Prithwi Singh's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence

Prithwi Singh Nahar
Prithwi Singh Nahar

Read Prithwi Singh's correspondence with The Mother - from the period spanning 1938-1967

Prithwi Singh's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

19 July 1967

Ma douce Mère,

I was struck by the power and intensity of Love when I saw You on my birthday. It was the same feeling when I received Your kind message on the Israeli war. All this has made me convinced, not mentally alone, but from the depth of my being, that the power of Divine Love is greater than the power of Divine wrath.

Now I will pray to be enlightened on one point. At present the working is going on with direct Supra-mental Force. Its immediate action on the world of selfishness, strife and disharmony is not encouraging. We see everywhere clashes; the world is going on in the old way as usual, perhaps worse. One is reminded of the old legend that the first thing that arose from the churning of the Ocean of Life was poison. Nectar came last. The action now looks to be similar. India is going on in the same old way, placating Pakistan and the Mussulmans and Russians.

One sentence in the Mother's reply in connection with the Israeli-Arab war seems to me to be very ominous: "This is not the conflict that will decide the future of our civilisation."17 Does it mean that there will be another bigger conflict in which the present civilisation will be destroyed though the world will be saved? Or it means that there may not be any war at all and the fate of our civilisation may be decided by natural evolution of consciousness? But the last one seems very unlikely except that the complete transformation of the Mother's physical will produce such tremendous effect everywhere that disharmony will become impossible.

I am particularly praying for an answer to this question as many, like myself, think that there is a possibility of another war that will decide the future of our civilisation.

It looks evident that if the transformation undertaken could be achieved in its totality, the necessity of another world-war would no more exist.

But purposely, for the sake of the work, the future is not revealed. So your question cannot be answered. Thus for everyone the wisest is to open oneself as much as possible to the force that is pressing for manifestation, to keep sincerely an ardent aspiration and an unshaken faith ... and wait patiently for the result.

With blessings

19 July 1967

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