives and gives and wants nothing in exchange,

Sustains the humble violets and the majestic chrysanthemums with equal grace,

Leads the unwilling blindness to illumination through tenderness,

Nurses with compassion the wounds of the victor and the pride of the vanquished,

And sees the promise of God in each closed bud sleeping in the glow of the Dawn.

Love lies bleeding in the sand pierced through the heart by a jeering rabble

And transforms each particle into a crimson epiphany of sacrifice.

Power can obliterate a vast empire with a mere glance,

126 - 127

Break the frail bodies but cannot tame the indomitable spirit of man.

Knowledge can dazzle the mind with its prismatic splendor

Yet cannot change a sun-bleached mountain into a forest of orchids and ferns.

When Love smiles and rains down its sweetness

Buried hope is resurrected, rocks melt into fountains and cascades,

Deserts stop their march towards barrenness,

Worms and caterpillars are exalted to a nobler sphere,

The Daemon locked in the mute heart of the atom is delivered.

Love finds the psychic lines of rapture,

Gathers the consecrated petals yearning

And unites them into a mystic gesture, a symbol of close-linked harmony,

Pink meditation of a dedicated Rose.

Occult powers, riches and artistic faculties,

Though precious gifts, we lay them at Thy feet.

Only one boon we ask Thee to hasten Thy manifestation:

Transmute these earthen vessels into immaculate receptacles

And fill them with Thy transcendent Love,

Delight-content in the lotus-core of the Reality.

Love is the recondite name of the One,

The insoluble bond holding together the Mansion of the manifold creation,

The ever-new Mystery which knowledge cannot fathom.

Love is the foundation, Love the stair of our ascension,

The ring of fire which keeps the wolves at bay when falls the darkness,

The miracle tonic that prevents fatigue on the way,

The crown that awaits the seeker at the summit of aspiration.

Mother Divine, only Love can realize on Earth Thy purple design.


128 - 129

The Dreamer

Dreams, unending garland of many colored beads,

White dreams, crimson dreams, blue dreams, green dreams,

Golden beads, rubies, sapphires, pearls, jades and diamonds.

Open dreams, violet dreams, nightmares, embrace and tears,

Cool dreams, ravishing dreams, hopeless dreams, suicide,

Battles and struggles, wild blind passions, momentary

Exultation, sinking dreams, rising tides, snatches of light,

This happy touch, that bum, the sting and the dagger,

Endless encounters, throngs of faces, bodies and whirling crowds,

Water on parched lips, eye finding a diamond shaft

In another look, locked enchantment, shiver and disaster.

Excruciating pain followed by a glad laughter,

A child is born, an unseen stray bullet hits the balloon filled with mirth,

Endless encounters, a strange powerful magnet

Holds all creation together enthralled,

Chained to one another, each life a foul and sweet stream of dreams,

Dreams, gone, gone forever at each second in the oblivion.

A flash, an epiphany, a cloudburst, a heaven come down,

A rattle of thunder, the magic lost in the dust storm.

Thin air within grasp, the giant bird flies through

Close-knit strong net with ease.

Many colored beads, light and heavy, big and small,

Sharp and smooth, hot and cold, sweet and shocking

Red, green, yellow, white, clear and opaque, shining blue,

Quiver of hope, dull shattered dreams all held together


130 - 131


By a magic thread of gold, memory running through

The many colored beads, paintings succeeding paintings,

The real dissolving into dreams, the dreams becoming real,

Where is the borderline, an instant a dream, a real one.

A confusion, a breakdown, blank dreams, nightmares,

Gossamer dreams, the solid reality melts into nothingness.

God is dreaming, playing His fanciful game, all is fun.

Join His hilarious sham tragic plays, happy dreams,

Golden dreams, purple dreams, violent dreams, sweet dreams, sad dreams.

All shades of an absolute Beatitude divine untarnished as the Fire,

Invulnerable as water which no sword can pierce, free as the

Wind Which cannot be chained, as full as the zero whose contents

No one can fathom, eternal unbound by time, infinite,

Free from the conventions of space and dimensions.

No one is lost, nothing is diminished, an endless dream,

Perpetual recurring dreams, same tale told all over again,

The same song with a million variations, a string

Of shifting notes, the same adorable Face of our Friend

Behind a million ever-changing masks, laughing, teasing,

Dreams, marvelous unsubstantial events, sets and plays,

Oh, my Beloved always escaping my prison-embrace.

