Parichand's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence


Read Parichand's correspondence with The Mother - in two parts, 'Sadhana and Life' and 'Gardening Work'; it covers the period from 1936 to 1961.

Parichand's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence



Your reply to my letter concerning the after-treatment of washed plants has come as a revelation to me. It is my mental formations and suggestions that have not been allowing me to hear the small inner voice and distorting and disfiguring the true inspirations and impulses coming from You.

Mother, when it is Your will that I stop thinking I must do so. I pray to Your grace to remove the obstacles standing in the way. For the purpose of work should I not quietly and constantly look up to You for inspirations and follow them boldly, lending a deaf ear to all counter-suggestions? I feel that these two things are lacking in me: boldness and inner certitude. It is by Your grace that they will grow.

It is in quietness of the mind that you can get the certitude and the consequent boldness to act.

But before and above all, you must get this mental quietness; it is most important for both sadhana and work, inner growth and outer expression.

Aspire for silence and quietness.

The plant I referred to You has, I suppose, got sunstroke. As a result, a few more tender shoots have collapsed and a few thin branches are dying in spite of my giving shade to the plant after only two-and-a-half or three hours' early morning sun. How to counteract the anxiety this is causing me?

Do not worry—the plants also need quietness to live happily.

My love and blessings


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