Prithwi Singh's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence

Prithwi Singh Nahar
Prithwi Singh Nahar

Read Prithwi Singh's correspondence with The Mother - from the period spanning 1938-1967

Prithwi Singh's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

12 June 1953

  • (The Mother met with the disciple on his birthday, 3 June 1953, and spoke to him about Sri Aurobindo's passing in 1950. One week later he sent to her an account of their conversation. The Mother corrected one sentence of his account and returned it to him. Below is the corrected version of the account and the Mother's comment at the end.)*

In course of my interview with the Mother which she had graciously given me on the 3rd, I spoke to her of an experience a few days before the passing of Sri Aurobindo. In a dream vision a Message had come from him which thrilled me to the depths as I read it and whose last sentence still rings clear in my heart: "I am going down, but I am soon coming up in a radiant form."

The Mother heard it attentively and when I asked her if I could take it that the Master's return is certain, she revealed to me the following wonderful happening. I note it down in her own words as far as I remember. She said:

"At 1:26 in the morning10 when I was in his room, he was steadily coming out of his body into mine; it was so much that I felt a physical friction in the cells of my body; with it a great power entered into me and I felt capable of resuscitating him. But when I told him, he said, 'No. It is purposely that I have left my body, I will not come back into it, I will return in a new body, the first body built in the supramental way.'"11

And she hastened to add: "But he did not tell me the time when he would return."

Then I told her: "Certainly you know the time, Mother, but if I were to ask, you would not say it and I know it is good not to ask."

She smiled sweetly.

I am sending you the corrected version—but it is for yourself alone and not to be shown to others.

With my love and blessings

12 June 1953

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