Love, love, lovely dreams hide and seek of love with love.

I can never lose You anymore; my life is as real, as intense

As a log of wood burning in the sacrificial fire, Oh Dreamer

Let me enjoy Your plays even if I survive only as fragrance.

Oh Dreamer, all that I touch and feel shall only be Thy Presence.

132 - 133



This marvelous, beautiful, terrible, cruel and violent world

Is my creation out of my own being, my immortal substance.

I am the prostrate Godhead slowly waking up from my fathomless trance,

Rising gradually by tremendous steps towards my absolute Light.

All matter is my own consciousness, first iceberg, floating cathedrals on the illimitable

Immobility of Consciousness, Power, inconceivable Bliss of Existence.


I have transformed the fiery ball of gas and matter in fusion into a cool peaceful

Globe, all fire melted into water. I have showered the unveiled rays of my

Immortal Sun on the lifeless deserts of huge submerged continents to create

The first pulsations of life in a colony of enzymes. Through a long zigzag series

Of ups and downs and mutations, ever approaching the vision, I gradually

Evolved a being ready to receive some light, my faint reflections in a form.

From the monkey emerged man, the animal endowed with a mind.

Man is half-awakened Godhead blindly groping for his way.

He is My half-finished image, half-baked vessel for my descent,

I am inside him, his spring of life, his strength, his light, his soul.

I am above him, his angel, his kind friend, infallible Guide.

Man is doomed, his end is near, nothing can save him.

Rejoice, O soul of Man, unless you die, God cannot be born.

Allow Me to descend unhindered with my conscious Power in your mind, life,

Body and soul, in the darkest dungeons, in every nook and corner and abysmal

Depths closed to Light. I shall illumine your consciousness with my liquid golden

Force, fill with the Bliss of the Brahman, all your thoughts, dreams and emotions.

Man, you are only my opaque mask, my poor shabby disguise,

Surrender to My love and wisdom, I am the fragrant rose in your soul.

Die to your half-lit life of agony, doubt, and paralyzing fear.

Emerge through the death of ego into an immortal life of splendor.

I shall serve through You my Lord residing in all beings and forms,

Become a giant tree offering shade to the harassed pilgrims

On the rough burning road, sanctuary for the homeless souls

Suffocating in the maze of agonizing ignorance.

The ancient prophecy has come true - man dies and God is born.

O hero-souls, come join my expedition to a majestic plateau beyond mind.



The Visionary

At last the Spirit in me looks at the Eternal Spirit, relieved.

The veil is cut to ribbons, transparent, as if it never existed.

The huge restless noisy machine driven by an unquiet Will

Has fallen asleep apparently, --- is now only a silent energy,

A smooth flowing current in harmony with million other forces,

All moving willingly, unwillingly, some happy, others struggling,

Driven by a Conscious Power to work out even without knowing

The Divine Plan, eternally unfolding for the sheer pleasure

Of Some Wonderful Moviemaker in search of novelties.

All is quiet within amidst the roar of thunder and ruin,

The deafening crash of falling ancient strong headed citadels

Of the mighty lords of the earth, desperately setting up a barrage

Against the swallowing tidal wave, mountain high Grace.

The unusually kind Moviemaker has taken me in his team.

In between shooting an episode on the location selected,

He is busy in planning, explaining to us all his next adventure.

Our heart, mind, body and soul must be thoroughly trained,

Only then, we would function well, satisfy our Director.

136 - 137

The Cosmic Opera

The peace of Eternity has filled my soul.

Wherever I look, a marvelous unfathomable Mystery,

Something, Someone infinite, faceless, nameless smiles at me.

Ceaseless flow of shapes and forms, colors and sounds,

Epic dramas, shifting panorama like the stormy sky,

Fleet across the too small ridiculous screen of my soul.

A shoreless, boundless Ocean, now calm, now furious,

Boiling, battling, sleeping like a sheet mirror,

Heaving bosoms of countless titans, gods, monsters and angels,

Piled at times with snow cathedrals, covered with white purity,

An eruption of luminous colors reflecting the changing moods of the One,

A million broken suns dancing on its roaring waves,

A dreamland of floating lamps launched by a pale blue moon,

A liquid immensity holding terror and beauty, laughter and slaughter,

Love and vengeance, sweetness and monstrous violence,

Yet this magnificent spectacle is only a tiny facet,

Mobile face of Something, Someone immobile, absolute.

