Prithwi Singh's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence

Prithwi Singh Nahar
Prithwi Singh Nahar

Read Prithwi Singh's correspondence with The Mother - from the period spanning 1938-1967

Prithwi Singh's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

15 December 1955

Ma douce Mère,

Somebody has told me of a sentence either written or spoken by you. I am writing it down here for verification. The wordings are such that it seems it must be from you. It is also in line with what had been long predicted in connection with the numbers 1 2 3 4 etc.-23rd of April 1956 in the case.

I shall be happy to know, if it has been said by you, Mother. Here it is:

"1956 will be the golden harvest of the difficult sowing now in the rocky soil."

It reads more like A's style than mine. I can only hope that it will be true!

With my blessings

15 December 1955

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