Death has no meaning for me, birth ceases in a conscious Eternity,

A stupendous non-stop perpetual whirlpool,

The One indivisible, unalterable, inscrutable, close,

Locked in an embrace the ruthless Killer and the tenderest Lover,

Intimate, inseparable, inaccessible, impenetrable, infinite.

Sipping a glass of heady Soma offered by my dangerous Friend,

Struck dumb in amazement, I watch His vast Cosmic Opera.


138 - 139


Supreme Benediction

Remember, my child, I am always with you, deep in your soul,

At all hours, Remember, I watch over your life and progress,

With love and care and guide your uncertain steps.

Remember me wherever you may be in the world.

Repeat my name whenever you have a little time to spare.

I am present everywhere. To see and feel my Presence.

My child, you have only to switch on the inner Light.

I am inside you, outside you, above and below.

You can feel my Love with only a little warmth on your side.

Remember, I never abandon you even when you go out of the happy sunlit path.

Remember my Love always, I never scold or punish, that is not my way.

I am pouring my love in your heart day and night.

Remember, I am your Mother, Father, Counselor and Queen.

Remember me always for I am your closest, faithful and dearest Friend.

Hide nothing from me. Depend on me for all your needs.

Remember you are My child, I can never be ashamed of you, whatever you do,

Remember me, I shall give you sunshine, laughter and joy in life,

Which no one can take away from you.

In spite of your thousand mistakes, hold on to me,

Remember, my child can never fail.

Tell me all your plans and dreams. I am always with you.

Remember, I love and protect you.

Remember me when afraid, no one can do any harm to you.

I want you to be really good, always happy, my child.

Remember, I live in the heart

Of all living beings, human and animal.

When you are kind to anyone, Remember, you are kind to me.

Be generous as the ocean, fill the world with good thoughts and feelings.

Be straight and simple, Remember me always without fail.

Enter your heart to know what I like, Remember, never to tell a lie.

I shall put within your reach all that is noble and beautiful.

Have the utmost goodwill for all, Remember, all are my Children.

Remember me for any help for I am always with you day and night.

Remember, my child, your life is worth living only in the service divine.

140 - 141

The Inseparables

Life is so dull, so boring,

Mediocre without any pomp or ceremony,

Give me a moment of respite

When I can feel the Eternal, as I am

Holding for a brief moment a stranger

In my arms,

See in his body, the luminous substance

Of which the stars are made.

Million, trillion years have gone by,

I see dancers on the stage,

Nameless godheads in ecstasy for a fraction of a second,

Never, never in time, it shall be the same,

A face, a name, a souvenir, a mystic presence,

The precious moment, when all is Infinity and fathomless;

The death of a duck laid out in the sun

Evokes the passage of the Lord in a feathery body.

For an utter joy through the jungles and marches of time,

Give me an instant when eyes pierce through the guise,

When signs and symbols fall silent

Before the ineffable grandeur of a mystic Existence.


142 - 143

Fiery Rings of Grace

A Whirlwind, a volcanic eruption, an earthquake,

Mighty Kali passed, challenging our right to live and breathe,

Defiant, vigilant eagles lightning-swift came tearing down,

Roaring young lions answered forth with their talons and fangs.

Somnolent serpent-powers raised their hoods, hissed and struck.

Complacent souls bogged in trivialities shook off their fatal indolence.

Arrogant tin gods shut up in their bloated castles of vanity

Came out into a nobler dimension and tasted the impact of oneness.

Galvanized into a giant unity, parts forced open the gates of bliss.

Love and power poured down in grateful hearts in a thousand cascades.

Dynamic, imperative, brooking no insolence, falsehood or delay,

A supernal rhythm has come to stay, a decisive battle been won.

The World-Mother pressed Her children through the fiery rings of Grace,

Proud, She entrusts Heaven's work to their hands. They have justified Her faith.

We are irrevocably one, now and forever, in and around the Mother,

One tree and its million yearning branches,

One Sun and its numberless darkness-destroying rays,

One oceanic impulse and its eternal passionate waves.

O Kali, we welcome Thy fury, keep us awake.

Shatter the mortal hold of the old deities unwilling to admit the new.

Thyself withdraw and leave the future to the power of Love, Harmony and Truth.


144 -145

Hail to Thee, benevolent Force Divine, auspicious rain,

Thy fountain of radiant joy, Thy cloudbursts of luminous energy

Fall on the praying meadows, on the shriveled up vines and tendrils,

On the burnt-out shrubs and trees, temples in ruin, on the pebbles and shingles,

On the bare rocky slopes, on the faint etiolating hopes, on the quivering silver-streak

Of a dried up stream, on the drooping sunflowers tired of a long penance of standing.

Hail to Thee, river of Peace, cascade of Silence. Migrating tribes crossing the desert,

Birds in flight, cornfield in torment drink with a million lips Thy purifying torrent

Of limpid delight. Smothered with Thy kisses the leaves tremble in mute ecstasy.

The wild roses run amuck and cover the fields faster than the weeds.

The green moss fondles the stones with velvety tenderness.

The wilderness turns into a fervent viridian prayer with a drop of Thy Grace.

The lotus raises its head through mud-cakes changed into a turquoise pool.

Blessing of the unseen gods, honey from the emerald island of the Blue Seas,

Maddened drops heavy and fine, fiery sparkling wine, scorpion stings of liquid flame.

Vehemence of the Spirit, delegate of the Infinite, keen shafts of Light,

Relentless greyhounds seeking out the brutal instincts in order to kill,

Celestial perfume filling up the inner aisles with frankincense purity,

O Force, bring Thy swift and violent current of merciless rapture divine,

Blinding showers, roaring hurricanes, mountain-high waves, immense lightning

Strokes cleaving the towers of darkness. Blow up the armored shell of our ignorance

Into a myriad fragments, shatter the vainglory of an illusory independent existence.

O passionate Lover, crush Thy beloved in an iron embrace sweeter than death,

Take her for honeymoon to bright dimensions packed with dense Light.

Come down, O foaming torrents, blue, green, orange, shimmering pink and violet.


146 - 147



Receding Horizons

Recede and widen into the vibrant unity of God,

O ancient frontiers of limited purity and saintliness, feel the immense current

Of life, the riotous passion that flows jubilant through the unbroken veins.

Break the adamantine barriers of flimsy convention and emerge

Into the stupendous solidarity of one ecstasy.

Be one flesh, one body, one single being with all.

Drink from hidden fountains the creative energy that dissolves

Huge walls of taboo, fear and nightmare.

Give up the cherished limited territory, sanctuary of precarious security,

Illusory haven of safety, sail through the dangerous frothy, lofty waves,

Passionate heaving bosoms demanding your joy into a million fragments,

Body of god shredded into torments.

O nameless Spirit, daring and disdainful of life's circumscribing placidity,

Spiteful immobility, dangerous self-satisfied morality, light up the body

With God's reckless love for his own selves.

Recede, further and further into the vastness of a strong embrace,

Ever widening horizons of love's progress triumphant, rapture dance

Of incandescent waves, white and iridescent with purity of God's flesh.

Come murderers, debauchers and libertines, come you gangsters, thieves,

Hangmen and prostitutes, traffickers in opium and women, ruffians, apache and Mafia,

All who defy Nature's laws, live in dreadful suspense, all who delight in garish

Adventure across sealed frontiers, come, become one flesh with the saintly rest.

You too are a burning core of God's impatient desire to find a short cut

To His eternal home of rapture. Recede and disappear into Love's

Widening arcs, my prison walls that suffocate the soul in a tiny luminous hole.

Bum, O my spirit, with Infinite's passion for the unsavored Bliss.



Sweet Mother

Thou art the link in my memory from life to life

Through interminable Time manifesting Thy ceaseless creation.

As I am waking up from a long forgetfulness

I am recovering my lost memory, the sealed secret

Of the inexhaustible most wonderful treasury.

Up and down I run through the corridors of Time.

Nothing is same even for a fraction of a second.

An endless movement containing infinite restless whirls,

Pictures, visions, hallucinations, dreams and fancies

Incessant dramas visible, invisible, minute and gigantic

Day and night without respite, terror and splendor,

A free for all, inconceivable liberty, holiday for imagination,

Every fancy becomes real, a wish instantly materializes.

What tremendous Power moves all the actors on the chessboard?

Is there any sense in this uncontrolled runaway madness?

What keeps all the actors hypnotized in this fantastic dance?

These clay models evanescent like the morning mist in the Sun

Glow with some ineffable magnificence, fragile grandeur.

All the million variations from darkness to utter Effulgence

Are constantly combined in a bewildering carelessness.

O Master Magician, no artist can paint Thy elusive Face,

No sculptor can carve Thy silhouette, no one can bind Thee

In a Name, Thou, O ever unknown Stranger, my soul,

My love, this magic of unfolding creation is only Thyself.

My life is a passing note, O Supreme Musician in Thy Symphony.

One, indivisible, inalterable, Absolute, immobile, Silence,

Infinite rays, mobile fragments, perpetual motion, Delight.

Thy stupendous Presence pervades immeasurably all Existence.

O Mother Divine, in Thy Eternity, I discover my continuity.

150 - 151


My child, thy castle of sand

On the banks of immensity,

Can it forever withstand

The onslaught of the waves of Eternity?

Thy shield of clear reasoning,

Is it really so cold and strong

That it must always resist the song

Of the Light that is swelling?

The school of early training,

The shallow pool for paddling,

Can it for long retain thee, O mariner,

From the alluring call of the far?


Hope, Courage & Daring

152 - 153

Dream Jars

I listened through the ages, mute millenniums,

Far, far beyond the corridors of myths and legends.

I felt the heart of the burdened time.

I heard only soul-searing cries and lamentations

Of cruel separation, pillage, murder, broken hopes,

Ruin, starvation, revenge, betrayal and hatred.

Gleams of moon rays and ringing laughter

And silver jingling bells so rarely

Accompanied the carmine fierce drama,

That the Seers of old gave up hope in their blindness

And left the poor Earth to her seemingly uncompromising fate.

We love to weep and treasure our tragedies,

Gloat over the misery of our own kind,

And triumphantly celebrate slaughter and disaster.

Happiness is cloying, peace is monotonous;

Mirth of the youth and the frolic of the flowers

Are pastimes for the poets, artists and lunatics,

But the clay hides unshaped unseen dream jars.

Sorrow and suffering are the outer coatings of a deep joy,

Ever new and more intoxicating than blood and tears.

The bud of sorrow blossoms on walls,

Partitions and division,

Dies in the wide openness of God's Oneness.


154 - 155

The Lord

Let us meditate on

The Lord.

There is only the One,

Eternal, infinite, indivisible,

A single Being,

A single Existence,

The Brahman,

The supreme Felicity.

O Lord, our guide



Give us courage

To follow You

To the end,

To Victory.


156 - 157

REMEMBER, My child, I am always with you

''REMEMBER, My child, I am always with you, deep in your soul,
At all hours. Remember, I watch over your life and progress
With love and care and guide your uncertain steps.
Remember Me wherever you may be in the world.
Repeat My name whenever you have little time to spare,
I am present everywhere. To see and feel My presence,
My child, you have only to switch on the inner light.
I am inside you, outside you, above and below.
You can feel my love with only a little warmth,
On your side. Remember, I never scold or punish.
That is not My way. I am pouring My love in your heart
Day and Night. Remember, I am your Mother, Father,
Counsellor and Queen. Remember me always
For I am your closest, faithful and dearest friend.
Hide nothing from Me. Depend on Me for all your needs.
Remember, you are My child, I can never be ashamed of you.
Whatever you do remember Me. I shall give you sunshine,
Laughter and joy in life, which no one can take away from you.
In spite of your thousand mistakes, hold on to me.
Remember, My child can never fail. Tell me your plans and dreams.
I am always with you. Remember, I love and protect you.
Remember Me when afraid, no one can do any harm to you.
I want you to be really good, always happy, My child.
Remember, I live in the hearts of all living beings, human and animal.
When you are kind to anyone, remember you are kind to Me.
Be generous as the ocean, fill the world with good thoughts and feelings.
Be straight and simple, remember Me always without fail.
Enter your heart to know what I like. Remember, never to tell a lie.
I shall put within your reach all that is noble and beautiful.
Have the utmost goodwill for all, remember all are My children.
Remember Me for any help, for I am always with you day and night.
Remember My child, your life is worth living only in the Service of Divine.''


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